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About TheOldProfessor

I'm an old history and political science professor who migrated over into the business college in enterprise information systems, then went out into the world of international enterprise systems implementation. Now I'm back to poking around in history and political science to see what has happened while I was out making a living.

TheOldProfessor’s Comments comment rss

  • May 20th, 2010 @ 9:43pm

    Re: Great - BUT

    "Exchanging one set of radical politicians for another is treating the symptom and not the disease."

    If we are simply doing an exchange, then it's evidence that the "dumbing" of America so often spoken of is fact rather than theory. We have plenty of good candidates, but we do not work hard enough at locating them and promoting them. As a result, the big money folks (now empowered by the Supreme Court as never before) flood the media for their minions, and the American public cuts its own proverbial throat every two years.
  • May 20th, 2010 @ 9:33pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Leaking top secret info

    Limbaugh should be jailed. Revealing that environmentalists sabotaged the pipe at the well head 5,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf will let everyone figure out what the environmentalists have been doing with those trained dolphins that escaped from the Homeland Security folks. They sent them to Somalia for specialized training in deep water suicide missions and fitted them with dolphin-sized explosive vests. I'll bet Limbaugh never thought I could figure out what really happened. I've also discovered that Mitch McConnell was the mastermind who manipulated the environmentalists into thinking they were striking a blow for the environment by causing an automatic shutdown with the blast. There! That ought to keep Rush and the ditto heads busy for a day or two.
  • May 20th, 2010 @ 9:23pm

    Re: Re: Re: Anonymous Coward

    Concerned advice to Anonymous C.: If you think Limbaugh is "incredibly accurate" please have your hearing checked. A hearing loss in the range of RL's voice is a serious health issue. Here's hoping it's just wax buildup caused by all the bombast.
  • May 20th, 2010 @ 9:10pm

    Re: Calling politicians on lies

    No, David. Having to "offer an analysis" is not the barrier to newspapers calling politicians on lies. Think a moment -- it's pretty obvious. If newspapers called politicians on every lie they speak, the forests of American would be depleted in no more than a couple of years -- five at the most. Greenpeace and all of us who enjoy sitting in the shade of a beautiful tree would be inconsolable. Don't feel bad David. You're probably just still young enough to not have the obvious answer occur to you.

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