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  • Feb 19th, 2021 @ 4:49am

    Re: Re:

    That's right, just like there are plenty of starving artists being useful idiots for RIAA and its ilk.

  • May 10th, 2013 @ 12:37pm

    Growing the pie vs. taking a slice

    Most of the backers of my film aren�t people on Kickstarter who had $10 and were deciding where to give it, and then gave it to me instead of someone else. They came to Kickstarter because of me, because of this project. They wouldn�t have been there otherwise.

    I asked another one who definitively has analytics, namely the kicktraq guy (Adam Clark): Do megaprojects hurt smaller projects? Do you see a fight for attention in your data? "On the contrary. Larger projects tend to prop up others during their run-up periods because they draw in attention" he said. So it's not just Braff saying this, independent observers also do.
  • Feb 25th, 2013 @ 4:46am

    Established power, or?

    For a critical take on Uber's business model, check out Tom Slee's rant against "Peer-to-peer hucksterism"

    Choice quote:
    [...] why is it that every town and city I�ve ever been to has licens�ing require�ments for peo�ple offer�ing taxi ser�vices or overnight accom�mo�da�tions? Is there a global taxi car�tel or a multi�na�tional bed-and-breakfast con�glom�er�ate enforc�ing its will on munic�i�pal�i�ties from Aberys�t�wyth to Yel�lowknife? And if there isn�t � and of course there isn�t, because taxi and B&B oper�a�tions are usu�ally local and small-scale oper�a�tions � I may ask myself: what�s behind all these rules?

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