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  • Mar 22nd, 2013 @ 1:13pm

    re: CBS 'stealth' lying

    I have (many years ago) given up on expecting ANY truth from the deadstream media. (uberleft, dnc/tass you know)

    That they would lie, about a lie, and do it in stealth mode, means little. They ONLY lie.

    There are many kinds of lying they do, and most miss the fact they often do it in 'mis-direction' mode.

    They tell one 'partial' truth, to mis-direct from another story they don't want to report, or, fudge over the 'facts' and still never tell the truth.

    I have found, you find more real truth from Liberal British news, than from the entire US radical left news.

    Why get up in arms about CBS 'BSing you' about something...

    Feel much more at ease, realizing they BS about everything
  • Jan 9th, 2013 @ 3:32pm

    Re: Just sports.

    You said:
    "I think I would say "it's just sports reporting" before "it's just the Internet"....

    Sports writers are only slightly different from most other media commentators...

    Sports writers HAVE to get the scores correct, at the end of the event... (e.g. Boxer A won, Boxer B didn't, or Team A beat Team B by 25 points...)

    There are no other criteria given, now, in journalism, for accuracy.

    AND, in today's journalism of the main stream...

    Accuracy is frowned on...

    You CAN find truth on the internet, if you know how to look...

    You can find truth in mainstream media, if you know never to trust anything they say, and find reliable sources.

    There are many reliable sources on the internet.

    You have to find them, and not just read your political supporters.

    I have found much good/accurate information in liberal media, from England...

    Never from New York.
  • Apr 12th, 2011 @ 4:25pm

    One last PS:

    Many of you are overlooking, that RIAA paid off congress members, to allow their 'lawyers' to write most of what is the RIAA law...

    I wonder if there may have been involvement of any consulting lawyers...

    Just thoughts, but, having a hand in writing a law, and giving formal knowledge of potential bribery... naw,.,.. no reason to suspect a cause for recusal,
  • Apr 12th, 2011 @ 4:20pm

    One last PS:

  • Apr 12th, 2011 @ 4:13pm


    And the money she received would in no way make her partial:

    RIAA Financing

    Judge Beryl Howell received
    415,000 USD from the RIAA for lobbying work, from 2005 to 2008, during her tenure at Stroz Friedberg LLC. This financing represents a potential conflict of interest for cases which involve copyright law.[2][3]

    Nearly half a million means nothing to ethics or influencing her thinking. Ask any rich lawyer or judge...
  • Apr 12th, 2011 @ 3:52pm

    Keep in mind what she 'taught...'

    Quoting from:

    Judge Howell has taught Legal Ethics as an adjunct professor at American University�s Washington College of Law.

    I will not venture her 'politics' but I know the White House may be interested...
  • Apr 10th, 2011 @ 5:53pm

    (untitled comment)

    No, but, I don't believe conservatives stole General Motors from the shareholders, without compensation, to give to their union buddies (Gee... Union, Socialst, Steal... Das ist sehr interessant)...

    I don't think the conservatives (not the rinos) took all that extra TARP money and stashed it to rig elections, pay off unions and stuff their pockets... after bailing out deadstream so called news groups.

    You are a liberal and wont admit it...

    You are ignorant of history, civics, language and current events...

    and you come after me, a kind and simple old man, who loves his country, and is saddened seeing what your tribe is doing to it.

    I have had my say.

    NAZI and all the other names the liberals want to dodge... or change to, for their own benefit... Europe is FINALLY trying to break out of it...

    Sad to see the lying liberal media and the puppets in government are trying to destroy us, now...

    You have missed most of what I have said, because, I am poor at expressing myself, maybe...

    You have avoided answering most of the dares and challenges, since you are losing on all the ones you pipe up for.

    Are all 'Republicans' without sin?

    No... Ask the deadstream media, if they can not find a story to blow out of context, they will make one up, as they have, time and again.

    Are all Democrats without sin... According to the deadstream, yes, since they will sit on stories about wrongdoing, until they have no options, then playdown and mis-direct to cover it up.

    I knew Obama was a socialist within weeks of his appearance on the national scene. I knew he fully supported letting fetuses lay in laundry bins until they died, with no comfort or help... days after he started avoiding his job in congress to run for election. I knew he was and is still good friends with Reverend Wright (and professor Wright) although he denies and the press covers it up.

    I know most of his $650,000,000 came from donors with names like Mickey, Goofey, line ups of NFL teams, living overseas, and in stacks and bags from same villages often... deadstream knows nothing...

    I know the Republicans spent too damned much money when they were in control under Bush...

    I know all the laws Bush acted on, to invade Iraq were passed under Clinton (deadstream ignores that)...

    I know the main reason for invading Iraq was NOT weapons of mass destruction (deadstream overblew that)

    do you??
  • Apr 10th, 2011 @ 4:57pm

    Do I have it in for Democrats?

    You really are woefully ignorant of political names...

    Here are the realities of NAZI...

    (First, Liberals always accuse the right, of the liberals doings...keep that in mind)

    Socialists, Marxist, Communists, Liberals, Fascists and Liberals all are part of same belief..

    Quoting one of liberals patron saints...

    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948
  • Apr 10th, 2011 @ 3:12pm

    Update on an admitted error

    They call Republicans "NAZIs' (and I am so much a Republican... I am a conservative... too many rinos in that party (rino=confused democrat)

    should have read 'not so much a Republican'
  • Apr 10th, 2011 @ 2:54pm

    Do I have it in for Democrats?

