Bills Introduced To Protect Laptops At Border Searches

from the restoring-the-4th-amendment dept

As was widely expected following earlier statements from politicians such as Russ Feingold, legislation has now been introduced that would curb Homeland Security's ability to randomly search laptops at the border, instead, requiring them to have a "reasonable suspicion" of illegal activity before they can search or copy a hard drive. This would be a huge step forward in terms of reasonable levels of privacy at the border. While defenders of the random search program claim that it's necessary, they give little proof. You can tell because their arguments could equally be applied to searching a random person on the street as well, as they just give vague platitudes about protecting the country from harm. Yet our country has privacy rights and probable cause for a very good reason. It's nice to actually see some politicians standing up to make sure that Homeland Security live up to those ideals.
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Filed Under: border, customs, homeland security, laptops, russ feingold, searches

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  1. identicon
    NeoConBushSupporter, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:17am

    Why are the borders special?

    "You can tell because their arguments could equally be applied to searching a random person on the street as well . . . "

    Well the state can stop and search a random person on the street anytime they want too, as long as they have reasonable suspicion (which is anything the state says it is). I dont see why people on the border are subject to additional protections? I dont understand why you guys are so concerned with the rights of terrorists and criminals yet seem uninterested in protecting the country that insures those rights?

    VOTE McCain 2008 - The politics of failure have failed, together we can make them work again.

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  2. identicon
    BarbieQ, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:34am

    Fourth Amendment

    Why do we need a separate law to say "No, we really mean it when we say

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    @NeoConBushSupporter - If you're not deliberately trolling, you might consider sitting in on a high school civics lesson or two.

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  3. identicon
    NullOp, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:48am

    Random Searches

    These type of searches are probably marginally effective at best. If I wanted to get some plan, program or whatever across borders I would use some other, more effective means. After all, a notebook has "Secret Data" written all over it!

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:56am

    Re: Why are the borders special?

    Wow, that is the best thing I have ever heard. Incredible.

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  5. identicon
    Hoeppner, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:57am

    No one is intelligent enough to cover every possible spot someone could hide something on a computer much less an entire car.

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  6. identicon
    Martyburns, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:59am

    I can't believe..

    you put a voting plug thing at the end of your post. Jesus.

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  7. identicon
    CluelessNewbie, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:08am

    Re: Why are the borders special?

    By the way, your sloganeering has a comma in the wrong place! VOTE McCain 2008 - The politics of failure have failed together, we can make them work again. Vote McCain 2008 to reinforce the politics of failure.

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  8. identicon
    Duane, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:09am

    Re: I can't believe..

    It's a joke though right?

    "VOTE McCain 2008 - The politics of failure have failed, together we can make them work again."

    McCain 2008 = Politics of failure

    link to this | view in thread ]

  9. icon
    MadJo (profile), 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:16am

    Re: Why are the borders special?

    I am not a terrorist nor a criminal, but I do object to anyone just randomly searching my laptop in search of.. well of what exactly? Do you honestly think that terrorists would be stupid enough to leave any plans on their hard drives when entering the country?

    Actually you answered your own question.
    In the initial bill, anyone could be searched whether there was reasonable suspicion or not.
    That was the difference...
    Now the searches are on par as on the street. You get searched if there is reasonable suspicion.

    BTW, the politics of failure has failed? Yet, you'd vote for a person who'd keep following the same path as G.W. Bush? (stay the course, as they say)
    You probably also believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 (it didn't, Al-Qaeda is an Afghan group), and that there were WMDs stashed there (there weren't, not north, south, east nor west of Bagdad) and that this war in Iraq can be won (it can't, it's Vietnam 2.0)

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  10. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:35am

    Re: Re: Why are the borders special?

    At least Repubs maintain their views whereas Dems just change their positions to whatever is popular at the time. As I remember, most of the Dems in Congress voted to go to war. Now that it is unpopular, they change their mind, and now they want to blame the other party. If they are so antiwar, then they shouldn't have voted against it in the first place on principle even if they were "tricked". With the success in the "surge" you don't hear much squawking anymore. Now it is the financial sector in "crisis". Hmmm, the financial sector pretty much owns the Dem party. Don't be so disillusioned to believe our government parties would have things running any different than they currently are now. You should notice that it doesn't matter who is in control of whichever branch, the people continue to get screwed.

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  11. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:36am

    Re: Re: Re: Why are the borders special?

