Pakistan Joins The Axis Of NoTube; Screws Up The Internet

from the yeah,-that'll-work dept

Some news stories really make you wonder if politicians ever think their actions through. It's as if they don't realize that anything they do might have a reaction that nullifies the point of the action in the first place. An example of this would be the repeated ridiculous attempts by various countries to ban YouTube entirely. We've already seen it happen in Brazil, Turkey, Morocco and Thailand. In every case, it was over some random video that the government (or a judge) found offensive. Yet, in calling for the entire site to be blocked, the effort only called a lot more attention to the offending videos, while also pissing off the much larger population of folks who were using YouTube to look at other content. The latest to join this crowd would be Pakistan, who quietly ordered ISPs to block YouTube without making any kind of public announcement. Of course, in doing so, the ISP PCCW that serves many countries throughout Asia accidentally blocked YouTube in many other countries as well -- and apparently directed a barrage of unwanted traffic at a Pakistani site, basically knocking Pakistan off the internet for a bit. Oops. Given how little previous bans of YouTube succeeded in preventing interest in these "offensive" videos, does Pakistan actually think it will work this time?
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Filed Under: ban, pakistan, youtube

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  1. identicon
    SteveD, 25 Feb 2008 @ 2:29am

    Offensive to Islam

    To be honest, its less about effectiveness and more about the Goverment being seen to do something.

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  2. identicon
    mike allen, 25 Feb 2008 @ 3:20am


    Why do they think they can influence how other people think.
    the outage even affected us here in the UK for about 2 hours. Just enforces my views on Islam which i wont print here ( techdirt would be banned in several countries.)

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  3. identicon
    Lalo, 25 Feb 2008 @ 3:32am


    Seems like people having the ability to post uncensored news is too scary for othe governments

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 3:36am

    Re: Comment

    Given what's happened to wikileaks, you're probably more right then you know. It wasnt china or pakistan that shut down wikileaks... it was the USA.

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  5. identicon
    Reech, 25 Feb 2008 @ 4:30am

    Re: Offensive to Islam

    If that was true surely they would have made some kind of public announcement.

    Anyway - someone needs to tell these fools that the cat is out the bag, and long gone.

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  6. identicon
    Reech, 25 Feb 2008 @ 4:30am

    Re: Offensive to Islam

    If that was true surely they would have made some kind of public announcement.

    Anyway - someone needs to tell these fools that the cat is out the bag, and long gone.

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  7. identicon
    Jesse McNelis, 25 Feb 2008 @ 4:30am

    Re: mmmm

    Just enforces my views on Islam which i wont print here
    Are these view similar to my views on christianity or any other organisation where thinking is frowned upon?

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  8. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 5:07am

    Worries me about having a Muslim in office...

    How Islamics would react.

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  9. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 5:24am

    Get a clue, folks!

    The article isn't about the Muslims! It is about how a over-reacting government tried to repress the people and got caught. Why does this have to always be about the [insert religious belief here].

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  10. icon
    Yangyang (profile), 25 Feb 2008 @ 5:34am

    Re: Get a clue, folks!

    Because these over-reacting governments often use religion as the reason for the repression of their people.
    Some religions repress women, some repress homosexuals, some repress both and other groups. There are few, if any, religions out there which are not into repression in some form or another.
    I guess religions do not like people to think. Otherwise these thinkers would soon come to see their religion for what it is. Emptiness to fill the void of the meaning of life. Personally, i prefer Monty Python's take on that theme.

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  11. identicon
    Peter Taffs, 25 Feb 2008 @ 5:44am

    wrong headline

    The story is that a high tear ISP (PCCW) breaks the Internet for everyone when trying to block YouTube at the request of a particular government. PCCW obviously must respond to the request but should not have allowed the change to propergate to other routers. Did they redirect the URL or block the IP address?

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  12. identicon
    mike allen, 25 Feb 2008 @ 6:03am

    Re: Re: mmmm

    quite possibly keep on thinking free

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  13. identicon
    syn-ack, 25 Feb 2008 @ 6:06am

    Misplaced blame

    PCCW is not to blame if you read the stories. A smaller Pakistani ISP send the routes upstream.
    The bigger question is how will global telecoms continue to provide services to these countries? There's a certain level of trust needed with BGP route advertisements, etc.

