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  • Feb 15th, 2017 @ 3:55pm

    Re: Re: Re: The problem are the minorities, not the corporations

    This has little to nothing to do with how much data a consumer uses. In very simple terms, It's about allowing ISPs to prioritize one website over another if they are willing to pay for it or get in bed with them some other way (such as advertising).

    For example, Netflix uses a lot of bandwidth and Comcast could start charging them to be in the "fast lane" so that their service is not terrible and slow. This leads to increased costs to Netflix's service and everyone has to pay more for it. Meanwhile, small, independent websites get throttled way back because they can't pay to be in the fast lane and people stop going there because the site is so slow. This will stifle up and coming companies as only the big corporations will be able to pay out so their service works as intended. Net Neutrality is about every site being treated equal. So this effects everyone not just people using a lot of data. This is the very dumbed down and simple version and there is a lot more to it.

    So, when Anonymous Coward says "You clearly don't understand this issue at all," he/she is COMPLETELY CORRECT. Also, that's a lot of assumptions just based on one persons username... what's wrong with you?

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