We Can't Tell You What This Post Is About If You Live In Washington

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If you live in Washington State, you might not want to read this post. It could be illegal. Last month, Washington State jumped the gun on Congress' attempt to outlaw online poker and rushed through with its own law. However, it appears the impact goes well beyond getting people to stop playing poker online. Soon after that law was passed, we noted how an online site that just talked about casinos was sent a cease and desist and forced to shut down. The latest is that various gambling magazines are telling residents of Washington that they are canceling subscriptions in the state and can no longer publish anything there. This seems like a pretty clear violation of free speech rights that will undoubtedly end up in court before too long. However, in the meantime, aren't there more important things the state should be worried about than whether or not someone is reading about gambling?
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    Robert (profile), 10 Jul 2006 @ 1:48pm

    Gambling in the Other Washington

    The short answer to the question about gambling is Yes there are defintly more important things then wether people can read about gambling or for that matter
    they can gamble . Espcially as involved as Washington state already is in gambling

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  • identicon
    Marcelo Calbucci, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:13pm

    No smokin' & no strippers

    Yes, there are two very important laws that just went in effect here in Washington:

    1) You can't smoke at less than 25 feet of a building entrance (including, bars, malls, etc.)

    2) It is illegal to open new strip-clubs in the city of Seattle, and there is some *other* important provisions on this law as well.

    See, WA politicians have their hand full.

    PS: WA is pretty much considered a liberal state.

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    • identicon
      TJ, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:47pm

      Re: No smokin' & no strippers

      WA is liberal in the city and stupid in the interior.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:22pm

    OK, so Danny boy (the author) didn't check to see if the state had told the publisher not to send their magazine to its residents, or they just did it on their own. Now, you guys post the same thing and didn't bother to check either.

    That is what I call responsible journalism. We don't really care about the facts, just the sizzle. I guess whatever gets ratings or clicks if fine, right?

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    • identicon
      Paul, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:39pm

      Re: Responsible Journalism

      No, he doesn't - and he doesn't imply the state forced them too. He instead showcases the chilling effects of too much government involvement.

      Dipshit, just because you don't like the article, you have no valid reason to claim it wasn't responsible journalism. Read into things instead of being spoonfed.

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      • identicon
        Nick, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:51pm

        Re: Re: Responsible Journalism

        If the facts weren't checked, the journalism is *indeed* irresponsible. That is irrefutable. Also irrefutable is that fact that epithets require little mental effort to lob out of whatever foxhole you are hiding in. I suggest you try intelligent banter in the future and avoid the profanity.

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  • identicon
    Scott, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:42pm

    Not the whole story

    Talking about online gambling isn't illegal in WA. What is being missed here is linking to unlawful site is unlawful. To draw a parallel talking about child porn isn't illegal, linking to unlawful child porn sites is illegal. Same here, talking about online gambling isn't illegal, linking to unlawful online gambling sites is.

    Now, the fact that online gambling is illegal is a completely seperate issue.

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    • identicon
      Robert, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:50pm

      Re: Not the whole story

      The difference in the 'parallel' situation, is that child porn is completely illegal, whereas gambling (in general) isn't, as long as the state gets their taxes.

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      • identicon
        Scott, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:52pm

        Re: Re: Not the whole story

        True, with the exception of online gambling...it is illegal everywhere in the U.S. as per federal law (which is why all the online sites are off-shore).

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  • identicon
    TJ, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:45pm

    Following on the heels of a really stupid anti-smoking law (with a 25-foot rule), this law proves that the meddlesome Washington Whiners who get idiot legislation like this passed are as stupid as their President.

    Anti-smoking, anti-gambling ... are we *really* returning to the era of stupid blue laws?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:50pm


    get a clue you idiots

    stop clinging to your precious 'rights' and 'liberties'

    the constition is just a god damned piece of paper stop trying to shove it in peoples faces

    get with the new world order you pansy assed liberals

    for the children!!

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    • identicon
      Scotty, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:02pm

      Re: retards

      If "the constition is just a god damned piece of paper" then you are the pansy ass liberal, retard.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:18pm

        Re: Re: retards

        uh except Bush is using it for toilet paper at the moment... Is John Hinkley still alive? everyone needs a second chance...

