Hollywood Looking To Legislate History Into Place Permanently

from the leave-everything-the-same dept

The EFF has noticed that the latest in a long, long line of bills put forth by Hollywood (via a politician acting as proxy) puts into law the idea that the way broadcast content has been consumed should remain forever. The specific quote is that any innovation needs to offer "customary historic use of broadcast content by consumers to the extent such use is consistent with applicable law." As Fred Von Lohmann points out, if that wording was in place years ago, we'd have no VCRs and no TiVos. Innovation isn't about leaving historical usage in place, but about looking forward. Once again, this is about legislating to protect a business model, rather than an industry being willing to innovate.
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  • identicon
    discojohnson, 20 Jan 2006 @ 7:47pm


    Fred von Lohmann's opinion, i believe, was right on the mark. despite the issues he brings up being discussed in length (even here on techdirt), it's a nice consolidation of the ideals Hollywood wants with the FCC to stop innovation.

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  • identicon
    bigpicture, 20 Jan 2006 @ 11:02pm

    legislating to protect a business model

    "legislating to protect a business model"
    That's only what it seems to be. What it really is, is a death gasp of an industry that had provided a service that is no longer needed. There is now technology that allows artists to sell their products directly to their customers. No "middle man" required. Society has moved on without the horse and buggy.

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  • identicon
    Nathaniel Smith, 21 Jan 2006 @ 8:00am

    Interesting view

    Hollywood has made too much money to just roll over for something as simple as innovation. I have worked in the IT field for over 15 years and have seen every other aspect of everyday life change as we have looked not backwards, but ahead. If the entertainment industry wishes to keep making any money at all, they had better figure out how to turn their heads around.
    It figures that the entertainment industry (which had its best ever sales via the internet this past Christmas) is busy looking to try and keep my money in their pocket. If they got their heads out of their backsides, they might see that to continue in this direction will in fact drive them straight into bankruptcy. After all if we (their consumers) innovate, we will replace them with our own technology and remove any need for their industry while still supporting our favorite artists. The MPAA and RIAA are in danger of going the way of the dinosaur.
    As a further note, it is worthy to mention that the RIAA's attempt to sue people for downloading is actually against the entire premise of the internet. Every document that covers the creation of it states that it was created by the Department of Defense for the express purpose of sharing information and files. In my humble opinion the only people they have any right to harass are those who actually share out their libraries. This only cements the fact that the RIAA and MPAA are outdated and we (again, their consumers) need to find new ways of entertainment that eliminate them from the process.
    It still amazes me how much of a mark up there is on music and movies. Whenever I am buying a CD, I buy it directly from the artist's site, or I don't buy it. Most of the time for me, I find a better class of music from local artists that are trying hard to make something real. When a local artist sells a CD, they make most of the profits from their sale, thus I have no issues with $15 a CD. My problem is when Best Buy and others like them can push the RIAA into a position where they are letting retailers sell CD's for a $10 profit above the cost of the CD. Nothing has changed in the last 5 years as to how we are being cheated out of our hard earned money just to have a small measure of enjoyment in life.

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    • identicon
      Coach, 22 Jan 2006 @ 1:52pm

      Re: Interesting view

      Great remarks Nathaniel,

      My only concern and hope is that artists can find a way to promote themselves with the power the "industry" has. Once this is available there really will be no need for the middle man.

      Sales is all about marketing and marketing sells a lot of crap we don't need and leaves out what is doesn't want to bother with. If/when artists can do this effectively on a broad scale we will all benefit.

      Coach Daley

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    • identicon
      RandomTask, 22 Jan 2006 @ 10:07pm

      Re: Interesting view

      I don't know if you quite understand the music business. Retailers do not make $10 on a CD, they are lucky if they make $5. When a CD first comes out and is on sale for $14.99 (or whatever the price is) it is, most of the time, below cost and the retailer is losing money. I find it hard to believe that any retailer would have enough power to tell the RIAA what to do and still be in the business of selling music.