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  14. identicon
    Overcast, 25 Feb 2008 @ 6:13am

    Oh, blocking a site is always so effective on the internet - I'm sure there are no more like it!

    That's ok, I'm sure users in Pakistan will now become familiar with what a 'proxy' is.

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  15. identicon
    Rich Kulawiec, 25 Feb 2008 @ 7:33am

    Re: Anonymous @ 8

    You're "worried about having a Muslim in office"? Please tell me you haven't been so abysmally stupid as to fall for the disparaging chain letters going around discussing Senator Obama. This is fear-mongering nonsense, of course, but it seems to play very well with those of limited intellectual ability.

    It's also wrong. The man's a Christian, and has been for decades. See, for example: Barack Obama - Wikipedia which reads in part:

    A theme of Obama's 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote address, and the title of his 2006 book, "The Audacity of Hope", was inspired by his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. In Chapter 6 of the book, titled "Faith," Obama writes that he "was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother, raised by non-religious parents, as detached from religion, yet "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person that I have ever known." He describes his Kenyan father as "raised a Muslim," but a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met, and his Indonesian stepfather as "a man who saw religion as not particularly useful." The chapter details how Obama, in his twenties, while working with local churches as a community organizer, came to understand "the power of the African American religious tradition to spur social change":
    "It was because of these newfound understandings -- that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for economic and social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved -- that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ one day and be baptized."

    He joined Trinity in 1988. A megachurch with 10,000 members, Trinity United Church of Christ is the largest congregation in the United Church of Christ.

    So if you want to be concerned that the man's a devout Christian, fine, be concerned about that -- because it's REAL. But this feeble whispering campaign is odious and reflects very poorly on the bigots, liars, and fools propagating it.

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  16. identicon
    MRBILL, 25 Feb 2008 @ 7:50am

    Re: Re: Anonymous @ 8

    What has the comment made by the person about Muslims in the office have to do with Mr. Obama? I like the man but he probably won't be able to get elected due to all of the racist people in this country. If he does get elected then all of us will have to protect him from the boys of the south. I just want to see a good person stay safe.

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  17. identicon
    Rich Kulawiec, 25 Feb 2008 @ 8:01am

    Re: Re: Anonymous (@ 16, MrBill)

    It's the precise language being used in the whispering campaign -- in chain letters and in blogs and elsewhere. Never too specific, never showing the courage to come right out and engage in a smear, but just enough to tweak bigotry and prejudice in those susceptible to it.

    I can't stand stupid, so my approach to this is slap the morons promoting it -- hard. They deserve it.

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  18. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 8:04am

    I love the fact that no one in the religious world seems to realise that blocking "offensive to my religion" content, or trying to ban it or otherwise cover it up, just makes them all appear weak and scared.

    Surely any religion, or group, that is comfortable with its beliefs and practices, can defend their beliefs without having to resort to simply banning any criticism / offensiveness? What happened to just saying "Ok, whatever you say" and getting on with life?

    They're all cowards. All religions always have been, and they always will be, because they're terrified of losing control.

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  19. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 8:16am

    If you think the biggest issue or the biggest problem Pakistan has is their govt.'s blocking of YouTube, you really have no clue at all what life is like there.

    Oh, and there is a small difference between the catholic church protesting something because you don't agree with the message and chopping someone's head off because you don't agree with them.

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  20. identicon
    Wayne, 25 Feb 2008 @ 8:25am

    Re: Get a clue, folks!

    Well mostly it is about religion because the reason YouTube was banned in Pakistan was an offensive video that contained ""blasphemous" content and material considered offensive to Islam". So yes in this case it is about Muslims and Religion.

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  21. identicon
    J Brown, 25 Feb 2008 @ 9:18am

    Call in technical help from India

    Before Pakistan becomes even more of a 3rd world country, get some help from India. Also ask your Pakistani leaders why India and Pakistan, which were essentially one country a long time ago, are going in opposite directions. Who the hell gives a shit about Pakistan anyway?

