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  • Aug 19th, 2017 @ 12:01am

    (untitled comment)

    'Intelligent' people making 'comments' here display a lack of 'civility.' As a Native American surviving several wars (e.g., Vietnam, Gulf Crisis), I surmise that most people making comments here are young people 'parroting' a liberal college history professor without a clue or understanding about life and death, 'code of conduct,' or 'rules of engagement.' To them, conservatives, Christians, right-to-lifers, are the 'enemy' of America while ISIS and criminal illegal aliens are their 'friends!' Unless the artist, a benefactor, or city/municipality continued to periodically pay for the initial artistic patent, would it be a legal violation (most of these Confederate statues were created in the 1920s when after WWI when Americans fighting Germany returned seeing the European statues honoring and/or despising the person). In closing, I'm sorry to write that I see these comments by a bunch of spoiled, vile, whinny children demanding their parents give them a 'participation' trophy for surviving 'hate' speech or something that they don't agree with! Leave the statues, grow up and get over it! That's life because you'll never agree with everyone it this world!
  • Aug 18th, 2017 @ 11:10pm

    (untitled comment)

    Again, raise your hand if you trust 'the government' and 'politicians' to keep your personal data out of their "donor's hands"? This was probably an intentional release by 'the government' using IT as a scapegoat!

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