Wal-Mart Abusing Trademark Law To Try To Shut Down Union Website

from the not-a-fan-of-free-speech-apparently dept

Over the years, we've seen a ton of lawsuits against so-called "gripes" sites: people who set up a site because they feel wronged by a company. Company lawyers will often try to bully such sites, and claim that they're a trademark violations, especially when they use a name like BigCompanySucks.com. The big companies almost always lose such lawsuits. That's because those sites are obviously not from the company itself and don't cause any sort of consumer "confusion" over who runs the sites. Earlier this year, we heard that lawyers were finally starting to recognize that suing gripes sites was not a good idea. First, you would almost certainly lose. But more importantly, you'd end up drawing a lot more attention to the gripes sites. However, it certainly looks like there are a bunch of folks who have not gotten the message. Soon after that article, we saw Goldman Sachs go after a gripes site, and the same story played out again. Lots more attention to the gripes site, and the all-powerful Goldman Sachs eventually forced to back down.

And yet, it keeps happening.

The latest such story takes place up in Canada, and rather than a traditional disgruntled customer or ex-employee, the gripes site in question is from a union.Michael Scott points us to the news that Wal-Mart is trying to shut down a union website using quite a creative interpretation of trademark law, to suggest it blocks out all sorts of stuff it does not:
They want the court to order the union:
  • to refrain from using the names Wal-Mart or Walmart as a trademark alone, or with other indicia, in any form or format
  • not to use the expressions "Walmart Workers Canada" or "Union for Walmart Workers" in any form or format
  • not to use the expression "Get respect. Live better." or any other expression which constitutes a play on Wal-Mart's trademarked slogan "Save money. Live better"
  • not to use photos or images of WalMart employees or people purporting to be such employees
  • not to use an oval, circular or semi-circular design similar to the Spark Design that includes spokes or figures in association with trademark Walmart in any form or format
  • to take down the website www.walmartworkerscanada.ca
Pretty much all of those requests seem like very questionable attempts to censor and silence organizing workers, rather than any legitimate attempt to protect trademarks against confusing use in commerce. And, of course, in doing so, all Wal-Mart is doing is drawing a lot more attention to these union claims... and to the fact that Wal-Mart appears to be acting like a big bully.
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Filed Under: canada, trademark, unions
Companies: wal-mart

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  • icon
    Designerfx (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 8:47am


    I pity anyone who works there. That place is about the worst known employment in existence. I'd rather shovel dogcrap (and make more money), than work there, unless there was no alternative. Of course in many places, there isn't.

    Don't even get me started with their filtering of stuff, threatening to label things adult/not sell them/major vendor pressure.

    Is anyone surprised? Walmart was well in the running for worst company in america, and narrowly was beaten by AIG from a consumer perspective (and also by bestbuy).

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    • identicon
      A Dan, 11 Aug 2009 @ 8:59am

      Re: pity

      It's really not that bad to work there; I've done it. I don't see why everyone whines so much. If it were really as bad as people seem to think, they wouldn't have any workers and would go out of business.

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    • icon
      Chronno S. Trigger (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:05am

      Re: pity

      Yep, $10/h starting, health care, stock options, and real promotion possibility sucks. Paying their slave labor over in other countries more than real jobs in said countries also sucks. How dare they employ people who cannot get jobs anywhere else (undereducated, elderly, or stuck in the recession). [/sarcasm]

      I don't agree with what walmart did here, they don't have anything to worry about with the union idiots. It took me two minutes to convince my roommate (who currently works at walmart) that unionizing would be a vary bad idea.

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  • icon
    David (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 8:48am

    Wal-Mart IS a big bully

    "Wal-Mart appears to be acting like a big bully"

    Wal-Mart is a big bully. They always have been. It's how they do business. They use their leverage as the 800 pound gorilla to stomp out their competition.

    Why would you expect any different?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 8:53am

    The Walmart union organizers in Canada are pretty frustrated. They got one store unionized, but the pay raises and work rules requested would have made the store unprofitable, and Walmart closed the location.

    In another store, the auto service workers unionized, and that was also closed (would have been very unprofitable).

    Walmart is a j-o-b. It shouldn't be something that should be unionized.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:50am


      unions suck. Always have when I worked for them. nothing but a scam so people got paid for sitting on their ass and doing jack shit. The people that actually worked got fucked because the slackers made as much money as they did, and caused them to work twice as hard.

