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  • Oct 28th, 2014 @ 4:22pm


    First I just wanna say, I completely sympathize with your personal situation and do not fault you at all for your opinion.

    BUUUUT the problem is that if nobody says anything, than it sets a precedent and basically lets the feds think they can do more shady shit in the name of terrorism and no one will have a problem with it.

    The DEA was recently just caught using past defendants identities to make fake Facebook profiles so they could chat up their drug dealers in order to get them to incriminate themselves.
    Where is the line?!
  • Oct 28th, 2014 @ 4:10pm

    (untitled comment)

    "Investigators are continuing to pursue it, but are not ready to charge yet."

    I hate to say it, but even he isn't the guy, and he is not already out of the country, he is toast. If they can't get Snowden, they're gonna nail someone to the cross.

    Just look at Thomas Drake. From what I have read, he works at an Apple store now. He has so much he could offer, and nobody will touch him outside of a very liberal retail vendor.

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