Anyone Else Want To Sue Over Grand Theft Auto?

from the we've-got-just-about-everyone dept

It's no secret that family groups and folks like Jack Thompson like the idea of suing Grand Theft Auto publisher Take Two Interactive. However, in the last few weeks, it seems that people everywhere are lining up to get a piece of the action. Last month it was the city of Los Angeles -- which isn't exactly known for its high moral stance on things. However, now we've got prostitutes and class action lawyers going after the company as well. The class action lawyers are trying to drum up interest in a lawsuit on behalf of shareholders, suggesting that those shareholders lost money due to the controversy. Like most shareholder class action suits, this one seems unlikely to get very far, and is clearly about trying to make the lawyers some money, rather than actually represent the interests of the shareholders. As for the prostitutes, at least they're just asking for a boycott of the game. Apparently suing is going too low. Of course, with each lawsuit, the company gets more publicity for its games, as more people wonder what all the fuss is about.
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  • identicon
    Sim, 16 Feb 2006 @ 12:57pm


    This is baseless and crap. Grand Theft Auto is a great game and no one commited a crime because of it.

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    • identicon
      DiSTuRBeD, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:17pm

      Re: Greed

      Sim, you idiot. Not only are you commenting on an issue that's not in the article, you have no way to back up your statement.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:45pm

      13-year-olds enjoy GTA & Prostitutes

      "now we've got prostitutes and class action lawyers going after the company as well."

      yes, my evening of playing GTA for 6 hours straight just wouldn't be completely without ending it by going to the corner to pickup a hooker, to have violent intercourse with her...

      i wonder how often this was happening before this first prostitute stood up and said something about it - or one better, I wonder how many prostitutes this had happened to in the past, for this claim to come about. possibly its well know that in the "prostitute business", that most people look to pickup hookers right after playing GTA... especially all the under-age males who are playing GTA as claimed in other lawsuits - and what are these underage males driving around in? they obviously are "not old enough" to be playing this game, so who is giving these 13-year-olds driver's licenses... and a car... and the money to pickup these prostitutes.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Well Hung Guy, 9 Jun 2006 @ 9:35am

        Re: 13-year-olds enjoy GTA & Prostitutes

        I used to beat up prostitutes back in the early 80s. It was because I played too much pong. Later I just threw barrels at them because I played too much Donkey Kong.

        It has nothing to do with me being a bad person. Everything is OK if it makes ME feel long as I have SOMEONE ELSE to blame.

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  • identicon
    Rikko, 16 Feb 2006 @ 1:37pm

    No Subject Given

    This is what happens when an entire nation has too much free time.

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    • identicon
      Irco, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:11pm

      Re: No Subject Given

      YES yes!...people really need to stop being so f*** lazy....geez its a Game, get over it...same for those cartoons!

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  • identicon
    Sohrab, 16 Feb 2006 @ 1:54pm

    No Subject Given

    remember, no need to blame the parents for not teaching their kids morals, blame the game. it was the game!!!

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    • identicon
      Monkey Joe, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:03pm

      Art imitates life, Life imitates art...

      Just remember that the US military has been training their troops in multiplayer video games for a while now...
      ...and if video games had any effect on us, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music while gobbling down little pills...

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:27pm

        Re: Art imitates life, Life imitates art...

        apparently you haven't been to any high school dances lately. that's pretty much what every dance I've been to is like...

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 19 Feb 2006 @ 2:13pm

          Re: Art imitates life, Life imitates art...

          Way to understand the joke haha.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:08pm

    No Subject Given

    GTA made me do it! i didnt want to beat the hooker and steal her car but the game.. the GAME it taught me that it was right!

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  • identicon
    Jeremy, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:14pm

    Go Gamers

    Thank you lawyers. You are making the GTA series a very popular hit with the public. Very good publicity I might add. When are idiots gonna learn that games don't make people kill, it's the kid's that are messed up in the first place, and beside's the game is rated for adults. If your 13 year old kid is playing it then that is the parents decision to allow him/her to do that.. Part of being a parent is taking responsibility for your kids actions because he is YOUR kid, not anybody elses.

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  • identicon
    Jeremy, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:20pm

    No Subject Given

    If your mind is that fragile that it is swayed by propoganda(or whatever people call it) in a game, then move to a place called an INSANE Assylum. Might do that person some good.