      What you are suggesting is that every retailer that sells music, went to the RIAA and told them that they won't sell music unless they can make $10 profit. If they sell a cd for $15 and it cost $10 that means they are making roughly $10 (minus other costs) per cd. That is a return on invested capital of nearly 200% If that were the case you would expect to see businesses that deal primarily in music, like Samgoody and Down in the Valley, doing very well in business. If they had so much money due to these high profits you would expect to see them expanding to better serve their customer base.

      If you haven't heard of Down in the Valley that should tell you that music reselling is not a profitable business. It is simply a way for retailers to get you into their store fronts to buy other products.

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  • identicon
    Andy Mesrobian, 21 Jan 2006 @ 11:26am


    Well, in my opinion Hollywood has run out of creative ideas. This is evident by the explosion of so called reality programs. They pay only writers and get some "Regular Guy" to do something. Is this supposed to provide the masses with entertainment value? What ever happened to the Hollywood that produced epic classics like "Ben Hur", "The 10 Commandments", �Gladiator� and the many many others? In my opinion Hollywood SUCKS, is greedy and is just one step above toilet swill. I mean c'mon...."Broke back Mountain", the love story of two fudge packing cowboys who ruin their marriages to have anal sex is allegedly one of the best films of the year? Give me a break, maybe it is for about 3% of the general public, the rest of us are revolted and disgusted by the thoughts having homosexuality and the approval of it asserted on us. Desperate Housewives shows women that cheating, conniving and dishonesty is business as usual, it�s no wonder why more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. Hollywood is really part of the problem. For those of you who don't believe that people imitate and act out the actions of characters in Hollywood films and TV in their everyday lives are only fooling themselves. Until Hollywood starts producing better entertainment then I will continue my 12 year boycott of their Movies. Seeing them only enriches and a support the dirt bag�s that creates and promotes it and only serves to enrich their lavish lifestyles.

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    • identicon
      Dana T, 21 Jan 2006 @ 11:48am

      Re: Hollywood

      You know... we were having a nice discussion here about Hollywood's lack of innovation, and attempting to legislate business models, and you have to come in here and drag homosexuality and morality into it. Ugh.

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      • identicon
        Andy Mesrobian, 21 Jan 2006 @ 12:08pm

        Re: Hollywood

        No, not at all, I wanted to point out that they have run out of creativity and now resort to producing films about the most non-mainstream topics, and what crap they do present serves only to destroy our society. Do you actually expect me to believe that Hollywood represents most of America? They have to idea on how to produce entertainment that will bring the masses of families back to the theatre and obviously have no intention of doing so. To top it all off, they want this legislation? Its not about morals, it�s about the quality of entertainment they produce and nothing more.

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        • identicon
          Sara, 21 Jan 2006 @ 10:00pm

          Re: Hollywood

          I'd like to think that in todays society, you would welcome the change. Non-mainstream? Look around you. Being gay is now more out there (than let say, bashing President Bush) and is being talked about more and more. Look at you, you even stated something about it. Wether or not you like it, being gay and gay rights are going to stay in the public eye for a very long time. Its as controversial as religion or Tom Cruise :). I'm pretty sure if you looked hard enough you would find that you know someone gay. Would you call them a fudge packer? There are better ways to call someone gay and not take a shot at them. I think Ang Lee was brilliant for making this movie, and to take a step up and be different and daring.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 22 Jan 2006 @ 4:32am

            Re: Hollywood

            Ok then lets put 2 of you gay peeps on an island and lets see if in 20 years there would be any human left on the island. Gay this gay that. If its natural, then why is it such a big deal. I am straight do i tell everyone im straight, do i write books on how straight i am.

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            • identicon
              Norman619, 22 Jan 2006 @ 8:06am

              Re: Hollywood

              "Ok then lets put 2 of you gay peeps on an island and lets see if in 20 years there would be any human left on the island. Gay this gay that. If its natural, then why is it such a big deal. I am straight do i tell everyone im straight, do i write books on how straight i am. "
              That has got to be the most ignorant statement I have read on here yet. First nothing that happens among living organisms is "unnatural." Things do whatever they are wired up to do. Nothing more nothing less. You will find homosexuality in wild animals too. Another case of someone who doesn't know their head from their ass. My god...

