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  • Feb 16th, 2017 @ 3:57pm

    (untitled comment)

    It's really hard to tell if it's just a poorly structured sentence, or if they did just take the one and only CD over and hand it to them, without considering keeping a copy for their own use... It sounds like they walked the only copy they had over.

    On top of handing over their only copy though, keeping backups of data at more than one location is sort of the minimum standard for important data, what if a fire happened and you lost your CD? Submit a new request for information?

    Not saying I'm surprised...
  • Nov 4th, 2016 @ 11:35am

    (untitled comment)

    1. It appears many comments don't know much about James Comey's longstanding bais against the Clintons. That he, a lawyer, was selected by republicans to office, and has had years and millions of dollars in funding to investigate... and has been unable to find Hillary guilty of anything. He's had every opportunity to do so and has been unsuccessful.

    2. The article isn't blaming IT, it's blaming the lack of FBI processes in reviewing what they publish in these situations, the FBI is a public figure in a spotlight, any release of information should be reviewed, there should be a review process when things like this occur as well.
  • May 27th, 2016 @ 2:10pm

    Re: Re: Let me guess...

    You can't pretend to know who is harassing her. Your entire statement is made up from 0 experience as a female gamer.

    If you really care to know, it's like this:
    I've had death threats over winning dozens of times, rape threats, boot up the butt threat, 3 in-person threats from friends who literally cannot handle losing to a female. I no longer make any joke/teasing comments if I haven't figured out what level their ability to play nice with women is at.

    I have the same right to tease, but don't. Why? After the first human a foot taller and 100 lbs larger than me got in my face yelling at me for shooting them, I realized some men are FAR TOO SENSITIVE to tease. And far too chauvinistic. I'm not saying all men are like this but, just because you don't harass women in video games doesn't mean no men do it.

    Try being a female before commenting on what it's like gaming as a female.
  • May 12th, 2016 @ 1:38pm

    (untitled comment)

    He very clearly broke the law and published a video of him breaking it! If you think they're being jerks arresting him, you're wrong.

    He was NOT hired by Lee County to hack them, nor had he ever been granted access to the systems, not did he have permission to use that users credentials.

    Totally illegal.

    Also, why does he keep calling SQL "Search Query Language"?
  • Mar 31st, 2016 @ 12:38pm

    (untitled comment)

    Also released this week in the innocent looking guns catagory, this one makes it look fun!:


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