    If they are so antiwar, then they should have voted against it in the first place on principle even if they were "tricked".

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  12. identicon
    Ima Fish, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:42am

    They should be able to inspect the laptop's hardware to ensure it's really a laptop and not a disguised bomb or weapon. However, there is simply no basis to inspect the software. Anything someone could sneak in via software on a laptop could be downloaded from the internet. In other words, these software inspections do not provide any additional safety or benefit to the public and are mere fishing expeditions by the government.

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  13. identicon
    Gutless Wonder, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:47am

    Re: Re: Why are the borders special?

    I'd like someone to define what "winning" in Iraq would look like. Would the insurgents suddenly band together, wave a white flag and sign a peace treaty? Or would they drop their weapons, walk to the nearest border and leave? McCain has defined anything short of "victory" in Iraq as defeat (he's pretty clearly still trying to win in Vietnam, with Iraq as the proxy for Vietnam). But how does he define victory?

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  14. identicon
    Overcast, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:48am

    But if it's a known fact they copy data - couldn't one *plant* a virus with the very intention that it will be copied?

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  15. identicon
    streadwick, 1 Oct 2008 @ 6:55am

    Re: Why are the borders special?

    Any moron who supports Bush and McCain deserves to have their freedoms taken away. The rest of us would rather abide by the Constitution and keep what little privacy we have left.

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  16. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 7:11am

    Re: Why are the borders special?

    "The politics of failure have failed, together we can make them work again"

    I don't know if I would want "politics of failure" to work again.

    I want a new kind of politic.

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  17. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 7:30am

    Re: Fourth Amendment

    ". . . unreasonable searches and seizures . . . "

    Would it make you happier if they made up something to justify "reasonable suspicion" first?

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  18. identicon
    Common Sense, 1 Oct 2008 @ 7:33am

    Re: Re: Why are the borders special?

    Haven't any of you seen NeoConBushSupporter before? He's clearly writing satirically (or trolling, depending on your definition). As a regular reader, I've seen his "politics of failure" line several times. Anyone who actually takes him seriously needs mental head examination.

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  19. identicon
    Greg, 1 Oct 2008 @ 7:35am

    Re: Fourth Amendment

    Agreed. With both of your statements.

    NeoConBushSupporter must be a troll, as making a statement like that isn't even close to conservative beliefs.

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  20. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 7:47am

    Re: Re: Fourth Amendment

    "NeoConBushSupporter must be a troll, as making a statement like that isn't even close to conservative beliefs."

    What does George Bush or the republican party have to do with conservative beliefs?

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  21. identicon
    id, 1 Oct 2008 @ 7:54am

    Re: Re: Why are the borders special?


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  22. icon
    Esahc (profile), 1 Oct 2008 @ 8:19am

    Re: Re: Re: Fourth Amendment

    "What does George Bush or the republican party have to do with conservative beliefs?"

    Thank you. Conservatism is about limiting the power of the federal government, not expanding it to new heights, as the bush administration has done.

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  23. identicon
    Yet Another Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 8:33am


    It is obvious that any form of inspection is more to deter than find. Border lifestyle is simple, if you're crossing the border and have a calm demeanor carrying a US passport the customs agent hardly even looks at you. Its only the nervous or suspicious one's they even care about.

    I cross the border weekly and have never so much as been questioned except for the usual, "Do you have any produce?" line of questions, that are more a health issue than a security one. So I think there is a bit too much overreaction to the whole inspection process.

    btw- Both political parties are the same monster in a different colored hat. You can go Socialism by 2012 with Obama, or you can maintain some semblance of "freedom" with McCain while the government takes over anyway, but in the end the victor will be torn down by the people as not living up to promises of change because Change is not possible while the system still exists. For example either Iraq option will cause issues: pulling out of Iraq and bringing terrorism back to US borders from the vacuum currently formed in Iraq is bad, while staying in Iraq and causing another few hundred soldiers' deaths while keeping terrorists occupied with the worlds finest military also bad. Which is worse?

    So instead of arguing about who, why not come up with a solution to the two-party mess. Partisanship is the root of the current problems and neither side is free of blame, and as long as there are sides there will be no solutions.

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  24. identicon
    NeoConBushSupporter, 1 Oct 2008 @ 8:40am

    Re: Freedoms?

    "So instead of arguing about who, why not come up with a solution to the two-party mess. Partisanship is the root of the current problems and neither side is free of blame, and as long as there are sides there will be no solutions."