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            • identicon
              Another Anonymous Coward, 22 Jan 2006 @ 5:34pm

              Re: Hollywood

              " I am straight do i tell everyone im straight, do i write books on how straight i am. "
              -No, you just take random potshots at people who aren't straight in a context that has absolutely nothing to do with it. For myself, your opinion might have mattered if your own agenda and lack of exposure to the vast diversity that is human culture hadn't shone through in your post.

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          • identicon
            Norman619, 22 Jan 2006 @ 7:54am

            Re: Hollywood

            Sara said "Wether or not you like it, being gay and gay rights are going to stay in the public eye for a very long time."
            What the hell is "Gay Rights?" Last I looked Gay folks aren't aliens so the Equal Rights amendment covers them too. It shows how ignorant people are of the rights we ALL have living here in the US. There will be no pref treatment for any group. Gay Rights sounds to me like Gay Rights people are looking for pref treatment under the law. I have to say F that. We do not need new laws we need to teach people to be less preocupied with the private lives of other people and a wee bit more tollerant. Ang Lee's film is one I would not be able to stomach so I for one will not go see it. Some people would automaticly lable me a homophobe for saying that but why is that? I know gay people exist. I know some gay people try to pass for straight by marrying people of the opposite sex. Why must we keep being bombarded with it? When homosexuality is used for it's "entertainment value" I feel it makes it seem that much more out of the norm. It's just like people who are religious. I personally am not religious. Nothing bothers me more than when people who are religious try to force their religious views on me. The same with the gay life style. People are the way they are. We can continue to argue of the differences and alienate each other more and more or we can start looking at the commonalities and live together with love, peace, and respect. That being said, I feel the movie got the awards it did more because of the subject matter and less for it's quality. It was Hollywood's way of saying "See? We can be PC too." Pretty sad.

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            • identicon
              me@me.net, 23 Jan 2006 @ 6:44am

              Re: Hollywood

              "Sara said "Wether or not you like it, being gay and gay rights are going to stay in the public eye for a very long time."

              Gay rights are the special rights that gays want to protect themselves with more consideration than heteros. They and they liberal buds can paint a picture of discrimination and the neeed for extra protections but the fact is, like it or not if it's now normal, then they deserve nothing more in the way of rights than anyone else. Instead, they want it both ways.

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            • identicon
              Anonymous Coward, 23 Jan 2006 @ 7:28am

              Re: Hollywood

              "What the hell is "Gay Rights?" Last I looked Gay folks aren't aliens so the Equal Rights amendment covers them too. It shows how ignorant people are of the rights we ALL have living here in the US."

              You ever seen the way most people in this country treat homosexuals? I don't call that equal.

              What the hell is Gay Rights? Maybe...the right to get married, and have the same tax deductions available to them that other couples have?

              Has anyone ever considered that banning gay marriage is a gay tax?

              Hell, the fact that Hollywood can't make a movie about gays without pissing off Christians shows that they don't have the same rights.

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          • identicon
            me, 23 Jan 2006 @ 6:37am

            Re: Hollywood

            You would think it's brilliant. The sad commentary is that that movie is the ONLY original piece of film this year and I have no interest in some gay cowboy freakshow.

            Being gay is being forced on people, I suspect the vast majority of us are apethetic to it and happy to ignore it's presence.

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        • identicon
          Michal, 23 Jan 2006 @ 4:04pm

          Re: Hollywood

          >> resort to producing films about the most non-mainstream topics

          you need to open your mind. I can't believe that people are so closed minded that they need to have everything be mainstream. How fucking boring.

          My complaint about hollywood is that they are redoing the same movies with the same plots over and over again. While I don't think brokeback is terribly exciting, the last thing I will ever complain about is someone not being mainstream. There are plenty of avenues to attack this movie from and you chose to paint yourself as an uneducated redneck. Would you really be satisfied if all they ever made were a bunch of Jesus flicks.