    I have it in for those that would destroy our country.

    Well before the election, that is what the media hid about the DNC candidate.

    He wants to tear up our Constitution so 'he' can re-write it (He said that).

    He associated, deliberately, by finding them, with known terrorists, Marxist (look at his staff), and subversives (look at his staff and the majority last congress)...

    Ronald Reagan was once an active Democrat, just like his father.

    But, mostly I hate those that deal in spreading ignorance...

    Abusing words, for expanding a lie.

    Good example...

    The DNC, KOS (a right hand or Sorros on the web), most college activists, professors etc...

    They call Republicans "NAZIs' (and I am so much a Republican... I am a conservative... too many rinos in that party (rino=confused democrat)

    Stupidly taught by ignorant of history professors (Yes, I went there) that NAZIs were right winged fanatics...

    They have no idea, what a NAZI is...

    NAZIs were Labor Union Socialist and thugs (kind of an oxymoron... )

    They believe in Government Control of the 'major means' of production, (Speaking only of the basic philosophy, not the actuality.

    Conservatives believe in minimal government control, individual freedom (or, as the country was founded.)

    I know there is a need for some government. I don't believe all of what Ayn Rand did, little of what the Libertarians believe, and nothing put out by the deadstream media.

    I am an American (have the birth certificate to prove it). I believe that Robin Hood was a thief.
    I think John McCain was made the candidate by the deadstream. since they didn't want anyone to capably run against their 'candidate'... (almost used wrong word)

    Now, if you like destroying our economy, country and beliefs... I am against you...

    Seeing what the DNC has been doing of late...

    I am definitely not in love with any of them...

    But rinos are thought less of.

    PS: This is a political discussion in a supposedly technology site...

    Thank the liberal author for that.
  • Apr 10th, 2011 @ 2:04pm

    Meaning of deadstream media

    The internet is not killing the 'news' business...

    They are in a blindly stupid act of suicide.

    Had it not been for OUR money give to them by the democrats, many of the big time red inkers in the print and blab 'news' would have died last year...

    (or, cut back even more staff)...

    The democrats owned them 40 years ago. Journalist (not reporters) have only been putting Baron von M�nchhausen to shame with what they call 'reliable news'...

    You call it main stream news? You are a person that thinks there were no WMDs in Iraq, No Yellow Cake, and that Scooter Libby outed Ms Plame... (and that Obama is not lying... along with his deadstream media) (Pleas look them all up, I wont try to argue. 500 wmd iraq 2006, for one,)

    The TARP money is going to unions, democrats, pockets of union leaders and dnc members of Congress and White House...

    You may not know, but, you don't know the 'deadstream' media, which would have been buried had the dnc not stolen our money to keep them in print.

    The original judge for the sham decision recused herself (Wisconsin if you weren't able to follow). Amazing, since she was a Democrat. She had far less reasons to do so than the Union Judge (huband, son, etc. deep union members or officials), and nothing of her decision is based on anything in law. (other than the law of union pay off)

    Unless you know something besides what the deadstream tells you, you know nothing.

    If All of what you know is wrong, you know nothing...

    If half of what you know is wrong, you know even less...

    If what you know is from the deadstream... Lord have mercy on your soul... We know who you voted for.
  • Apr 9th, 2011 @ 10:33pm

    Biased reporting on your part...

    This story is old enough, for more of the facts than you presented.

    The one observing the Republican (a Democrat) checked and said, these were not 'new found votes' like all the ones Al Franken got, not wait until you know how many we need, and I will report the last precints in the south Daley for John Kennedy and quite a few other elections.

    The Democrat deadstream media twisted the report, and that is reflected in your 'unbiased' relay of all the created facts the deadstream wallows in.

    Please, If you are going to be a political commentator, get rid of the shiver up your pants, first.

    Nothing is said, by you, on all the 'out of state' Union and DNC money that went to the outright losers campain...

    Nothing is said about how there was NO HANKYPANKY like typically in DNC elections, never reported by the deadstream. or how Completely Biased Judges, who should have recused themselves (in Franken election, in Wisconsins law stupidity by the judge rendering a decision based in science fiction, but totally supported by the deadstream.

    Love your unbiased...

    I am biased. But, I know better than to read the news coverage of the media that Obama dumped billions to, so they could keep lying about what is going on (Yes, Big Newspapers awash in red ink and big CBS got TARP money, under the table, and they are not the only ones...)

    Your taxes, My taxes, and all the money the Treasury can print to make our money worth less... went to pay off shoddy businesses that are losers.
  • Mar 12th, 2011 @ 10:59am

    Funny how just no notice given about how well planned this is...

    The idea that the people (really) behind this had no idea of the consequences...

    Is total balderdash!!

    This is just another part of the Obvious (but overlooked by all the deadstream media an their puppet masters) step by step tour people foolishly and stupidly (deliberate ignorance IS stupidity) of electing a Marixst regime to destroy the country...

    The whole history of those in power now, is available...

    Was available before the elections...

    But, the deadstream didn't (and still doesn't) want you to know.

    The bill they "wrote so quickly," had been on the shelves waiting for the right moment, for years. ALL had been carefully re-edited in the April BEFORE they passed it, and now they have in place, billions for their campaign coffers... at your expense.

    But, You never stopped to think, the money is not for you, or for the country...

    It is to line the pockets of those hoping for what change you may have left... and that is all they meant by that stupid line

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