    I agree, Obama and his liberal allies in Congress are spending all thier time practicing partisan politics while the country is in crisis. Now is not the time for blame, now is the time for solutions . . . we need more Americans like you.

    VOTE McCain 2008 - Say NO to the partisan politics of Washington insiders!

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  25. identicon
    Bl1tzKr31g, 1 Oct 2008 @ 8:44am

    Political direction

    Has everybody forgotten the independant party? We need to get worthy candidates to run independantly. Forget voting democratic or republican. Vote American. Both party's are only out to benefit themselves. It's saddening to see this country go to waste as much as it has because only a few rich people have power to make changes. The American people are being kept down by Democratic and Republican alike. If it were up to the Republicans we wouldn't have any privacy. If it were up to the Democrats we wouldn't have any rights. And both would tax us worse then the previous administration.

    America was founded on getting away from taxation and oppression. Looks like we didn't get very far.

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  26. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 9:02am

    Re: Fourth Amendment

    Conservatism is about limiting the power of the federal government

    OH! Ooooh, ouch... damn, you made me spray coffee out my nose....

    "Conservative" doesn't refer to a government world view, but a social world view. It's a push for puritanicalistic controls and expectations in the population, however big government has to get to enforce it.

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  27. identicon
    Overcast, 1 Oct 2008 @ 9:18am

    Any moron who supports Bush and McCain deserves to have their freedoms taken away. The rest of us would rather abide by the Constitution and keep what little privacy we have left.

    Many of us say that about most politicians. But I guess those who watch too much TV news think one party is actually better than the other. Anymore, if you kinda pull your head out of the sand and look at - not what they say - but what they do, it seems to be one big happy party, with two 'factions' that debate on how to execute a specific agenda - but anymore the overall agenda doesn't seem to be debated much; just how to go about it. The 'bail-out' bill's a prime example. Why don't they 'bail-out' all the people who have been foreclosed on, instead of the banks?

    Has everybody forgotten the independant party? We need to get worthy candidates to run independantly.

    That's EXACTLY what we need - one or two more parties. I will likely be voting for NO member of the Democratic or Republican party, except for a few people here and there, but that's dependent on the particular candidate.

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  28. identicon
    Joe Blow, 1 Oct 2008 @ 9:28am

    This is really about child porn

    This all started because a guy had child porn on his laptop. He went into another country, had sex with a child, photographed it, had the pics on his hard drive when coming back into the USA, and then got caught.

    If you break a law of the USA outside of the country, it is still illegal in this country. You must be held accountable for your actions.

    Now for those who want to let all the child mongers come and go as they please and not get caught, then lets vote this law through. For those that want to stop or potentally prevent the inoncent praying on of children, then stop this law. If it goes through, who knows what else will be caught, maybe a terrorist, maybe some trade secrets being stolen, etc. People are stupid and do leave things on their computer. If your upset about this then what are you hiding?

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  29. identicon
    boost, 1 Oct 2008 @ 9:38am

    Re: Why are the borders special?

    Maybe you should do some research on your rights. If you want to turn down a search, you can. Now, if the police officer/boarder officer actually presents some good evidence/observations that make you believe he's not just targeting you at random or becuase of your ethnicity then it would probably be better for you to submit. However, if the police officer doesn't have much to go on, he's probably not going to want to have to explain himself before a judge if he tries to go get a warrarnt.

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  30. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 10:12am

    Re: This is really about child porn

    This all started because a guy had child porn on his laptop.

    Again, as before, not to be too crass about it, but So what?

    Now for those who want to let all the child mongers come and go as they please and not get caught,

    Puffery. Straw man. Hot air. BS. Fool's Gambit.

    Not to mention an outright lie. Defending rights and liberties does not make me a pornographer, a terrorist, an agent of espionage, or a supporter of such in any fashion. It makes me a good citizen, defending the principles upon which this nation was founded and has flourished. It means I recognize the trade of liberty for security as the fast track to losing both.

    I see no reason to trade away this nation's hard won freedoms so casually as has been done during this administration. Shame on you.

    If your upset about this then what are you hiding?

    This is your lesson for the day, people. Read this message and understand it for what it is.

    This is the banner and the mantra under which opressive and totaletarian regimes come in. Nobody wakes up and decides to give away their freedom, their freedoms are bought from them one piece at a time. Give up this freedom and we'll protect you from another enemy at the gates.