      UNIONS SUCK. Fuck you union people, i'll never work for another union shop again. I know how to work for a living, to badk MOST union members DON'T.

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      • identicon
        Joe, 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:27am

        Re: Re:

        Anon - that's a pretty emotional reaction, which almost by definition overstate things.

        There's plenty of historical evidence of businesses abusing their power over workers. By the same token, strong union shops don't exactly put forth a model of efficiency. Maybe the answer lies in the middle? In my opinion, WalMart wields a huge amount of power over it's workers and suppliers. There's different ways of looking to balance that, unions are certainly one way, though i don't know if that's the best here. Having government regulation to mandate a certain level of employee rights are a great way to keep things level for businesses.

        Bottom line - unions may not be the right answer for WalMart workers, but WalMart's response to their attempts to unionize cross the line in a big way.

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    • identicon
      sellby marris, 21 Mar 2010 @ 7:17am



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  • icon
    ChurchHatesTucker (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:01am

    ...or play on words

    "not to use the expression "Get respect. Live better." or any other expression which constitutes a play on Wal-Mart's trademarked slogan "Save money. Live better"

    So, trademark should cover puns?

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  • icon
    Digital Protector (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:04am

    I feel it's worth concentrating on one aspect of Wal-Mart's business practices here: their anti-union stance. Sam Walton began the retailer on the principle of barrel-bottom wages, and not much has changed since then; when groups of workers have merely considered unionizing, they have found their positions eliminated - even those workers who opposed unionization. Tom Coughlin, who served on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors, was convicted of embezzling money, which was then used to bribe union officials into disclosing which workers had signed union cards. Despite all this, Wal-Mart still claims that it is not anti-union.

    And don't even get me started on their selective censorship regime.

    End of story, avoid Wal-Mart if at all possible.

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  • identicon
    Octothorpe, 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:15am


    Myself, I agree with Wal-mart. While it may not lead to dilution of their trademark, it does appear to show some link between the organizations which Walmart does not want. This is just like the case posted a few weeks about about the use of BYU letterhead in HBO's Big Love. I believe that a company has the right to control the use of their trademarks with absolute authority. Someone posting a comment "Walmart sucks" doesn't really show a link to Walmart, but using their name/logo in a url or using their logo on ones website could and does in this case.

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    • icon
      The Infamous Joe (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:29am

      Re: Dilution/association

      And I agree with you, but isn't "Union for Walmart workers" an accurate, factual name because it is a union for people who are employed by walmart?

      I'm not implying you're wrong, I'm asking if that matters.

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    • icon
      Nathan W. (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:37am

      Re: Dilution/association

      I guess I'm confused by the term "absolute authority" as compared to saying that the comment the "Walmart sucks" doesn't show a link to Walmart. Doesn't that mean that the authority you are advocating isn't absolute, but has some restriction to it, like whether or not the comment is linked to Walmart? Absolute sounds..well, absolute, not qualified.

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    • icon
      ChurchHatesTucker (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:59am

      Re: Dilution/association

      " I believe that a company has the right to control the use of their trademarks with absolute authority."

      What, why? No, trademark is there to prevent me from passing off my goods as yours. Not to prevent me from saying your goods suck. Nor to prevent me from showing myself using your goods. Nor any of the other dumbass reasons lawyers have dreamed up to keep themselves busy.

      And let's just remember this is the company that tried to trademark the smiley face :)

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:38am

      Re: Dilution/association

      You may believe that, but that doesn't make it any less correct. The purpose of trademarks is to prevent confusion in commerce. They exist to ensure that customers know who they are doing business with, and are not fooled into doing business with a competitor because they recognize the trademark.

      It has nothing to do with showing "a link" to Wal-Mart, whatever "a link" means. Of course there is "a link" between the Wal-Mart Workers Union and Wal-Mart. But no one is shopping at the Union General Store thinking they are shopping at Wal-Mart because of the signs and logos.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:36am

    WOW...the sheer amount of trolls on this one post. Walmart didn't close because they be unprofitable, they force out any competition beforehand. The same number of people shop there. If you're in the US you as a taxpayer subsidize their lack of healthcare coverage, despite a claim to have some healthcare, a majority of Walmart employees don't make a living wage or get provided healthcare. To say otherwise is a blatant lie. Here in liberal Massachusetts they pay minimum wage. Octothorpe, you have no fucking clue about satire or fair use. Both would easily cover the website in question. They are workers at Walmart...it's a fact and hence not able to be trademarked. Chrono you show me which location offers these great pay and benefits. Walmart has a history of denying advancement, especially to women. Chrono by your statement you called your roommate and undereducated idiot who couldn't get a job anywhere else. I guess that shows what you think of him. A Dan, when Walmart comes into an area they do studies on which businesses they are going to drive out and how much they are going to have to run at a loss before they bankrupt them. They force out any decent paying jobs. God, you people supporting Walmart should be shipped to China to work in the sweatshops Walmart gets it's products from.

