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  • Jan 28th, 2013 @ 2:37pm

    google saved youtube.. then killed it

    One of the issues with google is the "user" of google (someone who has signed up and put work into a youtube or a blog) is bottom of the rung.. even after 2/3 years..

    A creative user puts their work out their & a 3rd party "such as music publishing rights" steps up and says that's ours and google puts "their" advert on it

    Yet the youtube user who made it & uploaded it has to wait for monitization to be added to a video (meanwhile google are making money off the Initial traffic from subscribers) while the content creator makes nothing.

    By the time google finally approves a video its to late for the user & most the web traffic has already been and gone (yet these 3rd party companies get their advert on the moment they throw a claim in) and when you dispute and win, you get no apology or reimbursement of add traffic (that's clearly wrong yet that's the way it works)

    I am a music composer, ive been using youtube for years, i also enterd reverb a few months ago to test the waters and im now currently number 4 composer globally on reverbnation, im number one in my home town, im also no.1 in my home country (to google its irrelevant) i have a fully activated adsense account and have over 100 monitised videos, yet it still takes 24 to 48 hours (sometimes 3/4 days to get my video monitised) yet these publishing rights companies get their adds on MY work and i have to argue to get it removed (granted when i dispute it i do win because i can prove its mine) but the revenue i loose in the mean time is exponential (because im clearly not the only one this happens to)

    clearly its your right not to blame google for things they do, but google is a big money maker & they are making it off the backs of its users....

    whats the point of being a google partner if after 2 years everything you do still has to be checked, yet someone else can step in and claim ownership and google say fine and allow it...

    note i was arguing over a video in particular for 3 months, the piece of music was actually Amazing Grace (that's clearly public domain & was also clearly my performance of it)

    google uses a false sense of stability to earn money from its users, and when 20.000+ subscribers watch your video.. then 4 days later they approve it for monitisation, that takes the p*ss

    they have my bank details, they have my phone number, they have my home address (verified by adsense PIN sent in the mail/post) I am who i say i am... to google that's irrelevant, even still after 2/3 years. Daily motion is already stealing youtube users & it'll get worse over time, also forcing people to use their Full Name to merge G+ with youtube, which murders any web spiders you have built up with the term "Video Uploaded by User Name" rather than your full personal name

    google is heading for a massive fall.. at one point i liked google, i felt they saved youtube from the music industry closing it down, they had the legal backing to work a deal with lables & iTunes... then they moved onto their next idea, leaving illiterate foreigners in charge to tick boxes & make problems worse than they were before they were notified of the problem

    2013.. Google Now Sucks....

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