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  • Nov 1st, 2018 @ 9:51am

    (untitled comment)

    Part of their shrinking customer base for DirecTV has also got to be related to how the service has completely sucked ass since AT&T took over. When it was independent, things worked, customer service was easy to reach, etc.
    Now, they've removed all customer service options other than a single phone number (so there are no chat or email options any more), and the phone reps try to upsell you every damn thing they can every time they open their mouths.
    But the worst part is the service itself! The recently rolled out a new UI for their boxes which is just buggy as hell. Issues that somehow made it through testing include things like how only about 50% of your saved recordings show up under the "ALL Recordings" category on the DVR, or how normal usage makes the box slow to a craw after a couple days, requiring you to do a 10-minute reboot of the system, or how the settings/menu system is now a huge pain to navigate, etc.
    Judging from the various online communities (AVS Forums, Reddit, etc), the new low in customer service that AT&T brought along with the new terrible UI and associated hardware problems were enough to send quite a few people over the edge.
  • Jun 6th, 2017 @ 10:40am

    Re: Not sure about the merger, but Charter delivers...

    Kind of in the same boat here. We were paying for 40Mbs with Time Warner. After the merger, I saw Spectrum advertising 60Mbs for $5 less. I called to switch, and almost noticed that our speed had jumped to 120Mbs on average.
    I can't speak about their customer service, since I'm only had limited interaction with them so far, but my post-merger speed is nearly 3x what my pre-merger speed was, and my bill is basically the same.
  • May 18th, 2015 @ 12:09pm


    What you want is an auto broker.
    We just bought our second vehicle from a broker that we know. Both times, everything was done except for signing a few documents that he had already filled out. He had already filled out all of the forms, filed the registration (so they plates were mailed to us), and even called my insurance agent to cancel the policy on the car I was trading in and to establish one for the new car. We choose to pick the cars up at his office, but I know many brokers also offer delivery- when my dad bought one from the same broker, the car was waiting in his garage when he got home from work.

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