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  • May 9th, 2011 @ 3:41pm

    No publicty? Who is Kidding Who?

    "Atlas Shrugged" may have left Hollywood scractching its head but it left most critics scratching their read ends out of boredom. While "Atlas Shrugged" may have recieved little conventional publicity it more than made up for it on red neck right radio. Talk show host like that drug addict Rush Slimbaugh droned on an on for weeks about "Atlass Shrugged" movie. If they had to pay for that free publicty it would have been well over $20 million. YTo add to that commerical time is far less valuable than program time, people simply tune out commericals. Slimbaugh has a loyal following of automatrons that purchse everything he plugs.
  • May 8th, 2011 @ 7:32pm

    Re: More on it not doing so well


    This businessman had to rent the theaters for this travisty to be shown in others words he spent $10 million to rent the theaters and recovered only a small fraction of his theater rental. He had to tie a $10 million dollar porck chop around this movie neck to even get it shown in theaters. No wonder he is not making part II and part III.
  • May 8th, 2011 @ 3:59pm

    Re: Re:

    Mike Maskink

    Don't kid yourself. "Atlass Shrugged" got more free publicity than any movie in history. It was plugged day after day on the commie/conservative radio network. The free air time would have cost at least $20 million. The fact that it was air time instead of commerical time which most listeners tune out makes it even more valuable. From the Rush Slimbaugh show to the local red neck right talk shows the publicity was non stop. Just the drug addict Rush Slimbaugh has million of automatrons that purchase anything he pluggs.
  • May 8th, 2011 @ 9:28am

    Re: Do tea party members read?

    Fuzzy Duck

    Of course they read, they read their bibles, but nobody ever accused a Pee Party members of understanding it, that's why differen churches splinter into smaller and smaller churches. It use to be there was a gas station on every corner now there is a church on every corner declaring which ever democrats is running for president is the anti-christ. The frightening part is that so many actually believe it. But these same people have no trouble hitching their cart to a Russian atheist named Alisa Zinov'yenva Rosenbaum. Ayn Rand is just an alias she hid behind. I know if I was a Christian I would chose an atheist to be my role model.
  • May 8th, 2011 @ 9:13am

    Re: Success?


    When a moive is branded the "worst movie of the century" by the critics, that should tell you something. Not just any movie can be considered the "worst movie of the century" you have some really bad movies to beat but the verdict is in an "Atlas Shrugged" won hands down.
  • May 7th, 2011 @ 4:51pm

    Re: Movie

    Jim Murray
    I will grant you there is an economic pie to split; even our most primitive ancestors had an economic pie to split. Money is nothing more than economic shorthand. When ancient tribes banded together to hunt the hunt was divided among all the tribe. The chief may have got the biggest piece but he certainly didn�t get 99% of the hunt while the other 99% of the tribe divided 1% of the hunt among themselves. Why because the meat would have rotted. But money is just a short hand symbol and the ungodly greedy can indeed take 99% of a country wealth. There is no case in history where the ungodly managed to meet their goal of 100% of the wealth because when they get 99% percent of a country wealth, at this point the other 99% of the people are starving to death, then the ungodly greedy are slaughtered like the psychotic pigs they are. There are even documented cases in history where the psychotic pigs were killed put on spits and roasted over an open fire and fed to their wives. The ungodly greedy can never understand why they are not entitled to all the wealth after all according to Zinov�yevna, the other 99% of people are just �helpless and at the mercy of the wind.�

    Greedism is nothing new, it is as old as money, we know from history Greedism ultimately concludes in a bloody revolution. The psychotics are killed and the system starts over. The mathematical equation is that 5% of the people have 99% of the wealth, and that the other 95% of the people divide the remaining 5% of the wealth but the psychotic ungodly greedy are never satisfied with 95% of wealth they want it all. If the other 95% of the people try to take even 1% of the ungodly greedy 95% of the wealth, the ungodly greedy will fight to the death. But the ungodly greedy can take up to another 4% of the other 95% of the people wealth and they will not fight until the ungodly greedy try to take that last 1% when their families are starving to death. That is the vanishing point for the ungodly greedy psychotics and their families. Greed is a cancer on the body of man and sooner or later the sickness has to be cut out.

    Neuroscientists now have a test to measure the psychotic personality. We all know Ted Bundy was a psychopath, who killed women, beheaded them, and raped them in that order. But that is only one expression of a psychopathic personality. Psychopaths can express their personalities in different ways, we would all not chose the same form of recreation, and psychopaths do not express their psychotic tendencies the same way. Ann Rule worked with Ted Bundy at a Contact phone service; she thought he was normal in every way. From interviews with Bill Gates neuroscientists have speculated he would score high on the psychopath�s test, instead of killing women, he kills other companies. We all know deep down that greed is a sign of a sick mind but like Ann Rule, most of us have no idea how sick these people really are.

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