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:22pm

          Re: Re: Re: retards

          Why is it every thing that goes wrong in the US is Bush's fault. Are you that stupid? Do you think the US was perfect BEFORE he took office? Have you been living in a cave for the last decade? F'in retards...

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:23pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re: retards

            Yah blame someone who actually "DOES NOT MAKE THE LAWS" especially for a state.

            Wake up... It's the politicians you elected!

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            • identicon
              Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:36pm

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: retards

              So you are saying I can't blame the Post Office for the pizza not being delivered...

              The PO delivers stuff... shouldn't they get my pizza to me on time?

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            • identicon
              Michael L., 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:46pm

              come on...

              lets be honest here, it doesn't matter who you elect, the same people will be controlling the government and the economy. They do whatever they deem neccessary to get what they want, be it lie, cheat, steal or blow up skyscrapers. There really has been absolutely no political progress in that country for 20 years or so, plenty of regress though.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 2:50pm

    have you checked anon coward?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:01pm

    Don't confuse Washington state with a free country. Have you forgotten how the Democrats of Washington used recount after recount to get their candidate elected governor? It's illegal to vote for anyone other than a Democrat.

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  • identicon
    bidnas, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:13pm


    Living in Washington it amazes me the lack of thought put into these "rushed" laws. Washington sells lottery and has many, many places to gamble. The real issue, lawmakers in this state couldn't find a way to get a piece of the pie.

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  • identicon
    Joe Snuffy, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:14pm


    I really hope you were joking. If not, I really hope your not breeding!

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  • identicon
    Bubba, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:17pm

    No smoking and no gambling

    ...and soon, no drinking and no talking!

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  • identicon
    Monach, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:21pm

    The episode of South Park had Washington State perfect, or was that San Franciso? One in the same in my mind. It's where people think their Sh*t don't stink, they are so 'SMUG' that they love the smell of their own flatulence.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Jul 2006 @ 3:22pm

    Next will be a ban on cars because the CO and CO2 emmisions are killing people. So No driving within 25 ft. of any person, building, window, car......

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    • identicon
      EverydayBS, 11 Jul 2006 @ 5:21am

      Re: Banning Cars

      Actually that might not be too bad of an idea. Not olnly are CO2's killing people but the emmisions from vehicles contribute to asthma and other breathing difficulties. Not to mention having to walk to work, the mall, or the grocery store will get many people much their much needed work-out.

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    • identicon
      EverydayBS, 11 Jul 2006 @ 5:21am

      Re: Banning Cars

      Actually that might not be too bad of an idea. Not olnly are CO2's killing people but the emmisions from vehicles contribute to asthma and other breathing difficulties. Not to mention having to walk to work, the mall, or the grocery store will get many people much their much needed work-out.

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  • identicon
    Pinnacle, 10 Jul 2006 @ 4:02pm

    you guys are being watched.../run

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  • identicon
    Beavis, 10 Jul 2006 @ 4:38pm

    I live in washington, there is no shortage of gambling here between the indian casinos and non-indian card rooms.

    the problem is the frakken gubment aint getting their cut of the dough.

    if they could get a percentage, they'd be all for it, i'm sure there is some womens/children/poverty issue thats begging for a few million more bucks a year.

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    • identicon
      Fred, 10 Jul 2006 @ 6:21pm

      Government getting their cut

      >the problem is the frakken gubment aint getting their cut of the dough.

      Oh, the politicians are getting their cut all right. They're getting it in the form of "campaign contributions".

      The people who come out ahead from this legislation are the ones who are getting their competitors banned. They're the existing casinos, and the state senator (Margarita Prentiss, D-11) who introduced this piece of legislation got money from them:

      Draw your own conclusions.

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    • identicon
      Mike in WA, 10 Jul 2006 @ 10:07pm


      The other problem is that what's her face the politician that got that stupid anti gambling law passed got 90% of her campaign contributions from the tribal casinos here in WA.

      She got paid, the rest of us get screwed. And for the idiots who keep passing off all of the washington state residents as the same, get a clue.

