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  • Apr 18th, 2014 @ 10:54am

    whining about Patent infringment (as Virginia interested party)


    I have followed this whining about theft of patents and want to be clear. A former family member of mine created the gas mask. He was black so he couldn't patent it in the US because blacks were not allowed at that time. So if someone today invents something of value why not enforce that with every fiber you have. The people that are whining believe they should be able to steal the patent and not be sued. Really! Do you damn homework before creating something and you won't be sued. The fact that visionary's patent things that real people might use is what America was founded on ask Ford, Boeing, Harley Davidson. These aren't Trolls they are really smart people that invented something long before you!
  • Jan 7th, 2014 @ 11:23am

    Patent Troll (as Shawn)

    I have been following Activision for sometime. What I think a lot of people are missing, is that David Gothard the owner of Activision invented something years ago with forethought and vision, which he was smart enough to obtain a patent for. There weren't a ton of competitors in the market at the time of the patent award. He has actively kept his patents current which is very hard to do. Now because of technology and the advances there are a ton of ways to infringe and people are whinning because they didn't know they were stealing and don't want to pay.

    Now, There are 1000's of people using his patent without paying for it. If you read the court pleading you will see, that they contacted the offenders a number of times, telling them they can license the technology or remove it with no further issues. In each case that is filed the companies refuse to believe they are infringing. Most of these people think there is no way this patten is valid. The problem is as each company will find out the patten is valid and they are voilating it.

    I look at this as Microsoft fighting to keep you from using their software illegally, or the record/movie industry suing a 12 year old for downloading music illegally. We all thought how ridiculous until a couple of thousand people got a bill for thousands for doings it.

    There is no difference in what Activision is trying to do. He is telling the infringers to stop stealing his patent or pay him to use it. As a business executive I hope he wins. He gave them an opportunity to stop or pay him and they said see you in court.

    Only time will tell whether Activision wins but many analyst believe this dog has a case and will prevail in most of his suits. Oh, and as for the Attorney General, I love that the judge told him to sit down and shut-up.

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