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  • May 24th, 2016 @ 10:05am

    AT&T's Uverse Fiber Optics Service (as David Cobb)

    I think the media should investigate the communications giant AT&T, in that they consistently devise schemes to rip their customers off. I have been a long time AT&T customer, but not exactly a happy one. They have systematically scammed me out of hundreds of dollars in a variety of ways over the years, and I think it is high time someone called them out on it. I have seen my bills inconsistently sky-rocket over non-sense erroneous charges, not to mention I've been lied to in a variety of different ways. One such way is... If you've ever upgraded and then later want to downgrade back to a package you had previously, they tell you that they no longer offer the same package as before you upgraded. If you were to go to their website, you would find that to be true. Or, is it really? If you were to go to their site from someone else's computer (a non-AT&T customer for instance), you would find that NOT to be true. This is because they have recorded your IP address as part of their record. This is also the reason that they will restrict content unless you turn off "private browsing". Another lie is that if they aren't satisfied with the amount of money your paying them, they will yet devise another scheme by putting you on an upgraded promotional deal; then later on after the promotion is over, your still left at the upgraded package and your bill suddenly becomes more expensive to pay. If you call to complain and tell them you never asked for the upgrade in the first place; well then, they'll just tell you that you've already had the package for sometime now and "How come you didn't complain before, in all of that time? But wait, we have another promotion where it will be cheaper than what your new bill currently is now" (just not cheaper than what you were paying). Yet another lie of theirs, is that they have thousands of customers fooled into thinking that they have fiber-optics technology in their homes. I for one, am being charged as an upgraded customer from DSL to Uverse (which is suppose to be fiber-optics technology). I am here to tell you; I know what fiber-optics technology is, and there's no fiber-optic cables run in my home. I think the media should do a complete and full investigation of all their sneaky ways to extract a buck or two out of their customers. I also believe that they have most of their own personnel fooled into believing what their installing is somehow fiber-optic related. But if you really knew how fiber-optics works, you would know that is the furthest thing from the truth. It is just another one of their many lies, perpetrated to deepen their pockets with their customers money. It's no wonder that they are one of the largest, if not "the" largest communications giant in the nation.

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