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  • Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 8:59pm

    Re: Re:

    Plus there's the whole Super Mario Bros. 35 bullcrappery back in 2020-21. Releasing a game with a built-in six-month lifespan (because f-ck you that's why) and following through on it regardless of popularity or fan outcry was...not the best move, especially when - by sheer coincidence, no doubt - Pac-Man 99 was released a week after SMB35 was shuttered.

    The expansion pack is getting somewhat better, as the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC will be included also

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that as well, but it's also a spread-out multi-part release that won't be done until sometime next year.

    I am fairly sure you will never see Square Enix games on the Nintendo Switch Online service. They instead sell them to you for $20+ a piece in the eShop, Steam, and mobile markets.

    Agreed. It's doubly irritating since there were multiple Square Enix titles on the NES Classic and SNES Classic, including two Final Fantasy games and Super Mario RPG.

  • Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 8:23pm

    Re: Re:

    It's been a very long time since we could expect that level of quality and care in a pack of rereleases of old games.

    For me, the last major example of high-level quality and care in a Nintendo rerelease was Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii. Putting aside all the tweaks and improvements, it's two GameCube games and a Wii game on a single Wii disc, which never ceases to amaze me given how expansive each of the Prime games are.

    On the other side is the Wii rerelease of Super Mario All-Stars. Good lord, what an overpriced waste.

  • Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 7:58pm


    Still can’t play as the title character in a Zelda game, though.

    The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure say hello (and Cadence of Hyrule, given its full title).

  • Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 5:22am

    (untitled comment)

    Across our Nintendo Switch Online membership plans, over 130 classic games are currently available in growing libraries for various legacy systems.

    "Growing" at a trickle for ages now. The NES and SNES services are still missing some first-party games (and no, I'm not counting those that needed an accessory to play) and are still lacking any Square/Enix titles, the Expansion Pack is way too expensive for what little you get (especially since most of the added cost is the Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC), and the Game Boy line continues to be absent despite having been part of the WiiU and/or 3DS Virtual Consoles.

  • Feb 16th, 2022 @ 2:12pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ftw

    Addendum: I find it amusing that Lostinlodos has replied to pretty much every comment except mine, above. Almost as if he has no defense against what I said...

  • Feb 14th, 2022 @ 12:11am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ftw

    There was more than one group. That violent mob of a dozen or so in the hallway? Entirely separate from the large and peaceful group in the main foyer.

    Was that main foyer the room where people were swapping out the American flags for Confederate and Trump ones?

    How about just outside the Capitol Building, where - prior to anyone entering the building, if I'm not mistaken - a frickin' gallows was set up?

    Never mind that many of those who entered the building that day to protest/overthrow the democratic process were QAnoners, members of hate-filled groups who oppose the Not White (Proud Boys, Three Percenters, etc.), or simply wanted an excuse to "own da libs". All of them were MAGAts.

  • Feb 13th, 2022 @ 1:41pm

    (untitled comment)

    Given that impersonation has happened many times with copyright claims and Nintendo hadn't issued any claims against GilvaSunner in 2021, I'm not surprised the internet sleuths thought they smelled something off.

    Sadly, it seems it's the real Nintendo at fault here.

  • Feb 8th, 2022 @ 8:37pm

    Re: Remember thin clients?

    That system was a "Laugh In" contestant

    You sure you don't mean The Gong Show and/or America's Got Talent?

  • Feb 8th, 2022 @ 12:47am

    Re: so entitled

    When you want videogame music then play a videogame.

    Easier said than done. For every game you'd need a working copy of it and a working system to play it on. Then you factor in that a lot of games/systems are expensive on the second-hand market, assuming you can find one at all. Not to mention that many games/systems were exclusive to certain parts of the world, or had their soundtracks changed between regions/revisions. And some of them require accessories to play.

    On top of that, you'd need to be good enough at the game to hear the whole soundtrack, assuming you know how much of a soundtrack there is to hear - and even that assumes there's no tracks the game doesn't play in whole or in part.

    Wanting to listen to game soundtracks online isn't being "entitled" - it's wanting to listen to great (and sometimes not-so-great) music without the fuss of trying to track down and play the (sometimes pretty lousy) game in question, especially if you're not a gamer but enjoy music.

    But oh, I'm not done with your snobbish attitude yet!

