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  • Mar 19th, 2013 @ 6:04pm


    All I hear is wailing and moaning about funding being cut. Does anyone care that as a nation we're actually spending MORE than last year? My salary didn't go up, did yours?

    Somebody somewhere is doing their best (worst?) to see to it that any "cuts" are made where it's going to hurt the most. Want to tour the White House, you know, that building that belongs to us? No chance.

    I just read that Kitt Peak is losing funding. I hate that, but who is cutting it? Some cold, calculating bean counter saw that this would personally impact the most people. How shameful, yet in the current government, the blame is never reflected on those who actually made the cuts. No, it's someone else's (fill in the blank here) fault!

    It's time to wake up and see that if your ox is being gored, it's an intentional act by the people currently in power. How does it feel to be a bargaining chip? How does it feel to be blatantly used?

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