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  • Mar 30th, 2021 @ 10:06am


    Lol-I am complaining about you pretense of being a proponent of the "Constitution" while it's clear ya never actually read the thing. You willingly posted, you were proud of what you posted, you wanted other mouthbreathers to laud what you posted but you never stopped to buy Parler. Oops. You don't own the content of Parler and you don't get to dictate what they do with it. Your boy, Trump, actively tried to dismantle Section 230 when he was warring with Facebook and Twitter. Your boy, Trump, created these consequences where social media companies don't want to get sued-they don't want to be held liable for the next San Bernadino, the next Charlottesville, the next MAGAT riot, it's really absurd that you think Parler wasn't alarmed and going to go into damage control. What is absurd is that they supposedly contacted the FBI "50 Times" had they cared and looked it would've been more like 750 times and it's completely negligent that they were like "yo-these people are psychos-let's tell the FBI...should we take this down and block the users though?....Nahhhh..." Try thinking before you post. And please, read the Constitution and Section 230-Congress going after that would to the detriment of us all.

  • Mar 30th, 2021 @ 9:24am


    LOLOLOL a lot Cosplay 2nd Amendment-ers should really, really, really, really try harder to understand the whole "terms of service/what protected speech is covered by the 1st Amendment" thing. Sorry you hit "I agree" on your Parler account without reading the entire paragraphs above it. I laugh even harder at those of you who WILLINGLY uploaded your government IDS to become "verified users" making it that much easier for you to be tracked by government agencies. Cheers!!

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