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  • Apr 6th, 2017 @ 12:18pm


    Is it not nice how the Government has been directly stealing from the public. This is not about Justice but about a law loophole and simply targeting richer people.

    Then whatever happened to these Judges with a 91% failure rate when to authorize a seizure there must be at least some inkling of a crime at hand. Legitimate business owners targeted clearly shows these Judges failed the most simple step to protect the public from an overzealous administration.

    What is it USA? Is your bankrupt economy too poor to pay ego inflated would class government job wages meaning they have to steal? Or is this the whole corruption​ scam of drug and hooker party funds?

    Then in return the Government gives you a health service that can be rated between dead and exploited. Or how about an education system that can often leave students over $200k in debt before they even start their first job.

    I am saying clean up your house USA when this is all disgusting.
  • Mar 15th, 2017 @ 7:01pm

    Re: Good use for bad law?

    Not so. The vast majority of news reports in his name would state his innocence.
  • Mar 15th, 2017 @ 6:57pm


    I can't imagine a worse case. Just imagine his GF screaming at him "Stay away from my kid you f**king pedophile or I will f**king kill you!".

    At least he has a clear wrongful arrest case. An IP alone is not evidence enough. Also why did they not suspect his GF when women can be pedophiles also? Without his confession or direct hard evidence there is simply no arrest justification.
  • Mar 13th, 2017 @ 4:44am

    (untitled comment)

    I got this deal last time where I have been only happy since.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 1:54pm

    Re: If only the UK was staying in the EU

    The UK remains in the EU until 2019 where they are still subject to EUCoJ and EUCoHR rulings until then.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 1:49pm

    Re: Re:

    You overlook that while ISPs in most cases know you were using your Internet at stated date and time this new metadata would prove you were using BitTorrent also. It can also say what BT site you visited shortly before, maybe including your user details, or to spew out other browser related facts.

    As said once ISPs log this data then so can a Judge order them to hand it over. Suspension then becomes an open and shut case with the only doubt over who was using that computer.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 1:32pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Concern

    I have two views on this when first a well trained terrorist cell would use encryption and the deep web. I am sure though that face to face chat is always best.

    My other view is from my early hacking days when I compromised over one thousand computers simply due to bad security. I would not go as far to say the average user is a complete moron but they are very inexperienced.

    Even at times I would myself strip out viruses and root kits on their computer and to patch the security holes even if that was to secure my own use of it.

    My point here is that terrorists are no more computer savvy than the general population is. All evidence points to this fact meaning outside the core they use technology like everyone else. So their key plan is to not leak stuff on the Internet and to switch phones and SIMs as needed.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 1:06pm

    (untitled comment)

    One other aspect I should point out is that once ISPs have this year worth of data on everyone then "since it exists" it then becomes possible for Judges to subpoena (NPO) this data in unrelated cases like copyright infringement.

    We also know the Copyright Cartels have strongly supported such snooping just to get their foot in that door.

    If we run that theme along further then now the Government has to power to quickly punish any online crime.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 12:46pm

    Re: Re: Concern

    Yes well this user could also hack then back but I thought I had given up that hobby years ago. At minimum I tend to notice unauthorised tasks.

    You are right though that Governments are the best at hacking, viruses, root kits and more. It would still not be easy for them with a good firewall and a strict security policy.

    I just wonder on days like this why the public don't find out where all this snooping hardware is and to give it a couple of sticks of dynamite. I am not sure how ISPs would feel about that one though.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 12:35pm

    Re: Re: Re: VPN

    Governments have not taken much action against VPN services yet but I am sure one day they will under the theme that laws are pointless if people can easily circumvent them.

    So currently there is only a case by case basis of "we want your logs" followed "we don't keep logs".

    On the day the UK Government goes after VPN services they will leave the UK and in more difficult times use a warrant canary.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 12:17pm


    I on!y see myself that War is brewing. I am not sure who, where and why but I do suspect an almost crusade into the middle east.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 12:13pm


    I can now be extra thankful that not long ago I purchased TechDirt's own VPN Unlimited lifetime Infinity VPN bundle which I can now put 24/7 on my ISP link so... The UK Government aka "peeping toms" can go and fuck off and die.

    I would be happy the day that they pull up my log to see zero connections beyond VPN servers. I am already sure this is about "metadata" but even that is a telling story. And for added measure I will also add a second encryption level should my VPN ever be compromised.

    I have always liked the phrase "People should not be afraid of their governments when governments should be afraid of the people" but here now are afraid citizens as the UK Government exceeds "1984" and "A brave new world".

