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  • Dec 9th, 2013 @ 10:58pm

    Taking Advantage of the Stupid is NOT a Crime, It's the American Way

    This sort of thing is not new. It is not a scam. It is merely blatant American Capitalism. Taking advantage of the stupid.

    How do you think Facebook grew to be multi-billion dollar company? It wasn't because the upper slice of the bell curve needed an outlet to share pictures of their supper.

    While it may seem like a cruel trick to many, to those who sell online, customers who do no read descriptions is a real problem. Constantly people are buying stuff and then requesting refunds and filing chargebacks because they did not even look at pictures or read descriptions or item details.

    "oh, I thought this CD was a DVD, I want to return it."

    "You sent me a VHS tape, I don't have a VCR, do you have it in DVD?"

    "I paid $300 for a crate for a 1912 Tiffany lamp, but I thought I was getting a $350,000 Tiffany lamp, I'm angry!"

    When a seller obviously tried to defraud buyers, that should be a crime. When a seller explicitly details what they are selling and the buyer purchases the item that is pictured and described, then it should be a crime for that buyer to file a chargeback when they state that the item was "not as described" or "defective" or whatever term the credit card companies use.
  • Feb 24th, 2011 @ 11:49am

    (untitled comment)

    Paypal has been full of fraud for years...pretty much since eBay acquired them. They are not a safe payment method (relative to others, anyway).

    They also have a long history of closing accounts for no reason whatsoever or at the very best, on a whim.

    This is why most large ecommerce stores do not offer Paypal as a payment method.
  • Feb 15th, 2011 @ 6:42am

    I feel his pain

    Without a doubt, threatening to sue over bad reviews is over-the-top and does not promote a good image, however, I feel his pain.

    If only there was a universal review method that everyone used that was editable to account for poor reviews that had been addressed by the company in question.

    If the guy sells a stove and it later has a recall, does this constitute a bad review for his store?

    If so, and customer leaves one, and the seller replaces the stove, this should be reflected in the reviews.

    Also, this is a Yahoo! store, so.... Sort of like reporting on some dumb terms in an eBay auction.

    The guy has good reviews on reseller ratings

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