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    • icon
      BobinBaltimore (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:55am


      Love the AC's complaining of the "sheer amount of trolls" especially when the majority of comments so far are ANTI Walmart. Really odd.

      Yes, yes. Walmart is evil. Predictably, the very first comment posted was a "Walmart is evil" diatribe. And now yours. Nothing to do with Mike's post or point, but always fun to bash big business, I guess.

      Let's just all agree to stipulate that Walmart is evil in all ways and, at the same time, a provider of jobs to hundreds of thousands of workers worldwide and a supplier of low cost products to millions of consumers. It's a paradox and we can't solve it here. Okay? Done, then.

      On the POINT of the post, I agree with Mike that Walmart is overstepping the intent of trademark protections. My initial read of the language Mike used in describing Walmart's actions ("bully" and "censor and silence organizing workers") led me to believe that he was taking a pro-union slant on this, which would be largely counter to everything Mike says he stands for in business visioning and the separation of moral issues from judgments on business approaches and models. However, I took the time to re-read and I found the Mike's point stuck closely around the issue of trademark over-zealousness and that I was likely reading too much into the union-ish verbiage. Interesting how the mind works.

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      • icon
        Mike Masnick (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:03am

        Re: Re:

        On the POINT of the post, I agree with Mike that Walmart is overstepping the intent of trademark protections. My initial read of the language Mike used in describing Walmart's actions ("bully" and "censor and silence organizing workers") led me to believe that he was taking a pro-union slant on this, which would be largely counter to everything Mike says he stands for in business visioning and the separation of moral issues from judgments on business approaches and models. However, I took the time to re-read and I found the Mike's point stuck closely around the issue of trademark over-zealousness and that I was likely reading too much into the union-ish verbiage.

        Yes, that's correct. I don't support the effort to unionize, which I think is a mistake (though, I do think some of Wal-Mart's employment practices are reprehensible, I believe there are better ways to deal with them than to unionize). But this post was not a comment on the effort to unionize at all. Just on Wal-Mart's actions against the unionization effort, which clearly oversteps its bounds.

        Related to that, it gives more ammo (and attention) to the unionization effort.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:56am


      Don't work for them if you don't like them. Don't shop at their store if you don't like them. UNIONS SUCK, fuck you and everyone else that supports unions. You've done nothing but cost people that work harder to lose money. Fucking slackers make the same amount as people that bust their balls. Fuck you, fuck unions, and fuck anyone that supports unions.

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    • icon
      Chronno S. Trigger (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:04am


      "Chrono you show me which location offers these great pay and benefits."

      Come up here to PA, they all do. You know what's required to get them? Healthy work ethic. You show them that you're willing to work, they will give you the rewards.

      "Chrono by your statement you called your roommate and undereducated idiot who couldn't get a job anywhere else."

      By my statement I called him elderly too. Get your head out of your ass.

      "when Walmart comes into an area they do studies on which businesses they are going to drive out and how much they are going to have to run at a loss before they bankrupt them"

      Also bullshit. You cause the stores to go bankrupt. You are the one not paying more for less. Those small companies were going away anyways. If the only competitive edge they have is price, they will fail, and they did before Walmart.

      "They force out any decent paying jobs."

      You mean those Mom and Pop shops that were on their way out anyways? They never payed decent wages.

      "God, you people supporting Walmart should be shipped to China to work in the sweatshops Walmart gets it's products from."

      I don't want to live in China, but if I had no choice, I'd take a higher than average wage there.

      If, and I emphasis IF, there is an issue at Walmart with discrimination based on gender, race, or religion, it can easily be resolved by the laws already in place. There douse not need to be a union.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:01am

        Re: Re:

        "Come up here to PA, they all do. You know what's required to get them? Healthy work ethic. You show them that you're willing to work, they will give you the rewards."