    Even worse the Government under "terrorism" reasons make themselves more like an anti-social monster which even more people will grow to hate.

    To end on a positive note at least this forms one more sound reason for the Internet as a whole to encrypt.
  • Nov 17th, 2016 @ 10:15am

    (untitled comment)

    I never buy batteries that do not state their mAh rating indicating capacity. While this is not the full battery story, such as how the voltage tapers off, it does at least help to calculate value and to avoid low priced rubbish.

    I do long for the day mAh is set in law so everyone can buy on quality and value instead of the current brand name mystery and witchcraft.
  • Nov 8th, 2016 @ 7:25am

    (untitled comment)

    Their lifetime feature is weird when members need to renew this every 5 years manually for free.

    It seems better to me had they gave each user 5 years since last log-on before suspension, under the theory they could be dead, before manual reactivation if they are not.
  • Nov 4th, 2016 @ 11:00am

    (untitled comment)

    What all politicians should realise is that legacy copyright organisations and modern Internet services have completely polarised views on most copyright enforcement matters. This is stated from their own political questionnaires sent out to hundreds of organisations.

    So what is needed is gentle steps in the limited areas of agreement and bargaining over areas of disagreement.

    What they therefore need to avoid is a proposal based on only one side which would be hated by the other side. Or do they so quickly forget public and Internet contempt over SOPA, PIPA and ACTA?

    So I can only say throw this proposal in the bin where it belongs when it is only a MAFIAA wet dream in a world where no one else exists.
  • Nov 1st, 2016 @ 7:07am

    Happy Buyer

    Thanks TechDirt for this great deal. I was looking for a new VPN service where hopefully now I need never look again.

    So an unlimited lifetime VPN service which not long ago they advertised for $999.99, before soon dropping to $499.99, even if they commonly sell it for $129.99, is here on TechDirt for only $29! Best price I could find previously was $39 and obviously I did not desire the extra To-Do list.

    Since I was a new buyer also $3 off even if I had to spend $1 more to hit a $30 spend giving the end total of $27. Sweet.

    They do provide a great service but I am doubtful they work with Netflix geo-roaming when many main VPN providers are currently being hit hard. Time will tell on that one but if it works then one of five slots dedicated to that use.

    My last task is to backup all documentation should their lifetime not last a lifetime or their unlimited not be unlimited. I am not a huge bandwidth user so I don't foresee any issues.
  • Nov 1st, 2016 @ 6:11am

    Re: Re: Wait, what???

    Yes the United States abolished slavery one hundred years after most other countries did. Almost an after thought where it only happened to due to a well planned campaign

    Even now though it is not quite over when modern people still work the same fields as the slaves once did. The big difference is that they need to be classed as a prisoner first.
  • Nov 1st, 2016 @ 5:54am

    Re: Simple Question

    Because the Supreme Court has plans and wants to see if the Whitehouse would object. It is no good to them making a major precedent if the Whitehouse condemns the ruling and seeks to change the law in Congress.

    Changing the fundamentals of copyright enforcement is a big matter meaning they desire political backup.
  • Nov 1st, 2016 @ 5:44am

    Re: So what would a "win" look like?

    They already are lawfully required to consider fair use prior issuing a DMCA takedown request, not that they always do even now.

    The big question in this case is if she is entitled to any damages compensation seeing that there was no obvious monetary loss. Most people think think they should pay a fine for the trouble they caused but there is nothing obvious in the law supporting it.

    Keep in mind that the Supreme Court is one key court in the USA that has the power to create new law where none has existed before. The RIAA are obviously concerned that the Supreme Court may impose fixed damages or a fine for non-commercial false take-downs. That is the one thing Internet supporters hope for to end the era of DMCA bots firing notices at any smells alike.
  • Oct 21st, 2016 @ 8:30am


    The World needs to get over China copying their product when not only can China make a better product they can also sell it for a lower price.

    The Shenzhen ecosystem runs on "Just in time manufacturing" where their goal is to bring new products to the market in the shortest possible time.

    To achieve this goal product information is freely shared between factories allowing each factory to produce components that are later assembled into a whole. They also support open source software allowing anyone to add desired features that the whole community then benefits from.

    They also don't care about your intellectual property and patents due to the simple fact that even if your litigation shut down one factory supply then there are dozens more factories producing the product. They can also be the first to patent a product in China meaning they defend themselves by suing you back.

    So the end truth is Shenzhen have got everything perfectly correct to flood the world's markets in cheap products in record time. You also don't have to look far to see that eBay and more are big supporters to bring Shenzhen to the world.

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