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About Kent Paul DolanI retired from the US Navy + the US NOAA Corps as an MT1(SS)/LCDR in 1981. I started programming in 1961, used those skills modestly in the Navy, extensively in the NOAA Corps, and so transitioned into civilian life as a software developer (with a math BS from UNC Chapel Hill). I was slowly nudged out of that profession as my age became outside, then far outside, the range software development job HR departments thought useful. I'm now leaning back on a tiny military pension while sharing life with a lovely young lady to whom I am also caregiver because of the many different kinds of cancer life has chosen as her portion, which have made her not quite capable of independent living any more. |
Re: what a maroon
If you don't like the current breed of crooks in government, run a campaign to become one of them yourself.
Re: Late to the party
Don't count the negligible whitecaps of hits, count the underlying oceans of lies from Glenn Beck.
Re: Re: Not NBC Universal
Re: Re:
xanthian, mated to an NBC Nightly News addict./div>
Re: Re: Re: Police or Corporate State?
xanthian, three time election poll site volunteer./div>
Re: State breaking the law...
You'd be amazed how receptive the FBI is to well documented reports of email offers of child pornography, for example.
Re: Roosevelt quote
Is it really believable that a man with the courage and skills to lead wars against enemies on both sides of the continent, from a wheelchair, had the fatalistic unwillingness to take on the big money who caused the Great Depression that your quote suggests?
Life is a puzzlement.
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