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  • identicon
    Raleighman53, 10 Jul 2006 @ 5:11pm


    This subjects sure brings people out of their holes.... I cannot underastand why Americans can complain so much, and vote so little!!!

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  • identicon
    Trvth Jvstice, 10 Jul 2006 @ 5:34pm


    President Bush is a good person and I honestly believe he means well. I agree with most of his decisions and I'm sure most of the country feels the same. He won his last election with more votes than any president has ever received. While his intelligence has been questioned many times, remember he is a Harvard graduate. You have to give him some credit for that.
    However, we've had total republican rule in Washington for years now and I have to admit, we haven't accomplished nearly as much as I would have liked (in most states, a 15 year old girl can still get an abortion without her parent's permission). This has left me feeling sort of jaded about politics. I'm beginning to think politicians are all the same, when they're off camera.

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    • identicon
      EverydayBS, 11 Jul 2006 @ 5:41am

      Re: IMO

      Stop watching Fox News. It rots your brain. I mean are you really that out of touch. Do you honestly want me to believe that just because Bush "graduated" from Harvard he is intelligent. His graduation wasn't bought cause that would be illegal. And our beloved President would never do anything illegal. He may mean well but his backbone is so shriveled he falls for every scam his greedy confidant's feed him. It's no coincidence that oil campanies are making record profits. Oh wait... maybe he is a genius....get elected President then run the US like it's your own piggy bank. No that's already been done by his Bush Sr. and every other President in my lifetime. So maybe he really is an idiot and just walking the path his predecesors have, line the pockets of those in power. Tax cuts for the rich = more hoarded money that will not see circulation for many years. It's just the trickle-down theory all over again.
      And to state that you should do a little research on something on your own is not liberal banter, it's being a responsible citizen. One that values an educated response, not just the 'Junk' new you here on one channel.

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  • identicon
    Sad citizen, 10 Jul 2006 @ 7:35pm

    President Bush is a good person and I honestly believe he means well...........Do your homework on the "Man", then come back and try to make an intelligent reserch based comment......Pay attention America, things arn't getting better....Watch a little less TV, Do a little digging, it won't take much, we get exactly what we vote for ...most of the time...Whatever, I love my country, but we are paying dearly for our ignorance and indifference. Suddenly "Free" isn't gonna be what it used to be...

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    • identicon
      Trvth Jvstice, 10 Jul 2006 @ 10:50pm


      You're just spouting the normal liberal crap. It's the same thing you always say. What you said is so generic, it could fit and comment or subject. You're not fooling me. You have made no point whatsoever.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Jul 2006 @ 8:01am

    EverydayBS, hey, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel. Course, not sure what your post has to do with the original topic, but whatever.

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  • identicon
    Jason, 11 Jul 2006 @ 8:47am

    When did we stop using the constitution? I remember learning about it in school but i dont remember when we stop using it.

    I wonder which freedom will be next?

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  • identicon
    Smart Guy, 11 Jul 2006 @ 8:53am


    This is why ecconomics and political science should be taught in school early, before the hicks and rednecks drop out and end up learning everything from their hick and redneck parents and then vote based on those 19th century ideas.

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    • identicon
      UW C.Sci Student, 15 Jul 2006 @ 9:10pm

      Re: under-edumacated

      Just because I own a gun, like driving fast, play poker, and drink whiskey doesn't mean I'm stupid. Oh yeah, I'm also a Republican. And oh yeah, I def hate Cuntry music. Don't you all realize that if that indecisive moron kerry was in office, (yes, his name doesn't even deserve to be capitalized), he'd be bent over his desk getting a dildo shoved in his ass by his secretary and asking her advise at the same time "Hey hun, do you think I should give old Osama another chance to be a good little boy, or should I ask him not to kill anymore of our people nicely?"

      Bush has big expensive boots, I'm just glad he knows how to kick some ass with them, or else that war would be in our country not in theirs.

      P.S. - How the hell did this law ever pass? And who got to vote on it? Shouldn't somebody have realized the little whore who proposed it is a fuckin Indian Pawn?

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