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  • Oct 22nd, 2010 @ 7:32am


    we should start a rumor that all of the other elected officials, lobbyists, and special interest groups are jumping off the Brooklyn bridge and maybe these enema bags will follow suit! What I don't understand is why every big tech company including Google is not lobbying AGAINST COICA. They stand a lot to lose with the current level of legal activity being slung around between them. How does one go about forming a public lobbying group to fight this thing? Tea partiers, where you at?
  • Oct 1st, 2010 @ 7:06am

    Instead of complaining...

    Why not write a letter to the president and your elected government officials similar to the one I wrote!

    Dear Mr. President,

    I am surprised and appalled at the attempted legislation known as COICA and the continued attempts at censorship in this country by requesting voluntary censorship of "infringing" websites by ISPs. In my opinion, this is against everything America stands for. I cannot help but feel that this legislation is being pushed through by big pharma, the RIAA, and other lobbyists that only have the interests of their industries in mind and not the interest of the people. COICA and the request that ISPs shut down infringing websites without any due process is a very dangerous affront to free speech and to capitalism and must NOT be allowed to happen. There is too much potential for abuse here, the same abuses as have been occurring with DMCA takedown notices.
    The government was founded on "We The People" not "We The Businesses". If this pressuring continues or COICA legislation is pushed through, I will not be voting for you a second time and I will discourage anyone else from voting for you or anyone from your administration.
    Thank you for your time.

    (I put my real name)

    Yes, I did vote for Obama because I felt he might be on the right track and because I was very afraid of a "President Palin" situation.

  • Sep 16th, 2010 @ 11:33am


    Retailers like Gamestop and Walmart will not sell violent or mature rated games to kids without their parents being there, and the employees are instructed to explain the rating on the game and why it is rated in such a way.
    My wife worked for Gamestop and I have seen some parents refuse to buy the games after hearing the rating and reasoning and I have seen other parents just wave off the cashier and buy the game even though their child does not meet the suggested age requirements. The same thing happens in the movie theaters and nobody has anything to say about that. It is a ridiculous double standard. I think what Gamestop employees have to do is all that needs to be done, at that point it is the responsibility of the parent and all of this "lawmaking" needs to go away. Capitalism is built on the power of the consumer, you don't like it then get out of this country!

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