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  • Oct 16th, 2017 @ 3:52am

    Hollywood and copyright

    After a fair few years of it, I have come to the conclusion that the appropriate term is "whining" when we speak about Hollywood and copyright. So the first sentence should read:

    "This week in 2012, while Hollywood was whining and dining New Zealand politicians"

    Only then will we get the full majesty of Hollywood's position, where a group of talentless drones suck the life out of the inspired and the creative.
  • Sep 26th, 2010 @ 3:08am

    Any surprise?

    It should come as no surprise - according to Henry Carey's son, Henry Carey wrote a major part of "God Save The Queen" in 1745, at least a year and a half after he had died in 1743.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Save_the _Queen

    That's why I argue that it should be recognized as an example of the genre ghoulmusic - music to stir the ghoul!

    But the woman's got ghoul
    Worth all money and gold
    And all the love that I have belongs
    To the woman with ghoul

    The woman's got ghoul, yeah
    The woman's got ghoul
    The woman's got ghoul

    Speaking facetiously, though, shouldn't someone in Europe take said industry groups to court for - among other things - bringing the institution of petitioning governments for redress, into disrepute? Shouldn't someone in Europe take the various governments to court for bringing themselves into disrepute?
  • Aug 9th, 2010 @ 4:00am

    Re: after-the-fact

    Just a reality check there, old chum.

    Who says the record labels did anything beyond recognizing talent? I happen to know that people develop talent all by themselves.

    The point is that talent exists all along the chain, from the musicians to the recording studios to the record label staff to the record label executives. But I don't want to talk about record labels' executives' "talent" - find yourselves a group of orcs to study and you'll understand.

    Before record labels existed, people still made music. They'll still make music after the record labels have exited the scene.
  • Aug 9th, 2010 @ 2:56am


    Perhaps we should all take him at his word.

    What he's demanding is a serious breach of the Pentagon's electronic perimeter - if everyone who has downloaded a copy "returns" it, the Pentagon faces a massive DDOS. At several GBs, it would take down the Pentagon's network like a bulldozer meeting a straw hut - and the little piggie inside.

    And as such, the spokesperson is a traitor, and should be exiled to Guantanamo Bay ASAP.
  • Aug 9th, 2010 @ 2:46am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Loose tongues

    So you're not aware that the US held Japan responsible for waterboarding US servicemen during the Asia-Pacific War between 1941-45?

    So you would not consider yourself to be suffering if by some chance you were captured and your captors decided to waterboard you to find out details of your company?

    (I have often wondered why Dick Cheney wasn't waterboarded to find out what he really thought - then waterboarded again, just to find out if he was telling the truth, then waterboarded again, to clear discrepancies, then waterboarded again, to find out if he really was telling the truth, then ... it would've cleared up the question. Dick Cheney obviously wasn't very patriotic in not volunteering for this form of national service, was he? In fact, he was downright treasonous to offer to America's enemies the option of waterboarding captured American servicemen without showing his own commitment to the safety of that practice.)
  • Aug 9th, 2010 @ 2:35am

    Re: Loose tongues

    Cakobau, first "King" of Fiji, went a little further - after cutting an opponent's tongue out - he ate it.

    Sounds like the Pentagon's a place after Cakobau's own heart - with a barbeque fork and knife, with the barbeque trundling in hot pursuit, after them
  • Jun 6th, 2010 @ 4:01am

    Not the only area

    There's a subset of pilots who design and/or build their own aircraft. Occasionally one or two get a reputation quite outside the Amateur/Experimental aircraft field, and then people are amazed and wonder. They don't threaten the big commercial manufacturers, they just get on with what fascinates them, and even - as Bert Rutan can no doubt inform you - make progress in areas and in ways that the big commercial manufacturers have been blind to for ages.

    That said, in astronomy there's a symbiotic relationship between amateur and academic, just as there is between the Amateur/Experimental Aircraft designers and builders, and the big commercial manufacturers. Journalists have yet to see it in those terms, it would appear.
  • Jun 6th, 2010 @ 3:43am

    bribing the wrong way

    now if they were to bribe me to use Bing, by offering me the source trees to MS Windows [3..7] under the GPL v3, I would understand the need to get down and use it.

    They're going about it the wrong way. :)
  • May 24th, 2010 @ 3:22am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Science progress is not "innovation"

    Just to make some points not otherwise noted in your comment:

    In the 1920s and later, the Soviet Union developed in spite of its paranoid leadership, for one major reason - education was regarded as a human right. And to educate, one could not have monopolies of knowledge - in spite of Lysenko, and Lenin's and Stalin's fulminations on the Theory of Relativity.

    In the 1930s and up till the Second World War, the Third Reich advanced technically, in spite of its psychopathic leadership - that was because the leadership funded the technicological companies, in spite of the almost psychotic bad feelings between various leaders and various companies.

    Of course both the US and the USSR profited from German research in aviation and such matters.

    The Peoples Republic of China has advanced signally within the last decade, because of two things - their government has regarded education as a human right, and they have largely got out of the way of the small entrepreneur - or they never saw fit to get in his way in the first place.

    And of course the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the hub of the world-spanning (and not-much-lamented) British Empire, led the world in innovation and inventiveness during the 1800s because they had some social mobility, some education, and because the "Intellectual Property" laws were often ignored; they also seeded other nations' technical progress because of those "IP" laws - someone who came up with a development that woud've run afoul of an existing patent held by some major firm, could easily cross the British Channel or the Atlantic Ocean, and find a more receptive and open environment where he could develop his idea ...

    Like it or not, the US encirclement of education, research and development within its infamous "IPR" laws, the most gratuitous example being the ACTA treaty, is seeding the PRC's development and productivity. And what I most resent is that I am being thrown like a bone to a dog, to the US oligarchy of monopolies, and left uncompetitive against the PRC, when this is a challenge that stirs my blood. Just think how enthralling a DRM/DMCA-shackled response to Sputnik would have been ...
  • May 24th, 2010 @ 1:39am


    I suspect that he referenced the Great Sioux War in 1876-77 against the Sioux in relation to the gold in the Black Hills, rather than the wars in the 1600s and 1700s against the East Coast First Nations, which were for land, impure and unsimple, rather than mineral resources. And yes, there and then there were people of mixed European and Sioux ancestry who ended up going wholeheartedly for their Sioux families.

    Which doesn't deny the probability that he also referenced the African Land Grab of the 1880s; or for that matter, the hideously undemocratic and underhanded way the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Dept of Energy plotted against the Navaho and Hopi for the mineral wealth beneath their reservations.

    Injustice is not confined to any one period in history ... sadly ...

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