        Ok, I don't live in PA, so I can only speak to my personal experiences and the reading I've done, but I just can't believe that's true. It's likely a lot more simple: they pay those wages and benefits in those areas because they HAVE to. No large business in which the employees are anonymous pays higher wages or benefits to reward ALL of its employees. Think about it, how would that work if suddenly ALL the employees decided to show a great work ethic? Would they all get those rewards? I just can't believe they would.

        "You cause the stores to go bankrupt. You are the one not paying more for less. Those small companies were going away anyways. If the only competitive edge they have is price, they will fail, and they did before Walmart."

        But the only competitive edge ISN'T price, it's paid government advocates, and that is simply wrong. Local businesses should have to compete on locally even ground. The goal CAN'T be to provide the best customer experience, it HAS to be a combination of the best customer and the best employee experience, otherwise you have a failure on the local level when it comes to these big box companies. There are examples of those that do it right: Home Depot circa late 90's, for example.

        "There douse not need to be a union."

        Unions suck, but ridiculously sized businesses with paid politicians suck more. I'll take the union over corporatocracy any day of the week.

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  • identicon
    RD, 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:44am


    "I believe that a company has the right to control the use of their trademarks with absolute authority."

    Great! Good for you. Unfortunately for you, the law says otherwise. Trademark law only protects against confusion in the marketplace or things like fraud (using someone else's mark to pretend your products are theirs, etc). But feel free to play again when you have an actual understanding of the issues and want to discuss them!

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  • icon
    Jrosen (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 9:50am

    A few words

    Watch 'Penn & Teller's BULLSHIT!' episode about Wal-Mart and open your damned eyes.
    As for Wal-Mart against unions, kudos to them. Unions are part of the problem behind America's problems and why so many jobs and other things are going out of the US, and why there's such an abundance of immigrants 'taking jobs away from Americans'.

    As to the article itself. Yes, Wal-Mart did a dumb thing. Plain and simple.

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  • icon
    kirillian (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:14am

    Wal-MArt's Anti-Union Stance

    I still have a hard time finding anything that actually gives employers any sort of incentive to treat their employees with some sort of respect or give them adequate compensation unless those employees are irreplaceable or at least difficult to replace.

    The issue when dealing with Wal-Mart is that Wal-Mart realizes that it can find cheap labor anywhere. So, the employee never has any recourse. Couple this with Wal-Mart's notoriously abusive managers, and you inevitably have serious issues.

    So, now we're left with employees that need a job, but have no recourse to address the abuses of their time and person. I'd say their only option is unionization (disclaimer: I am 99.9% anti-union...personally, I'd like to see the auto industry fail so that we can completely overhaul it and make it more efficient..eliminating the unions is the most important part of that).

    Also, you should note that, during the training course for Wal-Mart, you are pretty much outright told that even mentioning unions yourself or being reported by someone as mentioning unions is grounds for firing (I kinda wonder if this varies by state?). There is also an anti-union training video that you must watch. Also note, this is personal experience (I've worked three jobs before...) and confirmation from multiple other persons from various other wal-marts.

    Anyone else run into this same experience?

    I wouldn't mind Wal-Mart at all if it wasn't for the bullshit they put their own employees through. I can't stand companies that don't respect their employees at all (add other company names here adhoc...)

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  • identicon
    Curious Bystander, 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:16am


    I must say I am pro-union. It would be a different case had companies not cheated me out of so much money. However, they did. So, I am glad to see unions come in to such horrible companies as Wal-Mart to name one. R.J. Reynolds had the 'right' idea. They paid their workers so well they didn't need/want a union. Too bad they made tobacco products. One group that seriously needs a union is the nursing profession. Talk about legal exposure!

    And another thing. When you have a disagreement with your employer. Go get legal council. Trust me, whatever you say is 'wrong', the company will be happy to tell you so, until your point of view is explained by a lawyer. And you thought they were nothing but useless bottom feeders. Get one working for you and it's a whole different ballgame!

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  • identicon
    Swim, 11 Aug 2009 @ 10:43am

    If I could wish the worst on anything

    It would be Wal-Mart. Instead of the Twin Towers why oh why god couldn't it have been Bentenville, AK. The Wal-mart Family Nuke bunker, the Wal-mart private airport. Every wal-mart, sam's club across the country. Every Distro Center, Trailer w/ wal-mart goods(i didnt say tractor). Go BOOM on 9/11 while all stores were shut down for routine maint.
    Why God Why!!!!!!

