Walks-In-Storms’s Techdirt Profile


About Walks-In-Storms

I'm a scientist and inventor, late retired from the military and a second career as a forensic investigator (I experimented by flying suspect aircraft, descending into collapsed mines, diving to inspect fallen bridges, "trolling" high violent crime areas, and infiltrating government offices, hospitals, and other places where wrong-doing or negligence were suspected but otherwise unprovable. I wrote the !st (1959) and 2nd papers having to do with S.W.A.T., made among the first (1959 - Hungary), (successful) hostage-takedown rescues, and originated and tested in real competition the "Twenty-One" system for physical control of violently resisted arrest.

It was I who first (1977) began outfitting citizens with movie camera and video equipment for the purpose of monitoring and proving police and public official misconduct. Spread of the idea has been among the most gratifying successes of my rebellious life. "Walks-In-Storms, incidentally, is the name given me by Native American friends back in Iowa.

A six-time published author, I'm writing a book ("Land of the Free - U.S. History During the Life of One Citizen").

Walks-In-Storms’s Comments comment rss

  • Apr 18th, 2012 @ 5:54am

    (untitled comment)

    I've wondered since I was a soldier (thirty-six years ago), why it always is that we chose privates to stand guard over us all while we slept. I keep wondering now why we make a McJob of guarding airliners against being blown out of the sky. I guess I could ask the same question concerning the people we choose to run our government - and that at all levels.

    For years - matter of fact - part of my professional income was earned by demonstrating that I could make monkeys of security systems and staffs. Not that long ago when a friend realized he still had his PPK in an ankle holster as we were next in line to go through airport scanners, I took the gun, then gave it back to him after we had landed at our destination.

    My point? Just keep leaving your lives to government protection, and watch what happens to your country.
  • Apr 5th, 2012 @ 6:02am

    (untitled comment)

    "A State which dwarfs (turns them into little boys) its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes -- will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish."-- John Stuart Mill, from On Liberty (1859)

    Can anyone imagine John Wayne or John Basilone (look it up - it's not likely you'd know who that is) playing "Kick Ass" (whatever the hell kind of kids' stuff crap that may be) computer games. Jesus - being called "man" nowadays is an insult; and having to admit one's gender is humiliating.
  • Mar 30th, 2012 @ 6:28am

    (untitled comment)

    As the guy who first (Waterloo-CedarFalls, Iowa, 1978) bought video and movie cameras and outfitted any member of the public willing to film cops and public official caught in wrongdoing, I love it. My own case had to do with my investigation of police mendacity and prosecutor miss-conduct (faking evidence, for instance), and police retaliation. Caught on camera by persons paid to follow me and film what happened when police stopped me, the state was among other things obliged to return my driving privileges and license; and during the 23 years I was obliged to defend myself against continual war waged by the IRS when the same Iowa prosecutors instigated it, the fact of my never being without a voice recorder and (later) video surveillance coverage kept me out of jail. I wrote a book about it all.

    It seems we've now come to bigger and better things....
  • Mar 30th, 2012 @ 6:22am

    (untitled comment)

    As the guy who first (Waterloo-CedarFalls, Iowa, 1978) bought video and movie cameras and outfitted any member of the public willing to film cops and public official caught in wrongdoing, I love it. My own case had to do with my investigation of police mendacity and prosecutor miss-conduct (faking evidence, for instance), and police retaliation. Caught on camera by persons paid to follow me and film what happened when police stopped me, the state was obliged to return my driving priveleges and license.

    It seems we've now come to bigger and better things....
  • Mar 24th, 2012 @ 8:02am

    Ditzy Dingbat Lawyers (unless you prefer legalese).

    Can I borrow some of this for use as feminist repellant? Or would that be plagiarism?

    Better yet, would Ms. Ovada take the case?

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