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  • Jan 9th, 2011 @ 3:03am

    Re: PM Silvio Berlusconi

    Dear AC
    What do you do if you have all the money in the world, is 77 years old ( helied about being only 70) and are a sef made man that cna do anything you want?
    PM Berlusconi proved to be stupid just by remainingunder the ribalta lights.
    You tube is being blamed in Italy AND Mexico by local MAFIAS as a vehicle being used to acquire and dissiminate information about kidnaping prospects.
    MAFIAs want to shut down Utube in Italy and Mexico.
    Primo Berlusca likes MONEY and GIRLS not controversy.
    He is a character and I'd rather have him as a President than "in bed with the same crowd" Oshama!
    Have a nice week-end everybody
    P.S> I'm Italian descendent fell fre to call me gumba, no offense taken! Oh Gramma is jewish if that helps you get wired!):

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