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  • May 12th, 2010 @ 8:39am

    Uploading Comments To My PC --Not Amazon Central

    Students and researchers need e-books for productivity gains, among other things. This means being able to highlight and take notes on the e-book reader, and then easily have these notes (or personal information) uploaded to their PCs/LapTops, or email servers, without a lot of "screwing around". Once uploaded, then the student/researcher could then use the text as he/she sees fit. This would increase the power of an e-book over a p-book many times over.

    It's a shame that Amazon (and the other e-book vendors) have yet to understand this point. While they seek to "monitize" me and my work (giving me no credit, or compensation) .. they don't seem to want to provide the state-of-the-art e-book readers and PC software that I need to make paying for this hardware worthwhile.

    Amazon needs to rethink its belief that the Kindle is really their's to do with what they want, and respect the buyers' rights and purposes. Maybe I would allow them to upload my notes, and maybe I wouldn't. At least give me the option to say "yes" or "no".

    One can only wonder if Amazon thinks it has the right to go into my email account, or onto my laptop, to see my other notes too--just because I am a Kindle owner?

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