Camera Phone Photos Not So Bad Afterall

from the there-goes-that-complaint dept

At the top of the list of complaints among reporters and analysts who simply don't get the concept of camera phones is almost always the tired line that "the photo quality sucks." It doesn't take a genius to work out that the technology is improving rapidly, and it won't take long for that complaint to fade away. A new study suggests that day may even be closer than many expected. The study compared photos from camera phones with regular cameras and found that, surprisingly, the camera phones could hold their own when it came to photo quality. The study was fairly thorough in testing a variety of situations and cameras in order to come up with a detailed set of results. The end result was that even the low-end camera phones often displayed quality that wasn't too far off from cheap disposable film cameras. However, once they started going to higher end camera phones, the quality quickly surpassed the one-time use cameras, suggesting it won't be long until disposable cameras are a thing of the past as well.
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  1. identicon
    data64, 22 Jun 2004 @ 6:01am

    How did they do that ?

    The study compared photos from camera phones with regular phones and found

    I wonder how they got regular phones to take photos. If regular phones could take photos why would we need camera phones.

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  2. icon
    Mike (profile), 22 Jun 2004 @ 8:28am

    Re: How did they do that ?

    Oops! Sorry about that. Fixed.

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  3. identicon
    dorpus, 22 Jun 2004 @ 10:10am

    As a matter of fact

    if you are a foreigner in Japan, you will probably experience having strangers take pictures of you, because you are a foreigner. I'd be interested seeing how the libertarians on here feel about that.

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 22 Jun 2004 @ 12:03pm

    Here comes the Bride

    Disposable cameras will never die if only because brides like to plop them on the tables at their receptions so Aunt Beula can snap pics of Cousin Suzie falling on her ass while trying to catch the bouquet.

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  5. identicon
    bozo98, 23 Jun 2004 @ 4:44am

    crap vs crap

    this just in: crappiest phone camera as good as crappiest film camera. Details at 11.

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  6. identicon
    NA, 23 Jun 2004 @ 8:53am

    Re: As a matter of fact

    Personally, I would be very unhappy if the government outlawed photographing people and things that appear in public, or can be seen from public property.

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  7. identicon
    Digital Camera, 25 Nov 2004 @ 9:39pm

    Disposable Digital Camera?

    Looking for a great Christmas present idea? If you looking to get into Digital Photography first you need to pick up a digital camera. Their are two basic types of digital cameras theirs the standard point and shoot cameras and digital SLR cameras. The best of the two is the digital SLR however their is a big cost difference. If you a professional photographer your probably looking at Digital SLRs and if your just looking for a good Sony or Canon camera you should research the models and review them making sure you select the one thats right for you. If you are thinking about getting your Disposable digital Camera make sure to check the sellers feedback rating before bidding on the camera you have decided on.

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