whgeiger’s Techdirt Profile


About whgeiger

Consultant: Telecommunications, Process Control, Realestate Development & Project Management

whgeiger’s Comments comment rss

  • Mar 11th, 2010 @ 6:39am

    Wrong Conclusion

    "They're not saying these people aren't press, or that they can't publish whatever they want. They're just saying they don't get to enter the building as press."

    What is being denied, follows; access to the building is incidental to this:

    1) Timely Access to Content and Details
    For News time is of the essence. "The early birds get the worms." Old news has no economic value, unless you are writing a history book.

    2) Opportunity for Q&A
    Different people ask different questions. Less risk with less diverse and limited participants may be a motivating factor. If we suspect that we will not like the questions you ask, we won't let you in to ask them.
  • Jan 20th, 2010 @ 9:45pm

    GOS & LST

    Two Questions for MJI,

    1) Callers getting ferquent ATB messages for calls, to a magicJack numbers, that originate on telco land lines. What is the GOS provided by your gateway switch to the PSTN?

    2) Do you have a product that will support a local loop greater than that provided by a 6' pigtail included with your product?

    Regards, WHG

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