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  • Apr 12th, 2014 @ 9:21am

    Re: Re: Re: Price discrimination?

    Your absoloutely right , you shouldn't need to understand fare and ticketing rules to get better price on a Multi search.
    However if there is no need to transit or connect same day then multi search is clearly not the best option as the article suggests.
    The reason is bit like buying a Ford from a Toyota dealer and then on selling it to a Mazda dealer.
    There is no agreement between the existing companies to carry the order and as such a premium is placed on the purchase. If there were an agreement between Scandinavian , KLM and Iberia
    then the search would have returned all flights with the same SAS or KLM flight number and fare would have been cheaper than doing it
    individually. A good prompt when searching multi's if this happens,then to check the flight numbers carry the same airline code and if not book individually.
    I think the OTA's need some java prompt for when this occurs.

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