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          • icon
            TechNoFear (profile), 23 Jan 2006 @ 5:03pm

            Re: Hollywood

            >>And the epic classics that I mentioned in my previous post were not meant to be religious in nature; there are several classics, such as the Godfather, Gone with the wind, Finding Nemo and many many others where the filmmakers relied upon the quality of acting instead of provocative storylines or fancy special effects."
            2 words: Quentin Tarantino. << br>
            Typical Americans.

            Any thing to do with sex is taboo and must be expunged from public view.

            Graphic and extreme violence is however considered a classic / epic.

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      • identicon
        jamie, 22 Jan 2006 @ 3:24am

        Re: Hollywood

        i second that.

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    • identicon
      Mark, 21 Jan 2006 @ 7:41pm

      Re: Hollywood

      I couldn't agree with you more. Hollywood is so far removed from "reality" it's not even funny. The day I heard some actor (I can't remember who it was) say that the part of the country between L.A. and New York was just fly-over country, I lost all respect for the entertainment industry. If everyone would just boycott Hollywood and spend more time with family and friends (the "real" things that are more important in life), this country could get back on track.

      Great post Andy!

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    • identicon
      Alex Arnold, 21 Jan 2006 @ 9:33pm

      Re: Hollywood

      I'd just like to say that I'm proud to be in that 3%. (Where do you get your statistics, by the way?) However, I don't think 3% of the population liking a film is going to send it shooting to the top. Maybe, just maybe, it really is a good film. Of course, you will never know, being that your 12-year boycott is going to continue to nourish your small mind. I can understand not wanting to feed your obsession with anal sex, I mean c'mon, you even tossed "fudge packing" and "anal sex" into a discussion about Hollywood and innovation (or the lack thereof.) Seeing your high praise of religous smut as "The 10 commandments" only cements in the fact that you are a closed-minded and hateful bigot of a man who's daddy didn't love him. Or maybe you're just afraid that someone will find out about your undying love for the male anus...

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    • identicon
      jamie, 22 Jan 2006 @ 3:22am

      Re: Hollywood

      don't we sit upon high...

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    • identicon
      Norman619, 22 Jan 2006 @ 7:22am

      Re: Hollywood

      Andy Mesrobian said "Desperate Housewives shows women that cheating, conniving and dishonesty is business as usual, it�s no wonder why more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. Hollywood is really part of the problem. "
      Sorry but this is a load of BS. If what you said was true then why aren't there MORE murders? The reality is that the crime rate in the US has not gone up but it's gone down. IT looks like it has gone up only becasue we are made more aware of what crime there is. Remember Hollywood makes loads of ultraviolent movies. You are telling us people have no control over what they do. That the general public are limmings and "Hollywood" is the pied piper. I moved from Los Angeles to a small town/city in the midwest. It's a different feel but I was suprised to see worse crimes being reported out here. I get so tired of people trying to make exscuses for the actions of people who know full well what is right and wrong. I grew up watching some of the most violent programming available here in the US. My parents let me watch anything I wanted with the exception of Porn. Even after being exposed to loads of violent content all my life I can count on one hand the number of physical altercations I have had in my life. I am 33 now by the way. So why haven't I grown up to be an a-moral prick? Why haven't I EVER been in jail or prison? Good parenting maybe? The crappy morals of many of these people can be traced back to poor, if any, moral guidance in their families. So please stop lowering us people to the level of a lemming. As for your coment on the divorce rate, you really should do at least some research into why people get divorced. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with what programs they watch on TV or the films they go see. As for Hollywood's lack of imagination, I have to agree 100%. I can't remember the last time I saw a truly new idea or story come out to the big screen. It seems they are in rehash mode with all these remakes. The quality of what is being released is piss poor. Movies are riddled with plot holes so big you can drive a semi through and soo many continuity issues it seems like they did away with the whole position of "Continuity Editor." I'm a CG (computer animation/FX) artist. Some of my fellow artists have been so bothered by this that we are going to release something on our own. Before this would have been a pipe dream. Current technology has taken the power out of Hollywood's hands (big studios) and placed it back in the hands of the "little guy." Even tho this is true I do not see many people taking advantage of it. People like to bitch and complain about things but very few actually get off their asses and do something. One big step would be to stop going to watch the garbage being put out now. Hit them wher eit hurts. In the pocket. Ticket sales are down and talk of raising ticket prices is going around again. So maybe people are waking up.

