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  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 7:06am

    Re: Album Has Its uses, Just Not For These Guys

    I would also like to point out that I do have to agree with some of the posts that what appears to be failure to some, is just lack of good content. I didn't like the In Rainbows second CD all that much and some of Reznors latest work isn't at the top of my list. Dare I say that these guys realize this and want to take some time to get back in touch with their creative selves? Let these guys take a break and come up with some more good stuff.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 7:03am

    Album Has Its uses, Just Not For These Guys

    I admit that when I purchase music on iTunes I generally get the whole album. That's just because I like to have full albums. Having said that, I typically don't like every song on there and could probably save money by buying individual tracks. That's just the way I do things. Of course if Radiohead or Trent Reznor want to release singles or EP's or whatever, more power to them. I'll still buy/download them as well. Although I like to get the whole album, I do agree that the format is somewhat dying. Not dying as a whole, but dying for those that wish to innovate in new exciting ways. That's what these guys are doing. Something new. Reznor made millions with his experiments, and Radiohead was successful with theirs. Now that they are taking some time to come up with some new radical ways to get their music out they must be failing? I just don't see it. What I do see is a bunch of people with their panties in a wad over a bunch of highly successful groups that are going against the ancient/failing business that we call the music industry, and doing well at it. So please, PLEASE, stick with your current model so that when it completely collapses, you can shut up and I can finally listen to my The Slip and In Rainbows downloads in peace.

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