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  • Oct 27th, 2009 @ 4:00am

    Re: Would this stand up?

    Well, firstly, if you buy a SUBSIDIZED handset, it isn't technically 100% yours. As until the subsidy has been paid off, part of the handset actually belongs to the operator your purchased it from.
  • Oct 19th, 2009 @ 5:07am

    Re: Re: Re:

    "Even if an indy band is selling their material on Itunes, there is a middle man called Apple in the game."

    Actually there is usually still a music publisher (CDBaby or some similar service) between Apple and an 'indy band' as Apple will not deal with individual artists/groups directly.
  • Oct 8th, 2009 @ 4:45am

    Building Blocks of Life Patent

    Surely there is an awful lot of prior art going back hundreds of thousands of years.

    Does that mean every new parent is infringing this patent?

    I hate this kind of thing. Most of the human genome is patented to hell. It just shouldn't be possible.

    Could you patent Gravity?
  • Oct 7th, 2009 @ 3:50am

    (untitled comment)

    Just as with UK Ordnance Survey mapping data, Postal Codes belong to the Crown.

    And just because you can find out postcode information freely online from the Royal Mail does not give you permission to scrape their site or allow you to redistribute that information, as I'm sure the Royal Mail website points out.

    This is very much a non-issue.

    Also with regards to Google, I think there is a licensing restriction (probably for a cheaper fee) that prevents them from displaying the full postcode on Google Maps (hence you only see the first half), although you can search with the full postcode.

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