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      • identicon
        Andy Mesrobian, 22 Jan 2006 @ 4:39pm

        Re: Hollywood

        Truth is to Liberals as Kryptonite is to Superman. My whole point in my post was this, EVERY problem we face today as a culture, crime, theft, drug abuse, cheating, lying, harming other, murder, rape, general dishonesty, corrupt business, corrupt politics, etc, etc, etc are all issues related to behavior. People have a choice in the way they live their lives. Most choose to marry, start families, build a career, develop themselves with culture and art, raise their family and do it all while being a law abiding citizens. Still there are those who choose to live their lives by being deceitful, hateful and abusive to others and only after getting into trouble or being discovered, they try to justify or excuse what they have chosen to do by hiring a fancy attorney to make an excuse, or claim a �Twinkie Defense�. This is pathetic. I think that Hollywood provides inspiration for ANY and all behavior and then they claim that it�s normal when nothing could be farther from the truth. Back to the Brokeback point, man is a mammal with strong heterosexual instincts. For those who chose to live as homosexuals it�s everything to claim that being gay is a normal. This DOES sicken the majority of America. There are 300,000,000 people in this country; I find it difficult to believe that more than 3 % or 9,000,000 people in this country are gay. This is a fallacy perpetuated by Hollywood to force the rest of us to believe that behavior like that is normal. The message they are sending is sick and trying to legislate themselves into a catbird position to continue to make money from the masses is typical. This is not bible thumping, its just my common sense opinion. And the epic classics that I mentioned in my previous post were not meant to be religious in nature; there are several classics, such as the Godfather, Gone with the wind, Finding Nemo and many many others where the filmmakers relied upon the quality of acting instead of provocative storylines or fancy special effects.

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        • identicon
          UncleNate, 22 Jan 2006 @ 6:04pm

          Re: Hollywood

          It's interesting that you've chosen the particular words "Twinkie Defense" to make your point. The notion of the Twinkie Defense stems from the 1979 murder trial of Dan White. He was convicted of sneaking into the San Francisco City Hall and assassinating then Mayor George Moscone and city supervisor Harvey Milk, the first ever openly Gay elected official in US history. His killing spree was triggered due to Moscone's denial to reinstate White after he resigned in a tantrum over the adoption of a city gay anti-discrimination ordinance. I'm sure that you can pick a better way to describe your point about personal responsibility without appearing foolish for citing a particular case where responsibility was shirked by a particular "White".

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          • identicon
            Andy Mesrobian, 22 Jan 2006 @ 6:25pm

            Re: Hollywood

            Dan White denied responsibility by claiming that the effects of eating Twinkies for 20+ years influnced his descision to go on murderous rampage. This is pathetic as he won. Is this what our country has come to. A place where anybody does anything they want because its not their fault?

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            • icon
              TechNoFear (profile), 22 Jan 2006 @ 8:56pm

              Re: Hollywood

              >>Andy Mesrobian >>homosexuality == heinous, immoral relations
              I understand you must dehumanise gays as to put them beyond god's mercy and grace, so that their lives lose value and your choice of lifestyle is validated, but this is not the place.
              By the way, whom are you, mere mortal, to interpret god's design or intentions?

              As Jimmy Carter said "When will America realise that when our forefathers said 'freedom and justice for all', all meant ALL."
              I suppose you are just following the Bibles example of god's intolerance in 2 Kings 2:23-24.

              I however prefer Epicurus's paradox.
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
              Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
              Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
              Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

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              • identicon
                VoiceOfReason, 22 Jan 2006 @ 10:10pm

                Re: Hollywood

                I think most of you are missing the REAL point here. Twinkies are inherently bad. They taste nothing like they used to taste when I was growing up, they've cut down on the amount of delicious creamy filling and why must the bottom of the cake (the best part in my opinion) always stick to the cardboard? I think they've sloooowly altered the recipe to include a behavioral modification ingridient that promotes both tooth and moral decay. And is probably directly related to homosexuality.
                I'm just saying.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 23 Jan 2006 @ 6:49am