    I only wish harm to the wal-mart family and all properties belonging to wal-mart.

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    • icon
      Dark Helmet (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:12am

      Re: If I could wish the worst on anything

      "It would be Wal-Mart. Instead of the Twin Towers why oh why god couldn't it have been Bentenville, AK. The Wal-mart Family Nuke bunker, the Wal-mart private airport. Every wal-mart, sam's club across the country. Every Distro Center, Trailer w/ wal-mart goods(i didnt say tractor). Go BOOM on 9/11 while all stores were shut down for routine maint.
      Why God Why!!!!!!"

      Because you said God and not Allah....

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    • identicon
      MCS, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:20am

      Re: If I could wish the worst on anything

      Yeah and they'd all be rebuilt next week.


      I'd be there buying some bullets.

      Thanks Walmart for not jacking your prices up.

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    • identicon
      Greg G, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:22am

      Re: If I could wish the worst on anything

      Nice... spoken like a true moron. If you don't like Wal-Mart, then don't shop at Wal-Mart, and don't apply for a job there when you're 72 years old and on social security. I don't want you to be my greeter.

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      • identicon
        Swim, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:49am

        Re: Re: If I could wish the worst on anything

        Well I got 40 Years before I'm 72. and 150 before I get social security. I bet I get shot by the guy buying bullets.
        What Store number did you say you managed?

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        • identicon
          MCS, 11 Aug 2009 @ 12:21pm

          Re: Re: Re: If I could wish the worst on anything

          Yeah I will definitely shoot you when you break into my house to steal my goodies to pay for your crack.

          ...stupid hippy

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:16am

    Obviously, Walmart was lured into this fiasco because of their avid hatred of unions. To be honest though, Mike, I don't believe this will hurt their image. Everyone already knows Walmart's stance on unions. I don't think this will make things change at all.

    As much as I disagree with their legal decision (it not being legal), if I was in their shoes I'd do it to. All Walmart is doing is flexing their muscles. They don't stand to lose anything if the courts deny their case (which they will). It would be different if Walmart had a clean slate before this.

    Welcome to America,
    Go Capitalism!
    die union scum...

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  • identicon
    bob, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:31am

    It's Canader eh?

    This just might play out differently north of the border.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:40am

    Actually, this is one that walmart should win.

    The union's aren't called "walmart unions", they are part of the one union group or another, not part of the company. The public service unions in Ontario are not called "Ontario Government Unions", they are the Public Service Workers of Ontarion. If Walmart employees want to form a union, they could get the "Slackass Cashiers and Lazy Stockroom Employees" or something like that. There is no rights granted to use the walmart name, logo, likeness, or other.

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    • icon
      Nathan W. (profile), 11 Aug 2009 @ 12:25pm


      I know...don't feed the trolls, but...

      This is one Walmart shouldn't win. You state there is no right granted to use the Walmart name, logo, or likeness. The right that is granted is to Walmart for limited protection of their trademark. It is not a right for exclusive use. Therefore, one can infer the opposite that non-trademark holders have not been barred from use of the the trademark under those non-protected areas. The arguement is whether the Union's use is one of those non-protected areas. I would argue that an attempt to organize a Union of employees that work at Walmart might have a strong case for using the Walmart trademarks. Whether you agree or disagree with Union's, it's hard to communicate that your intent is to orangize Walmart employees if you can't actually refer to them or to the company.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:51am

    Unions and community organizers should be called by one of their proper names, terrorists, mobsters, extortionists, or racketeers.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 11:57am

    It's the same asshole as before.

    Chrono the national average of pay rates disagrees with you: http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Employer=Wal-Mart_Stores,_Inc/Hourly_Rate

    Only 3 positions, skilled or managerial have an average pay above $10. That means that everyone starts below $10.


    http://wakeupwalmart.com/fa cts/

    Oh darn those pesky facts again for you Chrono...I guess Pennsylvania must be the one area where Walmart takes care of it's employees...or you're full of shit.

    Also the Walmart HAS to provide an impact assessment on the area to get a building permit. So they regularly do these studies during, before and after a new store comes in to determine ROI. What makes Walmart evil is that it uses it's largess to undercut local business by running at a loss until until the local business can not compete.

