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  • Jul 14th, 2009 @ 9:28am

    Who Buys CDs

    I always laugh when I read comments from people who steal an artists' music and pretend to support them by buying their merch and concert tickets. The music is the whole point and is why artists spend countless hours recording and perfecting their art. The last thing they care about is the stupid shirt. As far as buying their concert tickets go, the income doesn't even begin to cover the cost of being on the road. The only person gettting rich off tickets is Ticketmaster. Being on the road is the reason so many of artists die young or get hooked on drugs and booze. By all means go see you favorite artist but don't think you are helping them out much.

    As far as CDs go... for people who actually do support - artists buying CDs or vinyl is the way to go. You get the artist's true vision of the art form they have created and after you pay for it is yours to keep. Downloads are for chumps.

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