    When you need food or shelter then you should be out there fighting.

    Sure, because everyone can do that. Never mind that a lot of people have physical and/or mental conditions that prohibit them from "be[ing] out there fighting", or simply can't make any headway out there in the world no matter what they try. I know what that's like, both in my own experience and with some in my immediate family.

    tl;dr - Take your snobbish attitude and shove it firmly up your sphincter.

  • Feb 7th, 2022 @ 9:04pm

    Re: Re:

    I'll add that you should do that even if he's not your Representative. Wyden's been fighting the good fight for the American people longer, and more often, than most (if not all) of the rest of the current Congress.

  • Jan 19th, 2022 @ 10:24pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Breitbart, Stormfront, Telegram, Fox Nation, QAnon podcasts, Real America's Voice, The Joe Rogan Experience, Louder with Crowder, PragerU...

  • Jan 19th, 2022 @ 1:58pm

    (untitled comment)

    If the scammer's a real person on the other end, I put my phone on speaker, put my airhorn directly to the speaking portion, press it quickly, wait a few seconds for a response, and then hang up.

    If the scammer keeps doing their spiel, I use the airhorn again to make sure they get the message.

  • Jan 16th, 2022 @ 3:53pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Doing others job

    And if they keep standing behind 230. They need to Fix that idea, so they can Keep 230.

    Facebook/Meta's made it abundantly clear that they want §230 neutered or dead, since they have more than enough resources to deal with any liability suits. Smaller companies (such as Techdirt) don't have anywhere near those resources and would go under, thus making FB/Meta even more dominant on the internet.

    They're only "standing behind 230" insofar as they're trying to push it off the cliff.

  • Jan 15th, 2022 @ 6:45am

    "Watch me make this money disappear!"

    it's so bad it made me pause to wonder if this were all an elaborate prank by Angel and Greenbaum together to try to let people know that Angel had actually opened a stupidly named restaurant... but, that seems too low for even Criss Angel.

    You're giving Criss too much credit, Mike - doing all this for publicity would actually be mildly clever, but if so it'd have to be Greenbaum's idea since "Criss Angel" and "clever" don't belong in the same sentence (unless they're connected by "is not").

  • Jan 15th, 2022 @ 6:27am

    (untitled comment)

    Being in a position of power, however limited, means having to be the bigger person.

    In theory, at least.

    In practice...how many times has Techdirt covered someone in a position of power going the "Baaah f*ck you!" route after being called out, again?

  • Dec 31st, 2021 @ 1:01am

    (untitled comment)

    If you have no monument to atrocities, did the atrocities even happen?


  • Dec 30th, 2021 @ 11:59pm

    Re: 'My foot has always had a gunshot wound!'

    In this case, it's because Parson admitting he's wrong would be admitting that journalists who aren't conservative can be correct on something, a concept which contradicts Dump's proclamation that the only real news is in the conservative echo chamber - and since the GQP/MAGAts/QAnoners seem to think unwavering loyalty and fealty to Dump is the most important attribute of being a Republican, contradicting Dear Leader is paramount to treason and admitting one's mistakes or bullheadedness puts a stain on the infallibility of the Party (unless, of course, the mistake being admitted to is "I was wrong to question Dear Leader").

  • Dec 30th, 2021 @ 8:43pm

    (untitled comment)

    Parson's playing to the MAGA crowd, pure and simple. Admitting his mistakes and apologizing to the journalists would result in losing that voter base and being shunned by Dump, so I wouldn't expect any change on this front anytime soon.

  • Dec 30th, 2021 @ 2:14am

    (untitled comment)

    I'm getting the feeling this is willful ignorance (of the "salary depends on not understanding how this works" type) and Dean Baker's a Facebook shill.

  • Dec 20th, 2021 @ 7:54am


    They'll settle

    They can offer to settle. If Dominion is smart (and they seem to be), they'll reject any and every offer Faux News - and everyone else they've filed suit against - puts forth. At this point, I think the money is secondary to making sure the liars are duly punished for spreading disinformation.

    There's a very real possibility of the discovery phase doing serious and lasting damage to everyone Dominion's filed suit against, though the QAnon faithful will undoubtedly see such a result as "they were TAKEN DOWN by the LIES of the DEEP STATE and the DEMONIC RATS in a SHAM TRIAL".

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