          Re: Hollywood

          "Truth is to Liberals as Kryptonite is to Superman. My whole point in my post was this, EVERY problem we face today as a culture, crime, theft, drug abuse, cheating, lying, harming other, murder, rape, general dishonesty, corrupt business, corrupt politics, etc, etc, etc are all issues related to behavior. People have a choice in the way they live their lives. Most choose to marry, start families, build a career, develop themselves with culture and art, raise their family and do it all while being a law abiding citizens. Still there are those who choose to live their lives by being deceitful, hateful and abusive to others and only after getting into trouble or being discovered, they try to justify or excuse what they have chosen to do by hiring a fancy attorney to make an excuse, or claim a �Twinkie Defense�. This is pathetic. I think that Hollywood provides inspiration for ANY and all behavior and then they claim that it�s normal when nothing could be farther from the truth. Back to the Brokeback point, man is a mammal with strong heterosexual instincts. For those who chose to live as homosexuals it�s everything to claim that being gay is a normal. This DOES sicken the majority of America. There are 300,000,000 people in this country; I find it difficult to believe that more than 3 % or 9,000,000 people in this country are gay. This is a fallacy perpetuated by Hollywood to force the rest of us to believe that behavior like that is normal. The message they are sending is sick and trying to legislate themselves into a catbird position to continue to make money from the masses is typical. This is not bible thumping, its just my common sense opinion. And the epic classics that I mentioned in my previous post were not meant to be religious in nature; there are several classics, such as the Godfather, Gone with the wind, Finding Nemo and many many others where the filmmakers relied upon the quality of acting instead of provocative storylines or fancy special effects."
          2 words: Quentin Tarantino.

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    • identicon
      Michal, 22 Jan 2006 @ 8:05am

      Re: Hollywood

      For having such a long boycott of holywood you sure pretend to know quite a bit about modern entertainment.

      The movies you mentioned are mass produced uncreative Christian historically inacurate crap. As far as brokeback, who gives a shit. If some fag wants to write a movie about homos and someone else wants to see it, then welcome to capitalism.

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    • identicon
      Jack Shadow, 23 Jan 2006 @ 2:23am

      Re: Hollywood

      LoL seems Hollywood cannot win
      Either gets bashed for making unimaginative crap or sequel after sequel or makes something original like brokeback and gets bashed for the subject matter

      Does the subject interest me? No, movie about modern day gays might have, movie about cowboys might have, but gay cowboys? No thank you (though was dragged to see it by the better half)

      But at least it is reasonably original

      What I do find very indicative of the industry is the massive accolades the movie is getting though, ok it's not a bad movie, but neither is it very good (as one critic said it's about 20 mins to long and I could not agree with him more).

      So why all the rave reviews? In my mind due to two things, obviously first off politically correctness but secondly and just as importantly, it probably is one of the top movies in the last 12 months, but that�s not saying how good the movie is, just how poor everything else Hollywood has been dishing out

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    • identicon
      Heywood Jablome, 14 Feb 2006 @ 4:30pm

      Re: Hollywood

      You nailed it!!! Briliant Hollywood just needs to go fuck a goat and stop jerking off to gay porn. What happened to American Classics like Harold and Kumar and Dude Where's My Car? Huh, and those were damn good movies too! I HATE FAGS!!

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  • identicon
    Jimmy Bear Pearson, 21 Jan 2006 @ 3:25pm

    No Subject Given

    Indeed, it seems that the movie industry and the music industry are in serious throes of change. I believe that they have not experienced the complete depth of change because they have not been in a position where they must change.

    However, a sea change is in motion - an irreversible sea change: Distribution is very different; consumers are very different.

    I honestly believe that the movie industry (and the music industry) will evolve in a good way � and very soon. It is in their best interest to figure out how to remain solvent and profitable in a new age of networked, electronically-advantaged consumers. As the baby-boomers (here in the U.S.) age out, the remaining generations will vote not only with their pocketbooks, but with their hearts and loyalties too.

    Studios/labels/production companies that seek to understand newer generations of entertainment consumers will be rewarded with revenue. Those businesses that insist that their customers bend to an antiquated business model will not be rewarded with revenue.

