Brainstorming Is Politically Incorrect?

from the so-be-it dept

There's really not a whole lot to say over the fact that Ireland's Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment has banned the use of the word "brainstorm," out of a fear that it might offend those with brain disorders, such as epilepsy or a brain tumor. Of course, there are some who might say that those who banned brainstorming have a brain disorder of their own -- so maybe it all makes sense. You could, maybe, understand it if they believed that brainstorming was somehow unproductive (though, that would be a cause for concern too...), but to do so on political correctness grounds seems a bit silly.
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  1. identicon
    Dominic Sayers, 1 Jul 2005 @ 2:22am


    There's an urban myth that the BBC is mandating the use of the word "thoughtshower" for the same reasons of political correctness. Status: undetermined (as Snopes would say)

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  2. identicon
    dorpus, 1 Jul 2005 @ 4:56am

    The Power of Ignorance

    The people who laugh at political correctness are usually those who don't have family members with such disorders.

    If Mike has an autistic kid one of these days, as he is rather likely to have given his occupation and geography, then all the RIAA articles on here might be replaced by an obsession on the theory that childhood vaccinations cause autism. :-P

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  3. identicon
    Mikes Buddy, 1 Jul 2005 @ 7:19am

    Re: The Power of Ignorance

    Why on earth would anyone be offended (or worse, have their feelings hurt) by the term brainstorm?

    If you cant even use a word because somebody might be missing that body part, then please ban the following:

    Keep a stiff upper lip
    Break a leg
    Lend a helping hand
    Hop to it
    One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind


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  4. identicon
    dorpus, 1 Jul 2005 @ 7:28am

    Re: The Power of Ignorance

    Why stop there? How do we describe fairies who get MBAs from famous schools, but move to San Francisco and stay in a funny blog start-up? But you're his buddy, you would know.

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  5. identicon
    watkins, 1 Jul 2005 @ 11:13am

    No Subject Given

    In my opinion, the people who say brainstorming is politically incorrect should be in some sort of trouble.

    they have CREATED a new offensive term, and said who it is specifically supposed to offend. it was not offensive until they made it offensive. shouldn't that be a bad thing to do?

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  6. identicon
    Pussy, 1 Jul 2005 @ 12:02pm

    Re: No Subject Given

    Of course it is wrong - the very concept of “Political Correctness” is wrong.

    “Political Correctness” is nothing more than this century’s witch hunts. It is what (one of the many things) those of us unfortunate enough to populate this period will be mocked for, by those in the future.

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  7. identicon
    blorpus, 1 Jul 2005 @ 5:44pm

    Re: The Power of Ignorance

    Dorpus writes:

    If Mike has an autistic kid one of these days, as he is rather likely to have given his occupation and geography, then all the RIAA articles on here might be replaced by an obsession on the theory that childhood vaccinations cause autism.

    Now if we could only find a cure for dorpism...

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  8. identicon
    Nancy, 29 Dec 2005 @ 5:19am

    Re: The Power of Ignorance

    Oh, give me a break! (O dear, was that a politically incorrect statement--did I hurt anyone who might have a broken bone, heart, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.) I AGREE! GET A LIFE!!!!

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  9. identicon
    Daniel, 26 May 2006 @ 10:03am

    What a joke politicall correctness has gone to far! Who cares if one or two people are offended by a word? politicall corectness is very quickley destroying this country if i call someone with dark skin a nigger its because im a racist member of the KKK, if the same person called me a cracker no one would give care! I wouldnt care! anyone who thinks something is politacly incorrect is a twat and should die

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  10. identicon
    Brain Dead, 29 Jun 2010 @ 1:28am

    Re: The Power of Ignorance

    I am autistic with epilepsy and do not find the term Brainstorming offensive, why would I? What I find offensive is YOU suggesting we would.

    Do not drag disabled people into your conquest for ignorance and stupidity, your "thought showers" on our behalf are not welcome!

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  11. identicon
    Adrian, 27 Feb 2011 @ 2:39pm


    the only people with a brain disorder are the ones who dreamt this political correct shyte up.this brainstorm one is actually laughable..really.

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