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  22. identicon
    Rich Kulawiec, 25 Feb 2008 @ 9:45am

    Re: Anonymous Coward @19

    Oh, I quite agree. Peaceful protests are one thing, imprisonment, torture, abuse and execution are quite another. wouldn't happen to have heard of "The Inquisition", would you? Or "The Crusades"? Or -- rather more recently -- about the epidemic of child sexual abuse by priests?

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  23. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 10:18am

    Rich, you like living in the past? I agree, the priests should have been thrown in jail, why did the parents take their case to the church instead of the police?

    Inquisition? Crusades? This is 2011, just because some in the muslim world want to live in the stone ages doesn't mean we should join them.

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  24. identicon
    Brian, 25 Feb 2008 @ 11:20am

    Muslin Governments

    Their like communism, control the people. I'm a white conservative southern fella, Whose Voting for Obama. Obama is christian, I hate misinformation.

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  25. identicon
    Rich Kulawiec, 25 Feb 2008 @ 11:38am

    Re: @23

    It's actually 2008, but that aside: I study the past so that I can live in the future. And one of the things I've learned is that if you step back far enough, you can see that there is really no difference in the conduct of any organized religion: when it suits their purposes, they're quite willing to do anything to sustain their power and influence. Sometimes that's via political means; sometimes it's economic; and other times it's by execution. Which one isn't determined by predilection, but by expediency.

    From what I sit, there is little effective difference between (to pick a couple of contemporary examples) the Taliban (still alive and well, by the way) and the Westboro Baptist Church. Yes, their behaviors are occasionally different, but that's only due to externally imposed constraints. If you actually pay attention to what they're saying -- the message is the same.

    So please don't pretend that Christianity or Judaism or any other primitive superstitious nonsense is somewhere more civilized than Islam. They're not. Any temporary appearance to the contrary is just a momentary aberration -- a brief interruption in a pattern that's been sustained for millenia.

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  26. identicon
    Slippy Lane, 25 Feb 2008 @ 11:47am

    The far more important point is that now any malicious government or telco knows how to take down whole swathes of interpipes.


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  27. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 1:42pm

    Rich, I agree with your point, but I think that if you limit it to religion, you are just blowing smoke. All groups, be it religious, political, tribel or grouping does what you say.

    Its not religions fault, it is mans fault.

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  28. identicon
    Rich Kulawiec, 25 Feb 2008 @ 2:01pm

    Re: @27

    Oh, I'm well aware of this -- didn't I mention that I'm a student of history? There's a significant difference between, let's say, political or economic or ethnic groups and religious groups. Yes, you can get people fairly worked up over those former differences -- sometimes, you can get them worked up enough to kill in large numbers, to go war, to commit genocide, if you work at it.

    But if you really want to unleash the worst that people have -- then use religion. There's nothing like invoking the authority of a god (or gods) to keep human beings going at it for millenia. As we see every day, looking around the world -- even wars that go on for decades are trifling, temporary skirmishes compared to conflicts based on religious differences.

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  29. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Feb 2008 @ 7:30pm

    Youtube was most likely banned because a Dutch politican named Geert Wilders is shooting a movie. This movie will be about how the holy islamic book is a fascist book and why the islam is a fascist religion. This movie is supposed to air somewhere in march.
    This is the information that the Dutch government is supplying about this.

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  30. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 26 Feb 2008 @ 7:01am

    Rich, but just because religion is used doesn't mean that is the cause. Get rid of religion and the excuse will just be something different. Focusing on America, what wars have we fought that were religious? WWI? WWII? Korea? Vietnam? Iraq I and II? I just don't see it.

    We may be in a religious war right now, but that is our our enemy sees it, not America.

    Religion, just like politics, is used for some groups to gain power. It doesn't cause it, but humans turn it into that.

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  31. identicon
    Matt, 20 May 2010 @ 4:28am


    so they can stone and beat women, and kill innocent people with bombs but they cannot handle a cartoon.

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  32. identicon
    Matt, 20 May 2010 @ 4:32am


    so they can stone and beat women, and kill innocent people with bombs but they cannot handle a cartoon.

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