    Hollywood, the film industry, and the music industry are not evil � nor are they deserving of a business crash. Rather, they are just like every industry and business in the world today � facing huge change. I, for one, hope they figure it out soon.

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  • identicon
    WeeBit, 21 Jan 2006 @ 7:43pm

    RE: Hollywood Looking To Legislate History Into Pl

    RIAA and the rest of them, will never understand nothing until someone makes a law to protect the consumer's rights.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 21 Jan 2006 @ 7:59pm


    What do you expect from ivory tower land where homosexuality is moral and those who dare to aver that absolute morality exists are considered dangerous and evil?

    In a related story, Borkeback Mountain, a putrid film about gay cowboys who cheat on their wives, destroy their families, and engage in heinous, immoral relations, is being called, "The most beautiful love story ever filmed." (look it up) Why? Does the movie have merit? Perhaps, but it is not nearly the cinematic watershed it is being hailed. Rather, you have a group of people with a political agenda who think that if enough people say positive things and enough awards are heaped on it, then homosexuality will be accepted by society. This is the thinking of the people in Hollywood. The same type of thinking that leads to the belief that using legislation to keep antique laws in place is best for everyone.

    Hollywood has decided that America is going to follow their monopolistic, anachronistic ideas about DR in the same way that it has dediced that America is going to accept homosexuality or be damned (name me one current TV show that DOESN'T have a gay character). How ironic!

    Burn, Hollywood, Burn.

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    • identicon
      Michal, 22 Jan 2006 @ 8:15am

      Re: Typical

      I love it. Anything that pisses of people like you. Seriously you care too much about some bullshit movie. I totally didn't care about this movie one bit, but now seeing how many christians are so mad about it, I think it's the greatest thing.

      you know people used to say name one tv show that doesn't have a black character. How about naming a tv show that uses a gay character for anything but comic relief.

      None of the shows I watch have a gay character, you must be attracted to them. The tv show I'll be watching to day is called NFL playoffs.

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  • identicon
    anonymous, 21 Jan 2006 @ 10:52pm

    catch 22

    it's funny that there are so many critics on the hollywood machine, but hardly any tech people in it ;). Over the last 50 years, studio content whether good or bad has given us the ideas that made the tech revolution happen.
    It's true that the machine has lost quite a bit of creativity and "out of the box" mentality--likely due to technology creating global and independent competition, such that due to the nature that most studios are investor-owned, greed has trumped QUALITY. Taking risks (lots of tech layoffs the past few years has everyone jumpy) is minimized. And the tech industry deserves some of the blame--we all know the dotcom boom was a just full of CS grad joe-hot-shot wanting to make a million bucks at all costs (we all wanted to be Bill Gates with a MONOPOLY over everything). Basically, as the saying goes, content is king and the studios know it,and it's a hard problem fellas. We all have 1 favorite movie over the last 50 years--the system does work--so instead of whining, why don't we supply some real solutions instead of the MS mentality of "rebooting" to solve these problems.

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    • identicon
      Norman619, 22 Jan 2006 @ 8:51am

