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  • Jan 5th, 2012 @ 4:20am

    AS IF.... !!!!! you're all insane

    ... if you think that Repukes are supporting LESS intervention on the Net. They only want to give Big Corp the power to rule the net, so they get bribes and kickbacks. "senators" like rand paul are batshit crazies who think that freedom only applies to the rich or white (see: his Civil Rights stance)
  • Jun 27th, 2011 @ 4:50pm

    The solution

    I wouldn't mind seeing commercials now in the way I see these announcements for follow up programs. Just as long as they don't interfere with content ... much. Let's say, bottom of the screen, 20 percent max. Sure, they'd lose some money, but I don't remember signing up to make some a-holes rich.
  • Jun 27th, 2011 @ 4:34pm

    Chris Rhodes is Stalking a load of BS

    Sorry, what misleading statistic is that?

    Could it be the statistic (= common sense, but measured in cold hard numbers) that tells us the gap between rich and poor in these United States is ever widening?

    In the seventies, a companies President made about 75 times what Joe Sixpack made. Now, that's a staggering 450 times.

    Could be the statistic that the government funded Harvard School of Economics calculated of 45,000 (that's FORTY FIVE THOUSAND) Americans dying each year because of not enough health care coverage. It was healthier to live in Dickensian times. Ooh wait, Harvard is NOT EVEN funded by the government but privately!

    But you know:
    The fact that you parrot any misleading statistic the the Heritage foundation/Teabaggers/FoKKKs puts out without critical thought does TOO do you justice ... since it reveals you as the moron you are.
  • Jun 16th, 2011 @ 2:17am

    statistically speaking

    "I suspect that statistically speaking, most of the people behind this are heterosexual. Regardless, it is irrelevant to how badly they behave."

    I suspect that statistically speaking, most of the people behind this are white christians (or rather, thinking of themselves as christians). Sadly, that is VERY relevant to how badly they behave, which is very bad indeed.

    But .... it won't be held against them, since they are "real" Americans ....
  • May 26th, 2011 @ 2:28am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: You are all talking a load of BS

    and pray do tell us what precise flavor of Ron Paulism you prefer? is it the Good Ol' racist Ron Paul? The anti-abortion Ron Paul? or the new and Improved-its-not Randy Paulism?

    Oh sorry, you're not a fan? so called libertarian perhaps? Please do tell, the suspense is killing ... sorry, boring me to death.

    Things that Obama does differently:
    Established the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. ref
    Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. ref, ref
    Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act.
    Established new offshore investment policy that promotes in-sourcing.

    but, feel free to yell tax-and-spend from the top of your lungs, we've only heard that one 11,583 times, room for more.

    Civil Rights
    - Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act; Instituted equal pay for women.
    - Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act to include gender, sexual orientation and disability.
    - The repeal of Don�t Ask Don�t Tell (DADT).
    - Increased minority access to capital

    The Economy Has Been Growing, The Private Sector Has Begun to Add Jobs and GDP would have been lower without the Recovery Act, Unemployment would have been higher without ARRA the STIMULUS

    I know, you listen to FoKKKs and they tell you that the stimulus is actually your tax money going to poor blacks so they can live in the lap of luxury, like innercity Detroit, the lower ninth ward of New Orleans (where they aren't living anymore, btw, cos it's been seized to build homes for rich whites)

    Jobs for Main Street Act (2010).
    American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010.
    Job training programs in clean technologies for displaced workers

    CBO found 3.7 Million jobs created by stimulus (May 2010).
  • May 26th, 2011 @ 2:06am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: You are all talking a load of BS

    Sorry, I can't help you. If your anti-governmentism makes you so blind that you can't see the difference between Obama and Bush, you're beyond repair.

    Really, again:
    don't come to me with some type of "both equally bad" message, cos it's a load of BS.

    Time and again, Democrats and Obama take measures that aim to strenghten the middle class and yes, even the poor! I know, helping the poor via taxes it's really sacrilegous in Teabaggers eyes, but that's why they're teabaggers.

    Look at the health care measures alone, the fact that he saved the financial system.

    Anyone who claims Obama is "just as bad" is either lying, stupid, a troll or wilfully ignorant. Probably all of the above.
  • May 23rd, 2011 @ 3:55pm

    Re: Re: You are all talking a load of BS

    Very nice that you're against both, but you seem to be drinking the Kool-aid of insane anti-governmentism (btw, where did you all get this idea that goverment is inherently bad? that taxes are bad?

    Or is it the Kool-aid of fake-libertarian fantasy "Independents"? Who claims to be neutral is just a too much of a coward to choose one or the other, it's as simple as that.

    The retreat of the socially progressive, moderate rightwingers into some fantasy-"both sides are equally bad"-land is perhaps understandable, but should be rejected with full force.
    We are BETTER people than rightwingers, and they know it. They are the ones who are lying through their teeth, and they know it.
    They're being hypocrites about their Family Values and they know it. They all vote for prostitute lovers like Vitter, cheaters like McCain, Gingrich and Giuliani.
    They have an insane anti-government rhetoric, which says: Don't tax, but spend MORE on guns killing brown people.
    Don't tax, but just export our jobs overseas.