    Tell us what we want to know.

    Show us what we want to see.

    Give us what we wnat to have.

    No, no, don't argue. Aren't you a loyal citizen?

    Or are you one of Them?

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  31. identicon
    NeoConBushSupporter, 1 Oct 2008 @ 10:20am


    "Many of us say that about most politicians. But I guess those who watch too much TV news think one party is actually better than the other"

    Informed people are the worst! Always spouting off about facts and truth. Facts and truth dont protect this country, facts and truth dont put bread on the table.

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  32. identicon
    randy, 1 Oct 2008 @ 10:20am

    maybe a little background in the law would help here. First the 4th amendment has been held by the Supreme Court not to apply to border crossing. The 4th amendment applies to search and seizure when we are in the country and the border is not considered in the country as such. So nothing is added to the debate by preaching about searches of one's home.

    Second the standards of reasonable cause also don't apply to the border. They can search you, your body cavities and your luggage if they want to. You have tacitly "signed up for that" when you leave the country and cross the border coming back in. If an Iranian ship comes into our harbors, do we really want to accord it 4th amendment protections from inspection? How about a North Korean boat? Again same answer.

    So let's not get preachy about this. There are plenty of reasons why our border patrols can search whatever they want when something comes into the country. That has been the state of constitutional law for decades--and no that is not a neocom invention.

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  33. identicon
    Dosquatch, 1 Oct 2008 @ 10:28am


    If an Iranian ship comes into our harbors, do we really want to accord it 4th amendment protections from inspection? How about a North Korean boat?

    There's what most reasonable people might call a "Big Fucking Difference" between a foreign ship entering a harbor and an individual at the border.

    There is, further, what those same reasonable people might similarly characterize as a difference, between one or more people from a known hostile state and a citizen of our own country... not to put too fine a point on it.

    And neverminding the SC's thoughts, nowhere in my reading of the Constitution do I see it state "... except at the border".

    What other rights do we surrender at the border? Do I still have the right to speak and worship as I please? Am I still protected against cruel or unusual punishment?

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  34. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Oct 2008 @ 10:35am

    Re: Fourth Amendment

    "Why do we need a separate law to say "No, we really mean it when we say
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    Because they are not in the USA yet but on the way in so its a gray zone and they have no rights in limbo.

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  35. identicon
    Dosquatch, 1 Oct 2008 @ 10:57am

    Re: Re: Fourth Amendment

    "Shall not be violated [...] but upon probable cause, supported by Oath"

    Hmmm. Still not seeing where it says "... except at the border, where the stormtroopers have free reign"

    Limbo, huh? So, just... no rights at all? We're cattle, then? Can they shoot us just to see what happens?

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  36. identicon
    anymouse government worker, 1 Oct 2008 @ 11:56am

    Independent = never going anywhere

    "Has everybody forgotten the independant party? We need to get worthy candidates to run independantly."

    As long as our system relies on the electorial college system, no independent will ever be elected, it's just not possible with the current system.

    No matter what the 'popular' vote is (that's you and me going to the poles and voting - and it has no effect on which candidate gets elected - other than 'suggesting' to our state's electors who we would like to see elected, the state has no obligation to select the candidate that won the popular vote), the states electorial votes will still go to one of the major party candidates (ie. the system is rigged). If we had a true democracy where the people's vote actually mattered, then a strong independent candidate may have a chance, but in the republic we live in, it's just not possible.

    Hmm... The government in the Star Wars was a republic before the corrupt rose to positions of power and assumed total control creating the Empire (during military events the people gave up their freedom to the government in exchange for promises of protection - see any similarities to our government 'seizing' our freedoms in exchange for promises of 'protection'?). So obviously the only solution is to call in the Jedi to remedy the situation, oh wait, we don't have any Jedi, guess we're screwed no matter what we do....

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  37. identicon
    Joe Blow, 1 Oct 2008 @ 4:37pm

    Its legal....get used to it!