    Why don't you damned Randian Objectivists get that the only reason you are in the position to be better off is because the community decided to foster an environment to be better. Your selfish worldview takes out hospitals, charity, roads, schools and every single community based advancement. You don't want people to work harder, you want anarchy so that you can take advantage of those weaker than you. You are predators. As for the go capitalism line...America is not a free market jackass...Somalia is though. Corporate Welfare is rampant, in fact corporations as they exist today would appall the founding fathers since corporations were supposed to be limited entities for the public good...oh right your head is too far up your ass to actually know that.

    Chrono don't get mad at me because you said your roommate was elderly as well, hell I was giving you the benefit of the doubt on that one.

    BobinBaltimore, when I first started writing many of the posts against Walmart hadn't been up yet.

    Joe...actually I agree with you. I just can't stand idiots who attack workers and essentially call them lazy, stupid and not worth it to pay well. I often come off as anti-union IRL because MA unions abuse their power, but I've worked in Non-Union states and it's FAR worse for the employee, to the point I had my wage cut because "corporate has unfortunately had to take on certain liabilities" because the CEO embezzled and the company was fined after the golden parachute was given to him to leave. I actually work for a very decent company making a good wage in a non-union position.

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    • identicon
      Kiba, 11 Aug 2009 @ 2:52pm

      Re: It's the same asshole as before.

      Did you compared wal-mart pay scale to other retail corporations and mom and pop stores? It would be indigieous if others find out that wal-mart pay more than other business in the area. Can you substantiate your argument further more?

      I do not why you attack Randians as evil. What about the principle of voluntary trade, the non-aggression principle, and the right to liberty, life, and property that they supported?

      If it is anyone, socialists are predators because they take stuff away under the threat of guns or jail. They don't believe in any sort of principle, just that they hate inequality of wealth among men.

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      • identicon
        Kiba, 11 Aug 2009 @ 2:53pm

        Re: Re: It's the same asshole as before.

        Whoops I ommited the know in the second paragraph. It should read "I do not know why you attack Randians as evil".

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 13 Aug 2009 @ 6:43am

          Re: Re: Re: It's the same asshole as before.

          I was actually responding specifically to Chrono saying that Walmart paid people $10 to start, which was disingenuous. $10 would actually be a decent pay rate in many places of the country, especially in the south, but not here in MA and I am sure not in CA as that rate of pay is actually below the poverty line. I can speak from personal experience in saying my local grocery store paid 1 to 2 dollars more per hour and the mom and pop stores in my area tended to pay higher, but mom and pop stores in New England are by and large the rule not the exception whereas in Texas when I was stationed there mom and pop stores had a hard time getting a foothold in places other than antiques and bail bonds.(I lived on an Army post and then in a town with the County Jail)As of 2008 Walmart also only insures 50.2% of it's employees and 46% of children of Walmart employees are uninsured which means that you and I have to pay for them. For a company that made $10Billion in profit at the expense of our taxes going up kinda ticks me off.
          Randians do not support life, liberty and property. They support selfish idealism, that seems to think that without their benevolence and superior intellect and work ethic nothing would get done. Greed is good is their mantra, but truth be told, what they really want is anarchy. With few exceptions the only way one gets to be in a position of power in a Randian society is by exploiting your good luck and the bad luck of others and then forcing those beneath you into serfdom. It completely ignores the simple fact that humans are human, private entities are out for themselves and often doing what's best for the individual infringes on other's rights to life, liberty and property. Perfect example, My neighbors sewage pipe burst. She refused to get it fixed, even though we had complained about the smell and without government intervention for the good of all(there is a public spring nearby). In a Randian world she would have done the right thing and everyone would have prospered, which is essentially Marxism, which also doesn't work.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 11 Aug 2009 @ 12:26pm

    Walmart, and everything it stands for, is the reason why the US economy is in shambles.

    Walmart is the Devil!

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  • identicon
    Bradley Stewart, 11 Aug 2009 @ 2:30pm

    Bad Idea To Try And Shut Down

    these sites. Its true that under most circumstances its a fruitless effort and it just calls more attention to the Company that is attempting this effort. As to the issue of Walmart I have never been in one because I don't live close enough to shop in one and going through their web site they do have some really good deals but most of the things that they have I'm just not in the market for. Though retired I spent decades in various capacities in the Retail Industry. From everything that I have read about Walmart though no Company is perfect Walmart does a lot more good than harm for both their employees and customers.

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