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  • Sep 7th, 2015 @ 7:12pm

    Ice Cream SHOULD melt.

    Crap added to prevent that is ONLY for the benefit (profit) of the producer, and always degrades the flavor and mouth feel of the "ice cream" for me, the consumer. This is also true of the various gums many ice cream makers put in their crappy ice creams. I won't eat those either because they leave a disgusting residue in the mouth.

    Leave well enough alone. Just make good ice cream the right way without additives and adulterants and take pains not to let it melt before it is eaten. We don't need more fake shit to eat. More bad news about misplaced efforts in science and technology.
  • Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 4:55pm

    Stop acting even remotely surprised.

    Where are the consumer advocates at the negotiating table? The climatologists? The worker's reps? When it's only corporations at the table that is who the deals are going to be for. If you aren't the .01%, you have no say at all. How many times to you need to hear the joke to get the punchline? OBVIOUSLY everything about it will be bad for the 99.99%

    The only positive possibilities now are the deal doesn't happen because other countries object, or congress rejects the deal altogether. Congress has already been paid for so that is not an option. The only hope is Other Countries understand this is bad for their sovereignty and people, get fed up with assrape by the US, and don't get to a deal.
  • Jun 2nd, 2015 @ 9:32pm

    The first automation task should be for CEO robot.

    That would be the biggest bang for the buck. Next should be board of trustee robots.

    This is the promise of capitalism... Such an abundance of means of production that humans only need to work a little bit. Of course the distribution problem was never really addressed in any capitalist theory. Marx did have a notion for the end game of capitalism... The advent of serious robots and a renewable/sustainable energy source(s) could/should usher in a glorious new world order in which poverty and ignorance and war are absurd relics of the barbaric past.

    More likely a dystopian post-apocalyptic hell. Then they'll invent a time machine to go back and fix where we went wrong. The terminator will augment Hinckley and not miss. Trickle down will not have happened and clean energy begins thirty years sooner. Climate change is averted in the nick of time. Dystopian hell from ecological/societal collapse avoided. Way to go, robots!
  • May 26th, 2015 @ 10:21pm

    Corporate power is the root issue here.

    In fact it is the root issue of a host of serious problems in the US and the world. The fantasy of corporate existence needs to be exploded. The game has gone too far. The US was founded in reaction against corporate tyranny. And here we are two plus centuries later unable, so far, to halt corporate tyranny. Should we take from this that an armed revolution is required to end corporate tyranny? History would suggest so.

    A completely new chapter in the corporate fantasy must be written. In it corporations have the power and influence they held right after the American revolution. That is, a charter granted by the people, through government, for a specific defined purpose only and a limited duration, and that done grudgingly with skepticism about abuses against the citizenry. Only this time it is done without violence. A completely heartening chapter that shows some character development in humanity.

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