    In United States v. Arnold, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a defendant's contention that search of travelers' files on a laptop computer intrude upon a person's dignity and privacy interests to the same degree as searches of a traveler's body.[18] Instead, the court ruled that searches of electronic materials are legally equivalent to searches of property. As such, Customs' authority to search electronic materials at the border are limited in only two ways: (1) the search may not cause exceptional damage to the property; and (2) the search may not be conducted in "a particularly offensive manner."[19] These restrictions are applicable to all border searches of property.[20] According to Arnold, the characteristics that make electronic storage devices unique, including vast storage capacity and the ability to track its user's habits, tastes, and preferences, are not legally significant. Additionally, the Ninth Circuit held that searching through personal electronic information in a laptop does not constitute an "offensive search."[21]

    Although the Supreme Court has not addressed the standard of suspicion necessary for a warrantless border search of electronic materials, the current jurisprudence, guided by Ickes and Arnold suggests that customs officers may search any electronic materials (including laptops, CDs, MP3 players, cellular phones, and digital cameras) randomly, without any suspicion, and without any first amendment restrictions.

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  38. identicon
    Dosquatch, 1 Oct 2008 @ 5:05pm

    Re: Its legal....get used to it!

    I understand the courts have upheld this. Courts can be wrong. People can disagree with the court's decisions. Discussion about these disagreements is how a free society arrives at more equitable laws and enforcement thereof.

    These border searches are an offense to the notions of freedom and liberty, and are directly counter to what is written in the Constitution. I feel Customs, as an agent of our government, is overstepping the bounds of decency and liberty. I am not alone in this feeling.

    Speaking out is how change begins. Chanting "It's legal get used to it!" is childish and unhelpful. If you feel this is good policy, defend it on its merits. That a court has upheld bad policy (my opinion) is not a merit as such.

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  39. identicon
    nasch, 2 Oct 2008 @ 9:49am

    Re: Re: Freedoms?

    This may be one of Super Troll's best posts!

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  40. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Oct 2008 @ 10:27am

    Re: Re: Re: Why are the borders special?

    Haven't any of you seen NeoConBushSupporter before?
    Yes. Lots of them, in fact.
    He's clearly writing satirically (or trolling, depending on your definition). As a regular reader, I've seen his "politics of failure" line several times. Anyone who actually takes him seriously needs mental head examination.
    I think you may be a little naive. I know some of his type personally and, believe me, they aren't kidding with that stuff.

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  41. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Oct 2008 @ 10:44am


    Has everybody forgotten the independant party? We need to get worthy candidates to run independantly.

    That's EXACTLY what we need - one or two more parties.
    That's funny. You guys are so brainwashed by the "party" system that you even think independents are part of some "independant party" [sic]. They aren't. Independent means not part of a party and so there is not such thing as a "party" of independents.

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  42. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Oct 2008 @ 10:49am

    Re: This is really about child porn

    THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (i.e. let's try to eliminate as much of their future freedom as we can. They won't be good future slaves if they have too much freedom.)

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  43. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Oct 2008 @ 11:09am


    First the 4th amendment has been held by the Supreme Court not to apply to border crossing.
    And they were wrong in doing so.
    The 4th amendment applies to search and seizure when we are in the country and the border is not considered in the country as such.
    That depends upon who you ask.
    So nothing is added to the debate by preaching about searches of one's home.
    It seems that you would really like for people stop discussing this issue. Why's that? What's your stake in it?
    Second the standards of reasonable cause also don't apply to the border.
    You already said that. You're basically just repeating your first point in a misleading attempt to make it look like an additional point.
    You have tacitly "signed up for that" when you leave the country and cross the border coming back in.
    No, I didn't (as much as you and your apparent buddies would like to pretend otherwise).
    So let's not get preachy about this.
    Then quit preaching.
    There are plenty of reasons why our border patrols can search whatever they want when something comes into the country.
    Sorry, didn't fly for freedom lovers 200 years ago and still doesn't today. The founders of country knew that government agents would try to use them those kinds of arguments to destroy our liberty, hence the 4th amendment.
    That has been the state of constitutional law for decades--and no that is not a neocom invention.
    The law used to condone slavery too before it was finally changed. That still didn't make it right.

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  44. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

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  45. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  46. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  47. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  48. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  49. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  50. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  51. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  52. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  53. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  54. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  55. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  56. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  57. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  58. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  59. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  60. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  61. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  62. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  63. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  64. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  65. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

  66. identicon
    Barbara Barrett, 4 Oct 2008 @ 12:01pm


    DHS is out of control.
    Someone should introduce a bill to fire the private contractors, including and especially Blackwater.
    They are waging war on American citizens and this is a travisty.
    I personally have been assaulted with a non-leathal weapon and am recieving electronic torture and mind control, I believe the culprits were Blackwater.

    link to this | view in thread ]

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