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  • Feb 8th, 2021 @ 9:50am

    Re: corporation

    I am certainly with you, whether it's a corporation or a foundation. Please seem my comment below.

  • Feb 8th, 2021 @ 9:43am

    Enhancements to a Work Protected by Copyright

    Some time ago I developed as web site called: "Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media: A Hypertext Field Guide."

    The site was divided into chapters of McLuhan's book in one column and extensive notes and commentary in another, with instructions on how the user could insert his own commentary, and how to create popup windows anchored to McLuhan's text, etc. A short time after publishing the work to the Internet, I got threatening emails from the a McLuhan son-in-law (who ran the McLuhan Foundation) requiring removal of McLuhan's text. (McLuhan died 50 year ago). I put an enormous amount of work into this site which was free to the public.

    I feel this enhancement to the work of Marshall McLuhan is a valuable contribution to his legacy. Do I have any recourse?

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