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  • Nov 3rd, 2009 @ 4:28pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    First...know your facts of the case, before you respond. Service WAS completed on the registered agent for Pepsi. The agent forwarded the summons to the company's Headquaters. The seceratary laid the Federal Summons to the side and never informed anyone of the fact.
    Pepsi is them served with Lawful notice of the Judgment by Default...and then they want to scream, "we had no notice."
    Sorry, Federal Court is so much different than state courts. See, the Court would not have Granted the Default Judgment without Proof of proper service.
    All Pepsi can do is...1) try to settle out of court with the plaintiff's, 2) put the Seceratary on a Longggggggg vacation, and 3) find their Registered Agent, buy a new rope and hang him.
    How hard could it have been to FAX the summons over to the Company's Lawyers and then mail it to them overnight?

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