      Re: catch 22

      "it's funny that there are so many critics on the hollywood machine, but hardly any tech people in it ;). Over the last 50 years, studio content whether good or bad has given us the ideas that made the tech revolution happen. It's true that the machine has lost quite a bit of creativity and "out of the box" mentality--likely due to technology creating global and independent competition, such that due to the nature that most studios are investor-owned, greed has trumped QUALITY. Taking risks (lots of tech layoffs the past few years has everyone jumpy) is minimized. And the tech industry deserves some of the blame--we all know the dotcom boom was a just full of CS grad joe-hot-shot wanting to make a million bucks at all costs (we all wanted to be Bill Gates with a MONOPOLY over everything). Basically, as the saying goes, content is king and the studios know it,and it's a hard problem fellas. We all have 1 favorite movie over the last 50 years--the system does work--so instead of whining, why don't we supply some real solutions instead of the MS mentality of "rebooting" to solve these problems.
      If quality was king then why so much crap? LOL!!! Money is king baby. And I love your lack of information. Bill Gates/Microsoft is NOT a monopolist or a monopoly. There are alternatives. Ever heard of Linux or Mac? Bill Gates did not force people to use his products. The public openly chose to buy it and make them the popular applications and OS they are today. I don't begrudge him his success. Even Bill Gates himself in a press confrence said he did not like his own OS. That he prefered Linux. He acknowledged it is a better OS. Another example of quality taking a back seat to money is the Beta and VHS standard war. Beta is MUCH better than VHS yet VHS won out. Why? Because it was a cheaper technology. It's an interesting battle that took place you should read about it. And sorry but most innovative tech is not inspired by hollywood. That's a laugh. Try SciFi writers and the game industry. And there are loads of tech people in Hollywood. How else do you think they'd be able to pull off the CG FX you see now? It takes people who know technology and programming to make these things happen. W/O them most of the films we are seeing now would be impossible. The game industry is different from the film industry because it truly is driven by content. Games are getting better and better while films are drecreasing in quality. They make loads more money than the film industry even with software piracy. That's where the real money is. I love how you are trying to blam the .com issue for the lack of good writing and film making. I have a degree in computer science and a few years ago I made the jump from IT to CG with a degree in computer animation. I know tech. I am one of those tech guys you say there aren't many of in the industry. Studios are relying too much on eyecandy less on content and competant writing for obvious reasons. If you are looking for someone to blame then blame the one thing that is driving the whole machine. The target audience. The consumers. If we weren't buying their product then they would be forced to change it. Today's audiences are not that demanding. As an example I have had clients buy stuff I told them I was just showing them to get feed back for the final clean up of the pieces. They said it would do even tho I was only 1/2 of the way through the contracted alotment of time for the project. It's sad.

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  • identicon
    Robert, 22 Jan 2006 @ 5:36pm

    No Subject Given

    How did this turn into gay-bashing?

    I don't like how a link was formed between corrupted business operations and homosexuality. Yes, it's a gay cowboy movie. So what? We have movies about enough of other things. I don't see why this movie should change any of it. And all the people telling everyone else how sick and disgusting this movie is ... have any of you watched it? read the story? know the story?

    I mean, you can say, it's about two guys who destroy their marriages for anal sex ... but ... do you realize how perverse you made the story sound? It's about two people being forced into believing that what they're doing is wrong. They're pushed into loveless marriages and denying who they are.

    Granted, I did not enjoy the movie for other reasons but I will still vouch for its right to be shown.

    *sigh*, it's 2006 now ... I thought people were a lot more tolerant and accepting ... I guess we still have a long way to go.

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    • identicon
      Andy Mesrobian, 22 Jan 2006 @ 5:59pm

      Re: No Subject Given

      thats because it is wrong

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    • identicon
      Andy Mesrobian, 22 Jan 2006 @ 6:04pm

      Re: No Subject Given

      I lived in San Francisco for over ten years and saw stuff taht would make any person sick. People being addmitted into the hospital for having a toaster stuck in their rectum, and much worse than that. If you believe taht this is normal human behavior and it should be celebrated and shown to the entire world, then my choice is to ignore it. Where do we as a culture draw the line? when people marry aniumals because its considered normal?

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 23 Jan 2006 @ 6:51am

      Re: No Subject Given

      The gay bashing is irrelevant to the greater point. Brokeback gayfest is the only original idea this year, and guess what, it sucked.

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    • identicon
      aligirl bleiweiss, 22 Feb 2006 @ 10:54am

      8 mile

      Hi i just love watching the movie 8 mile because i just love eminem the rapper dude.

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  • identicon
    Robert, 22 Jan 2006 @ 6:14pm

    No Subject Given

    There's absolutely no way for me to convince you otherwise and the converse is also true.

    However, you do realize not ALL gay people stick toasters up their rectums right?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 23 Jan 2006 @ 3:16pm

    No Subject Given

    I lived in San Francisco for over ten years and saw stuff taht would make any person sick. People being addmitted into the hospital for having a toaster stuck in their rectum

    Damn, I was hoping nobody had seen me.

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