    So, don't come to me with some type of "both equally bad" message, cos it's a load of BS.
  • May 23rd, 2011 @ 3:12am

    Re: Re: You are all talking a load of BS

    TSA is NOT lying. There is such a thing as a Supremacy Clause (I love it when supreme-racists get struck down by something that's called the Supremacy Clause!!)
    which says that Federal law is more important than local Podunkakadunk law, especially where it concerns INTERSTATE COMMERCE, and tiny things like oh say ... preventing Americans getting blown up!
    What, do you think this some game? That some imaginary Washington bureacrat is sitting in his office thinking every day: "Now, how can I Fcuk up the lives of Americans today?" Ooops sorry, perhaps you think he should think "Real" Americans?

    Even if you think there's some liberal elitist bureaucrat who came up via a scholarship in Washington (how anyone can study on a scholarship and still be an elitist is beyond me, but I know it makes perfect sense to your feverish paranoid little minds) doing this "just to get back at us", perhaps you should think about WHY he might wanna "get back" at you. Is it because "real" Americans were racist against him and people like him? Is it because, after enslaving people like for 300 years, you've started lynching them, denying them homes, loans and education?
    Maybe. I mean, who could resent all that? Who could be so ungrateful not to be thankful for 300 years of slavery?

    The larger issue is of course, the sudden discovery of civil liberties by the ReichWing. They had no problems with the Patriot Act, but against the TSA? All of a sudden THEY want civil liberties, "probable cause", to the point that they don't mind the chance of being blown to pieces in the air?
    Bunch of hypocrites.

    Oh wait. Of course its not about them wanting civil liberties. It's about them telling the Feds to go fcuk themselves. Well, I got news for you, although it's very old (but your kind doesn't read newspapers, so...)

    This matter has been already settled in the 19th century!!

    TSA outranks whatever the Texas legislature comes up with regarding interstate affairs and security.

    And if the Feds can't do their jobs, that's because Repukes have bled the Federal Govt dry. Up to the point where it's now a failed state.
    This is America first, then Texas. States come second. If it's the other way round, you either start a war, again! or move to Europe. ... Oh wait ... they have REAL governments, not the bought and paid for by Big Corp kind we have here.
  • May 22nd, 2011 @ 7:40pm

    (untitled comment)

    This does remind me of GOP tactic of defunding IRS because ... they don't like taxes. (the gop? who knew?)
    Then complaining about the debt.

    So, they'll neuter the TSA to nothing.
    Then complain about terrorism.
  • May 22nd, 2011 @ 9:40am

    Re: Re: A little off...

    you pose a false dichotomy, aka Strawman:

    It's not the producers that were argued against earlier, but the photographer. The example that was given, was if you ask a random passerby to take a picture of you, HE then has the copyright. This is a ridiculous interpretation of the law, most anybody can see that.

    But even your strawman, the producers, are weak. It ain't necessarily so. I can see that you would think that, being a capitalist and all that, but it's actually the director. read a lawbook.
  • May 22nd, 2011 @ 9:27am

    You are all talking a load of BS

    on matters of national security, the Federal Government DOES TOO have that right, are you all crazy? Do you prefer to be blown up or something? the fact that you all are ignorant about what the constitution says, and how many would-be bombers the TSA caught does NOT mean you're entitled to your own set of facts.

    The best thing about this issue that 90% of people screaming about this, were cheering the Patriot Act and still support that.
    A govt agent spying on you could detect a whole lot of stuff, like creditcard data, where you keep your cash and who your wife is screwing besides you.
    But you're okay with that, and you take the chance of being blown up in an airplane for granted. That makes no sense. Then again, it's Texans doing most of the yelling ...

    if you're okay with the govt spying on you, you're okay with the govt patting you down. Oh wait ..... is it because this time a black dude "ordered them to do that". Do you feel violated cos Obama's president? Well, feel violated no more, cos it was buddy D0bya who started all of this.
  • Aug 11th, 2010 @ 11:30am

    Why are you people so naive??? "Even despite Obama ..."

    Everyone knows that most if not all, missing person are blacks, Latinos and Asians, and they LIKE to be beaten up, murdered or raped, so of course the FBI is gonna prioritize money over missing persons!!! Unless it's a pretty blond rich girl, like Elizabeth Smart, or Natalee Holloway, missing persons are NEVER gonna get FBI agents basking in the shine of national media coverage, and who's gonna get them a lifetime multiplex subscription? Not those missing persons, bubba.

    It's high time for this new phrase "Despite Obama ..."
    In this case it goes like this:
    "Even despite Obama, these things keep happening!"
  • Jan 19th, 2010 @ 2:15am

    (untitled comment)

    @Mighty Buzzard: "That said, capitalism, like anything else, taken to the utmost extreme winds up being a pretty bad idea. Which is why we go nowhere near pure capitalism here in the US."

    Yah. the scary thing is, you prolly believe that. it's not pure capitalism, but it's REALLY NEAR pure capitalism!

    In the end RepuKKKes support feudalism, or oligarchy: The rich and big companies decide everything. Democrats are more on the side of the people, defending them against Big Corp and Big gov.

    Besides, Government Intervention is GOOD, except when it's done to save big companies. That wasn't the case with the bailout, since that was more about saving the system for the people (but RepuKKKe senators managed to cut themselves and Big Corp special deals) than about saving companies.

    Who really believes FoKKKs anymore, save for stupid Palin-lovers, but those also believe the earth is 6000 years old, so do the math.

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