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  • identicon
    Austin, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:27pm

    No Subject Given

    Man, maybe it's just the way I think, but there is no way a game could effect my mind enough to drive me insane to kill a person. If anyone has a weak enough mind to let it be EFFECTED by a game, then they were messed up in the first place. I can't see anyone actually being driven to kill by playing a game. Anyone with any amount of logic and intelligence should be able to realize that a game shouldn't have any effect on what they are thinking. Just because they see someone get killed on screen, then they suddenly think it is okay to do in real life? Well, they obviously have no intelligence at all to be able to realize what they are actually thinking.

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  • identicon
    Jeremy, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:39pm


    I think they should counter sue, for wasting there time with false statements. Or sue for slandering or something too make these idiots stop sueing game companys. If a judge allows this then what game company is going to be sued next. I know, EAGAMES, for making SIMS, for the sexual content in there, or for making Madden, because it's too violent.

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    • identicon
      Jared Anderson, 16 Feb 2006 @ 2:47pm

      Re: SUE

      Are people suing movie companies now a days cause I see some pretty crazy stuff that Hollywood puts out.

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  • identicon
    DragonKai, 16 Feb 2006 @ 3:26pm

    Free Marketing Campaign

    Well, if this keeps up, that company will never have to spend another dollar on marketing of their nice for them :-)

    What ever happened to... "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" ?

    Guess all these people throwing a fit had bad parents.

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  • identicon
    mark, 16 Feb 2006 @ 8:56pm

    No Subject Given

    Ah....first it was guns causing video Get ready, CBS!

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  • identicon
    the unknown, 17 Feb 2006 @ 12:54am

    Sueing laws in the states are absolute BS

    Isn't prostitution illegal in the state of California?
    People who sue right and left should be sued for all their money. Lawyers who waste a court's time like this should be debarred.
    Sueing laws in the states are absolute BS. People do not deserve to be rewarded for being greedy, mindless idiots.
    I do find that the prostitute's stance is the most sensible one in this case and merits it's share of attention, but the lawyers mentioned should be dealt with accordingly.

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  • identicon
    thecaptain, 17 Feb 2006 @ 7:00am

    No Subject Given

    R.I.P. Personal Responsibility.

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  • identicon
    Charles Griswold, 17 Feb 2006 @ 8:20am

    Not Gonna Buy the Game

    I'm boycotting the game, out of respect for the prostitutes.

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    • identicon
      Jared Anderson, 17 Feb 2006 @ 11:12am

      Re: Not Gonna Buy the Game

      HAHA ME TOO!

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 18 Feb 2006 @ 6:51pm

        Re: Not Gonna Buy the Game

        Hey guys would the world be better or worse without the game? Gotta look at the big picture sometimes. Just because most people wouldn't imitate the game in real life dosen't mean it would't still affect them in an adverse way. Especially kids.

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  • identicon
    Paul Bembry, 8 Mar 2006 @ 1:24pm

    Sue Grand theft auto is Wrong

    The law designed to protect , not to serve as avenue for income replacements. The packages clearly state it rating as if you need help knowing the rating there are several other means to identify such, People wake up go to work and govern your children and home if you dont want to be exposed to it dont buy it , your choice ...

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  • identicon
    someguy253525235, 19 Apr 2006 @ 8:46pm


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  • identicon
    GTA IS AWESOME!, 11 Aug 2006 @ 3:47pm


    this is crap, GTA is amazing and especially San Andreas

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  • identicon
    Sandbomb, 11 Oct 2006 @ 4:00am

    Okay, if games cause crime, then why not ban horror movies? im sure some wes craven movies are not needed anyway =/
    why not ban arnold swartz movies too, why not ban student from interacting with each other so they dont fight..and induce more violence....geez

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  • identicon
    Marsh, 12 Dec 2006 @ 3:43pm


    why would anyone be entertained by such a fucking stupid plot are a darkie, running around breaking the law, killing police, and raping women. the game is emulating the criminals who act like this in real life. would you have a poster on your wall of a death row inmate incarcerated for rape and murder? would that be your hero? GTA fans are demonstrating a lack of intelligence.

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  • identicon
    "TROY", 26 Mar 2007 @ 1:40pm

    So stupid......


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