MPAA Threatens To Have Google Disconnected From The Internet Over File Sharing?

from the ah,-the-power-of-false-threats dept

While Homeland Security insists that Google is different than the sites whose domain names its seized lately, its agents haven't done a very good job of explaining why (beyond "in our minds, it's different.") However, at least according to the automated script the MPAA uses to warn ISPs of file sharing, perhaps Google isn't all that different. The MPAA -- who, it should be noted -- was a major driver for the domain name seizures -- sends out form letters warning people they could lose their internet access over file sharing, and over at TorrentFreak, they've noticed that Google's been on the receiving end of a bunch of these threats lately. Mostly at issue are situations where people are using Google's free WiFi that's provided mainly in Mountain View, but in some cases it appears to involve employees working from Google's headquarters. Of course, the chances of Google losing internet access over such threats is less than nil, but it's amusing to see the MPAA still include the baseless threat.
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Filed Under: copyright, disconnection, file sharing, mpaa
Companies: google, mpaa

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  • icon
    The eejit (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 1:09am


    This is a genius PR thing, if Google can handle it correctly. They can just say 'Fine, we'll disconnect all your labels from our SEO. Your move.'

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  • identicon
    Jeffrey, 8 Feb 2011 @ 1:35am

    Brilliant Idea!

    You mean... remove all reference to MPAA's website? Un-indexed? Sounds like a fair punishment...

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  • identicon
    Not an electronic Rodent, 8 Feb 2011 @ 1:58am


    Of course, the chances of Google losing internet access over such threats is less than nil, but it's amusing to see the MPAA still include the baseless threat.
    The thing I find interesting about that statement is that such a threat against Google has no more or less basis in fact than those against any end user. So why exactly is it a ludicrous threat against google when it's not against a user? The obvious answer is that Google have billions of pounds with which to contest such a claim. Pretty much demonstrates to me that copyright law as it stands at the moment is nothing more than legalised extortion against people that can't possibly defend themselves.
    Maybe it's just me, but every time I hear about these letters I have a mental image of Ray Winston standing in a small shop in the East End of London commenting to the owner; (husky menacing cockney accent) "Very... flammable these old places, 'know what I mean...?"

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 5:21am

      Re: Quite

      Since Google was founded and is headquartered in the U.S., I prefer to say they have billions of dollars. Yes, they have plenty of just about any major currency, but there's a certain relevance in using the currency shared with the MPAA.

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      • identicon
        Not an electronic Rodent, 8 Feb 2011 @ 8:53am

        Re: Re: Quite

        Since Google was founded and is headquartered in the U.S., I prefer to say they have billions of dollars.
        A fair point and a slip on my part, but then $ wouldn't have fitted my East End gangster reference quite so well would it? I meant they can afford to defend themselves against threats better than the average guy on the street.
        To keep my slightly silly mental image running, think the shopkeeper in question replying to Mr. Winston "I don't know nuffink about that guvnor you want to talk to Mr. Kray and his bruvver" :-)

        Or perhaps in this case you'd prefer "You want to talk to Mr. Wilson and his brothers, Woodrow, Woodrow and Woodrow."

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      • identicon
        Lawrence D'Oliveiro, 8 Feb 2011 @ 3:36pm

        Re: Quite

        Since Google was founded and is headquartered in the U.S., I prefer to say they have billions of dollars.

        Sounds more impressive in �. The USD isn�t worth as much as it used to be. :)

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    • icon
      el_segfaulto (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 8:26am

      Re: Quite

      Love the reference!

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    mike allen (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 2:33am

    best laugh so far this week lets see what google do best thing would be to say to the MPAA stick it i would
    ISP er google sir sorry but we have to disconnect you
    google we will buy you out and the MPAA can stick it
    ISP how much?
    google enough
    ISP ok sir

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  • icon
    Spaceboy (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 3:14am

    Looks like someone's getting too big for their britches! No doubt the asshats at the MPAA have been emboldened by the recent website shutdowns, and their strategy is now clear.

    Their goal was never about shutting down these smaller websites, but about setting precedent so they could go after bigger fish. Looks like Google is their first target. Also, to continue with fishing analogies, the MPAA is going to need a bigger boat.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 3:52am


      I don't think even the MPAA is stupid enough to go after google. I'd say it's just a mistake on the MPAA's end, one they'll back down from pretty quick.

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      • icon
        halley (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:30am

        Re: Re:

        Okay, I agree that it's just a mistake on MPAA's part to do this. However, this points to a big problem in the cases: they do NO due diligence on vetting these cases. Filing suit, or even sending a C&D, should not be done without a good faith effort. What we have here is a robot-rubber-stamped process that is spamming the legal system. How is this not a DoS attack on the courts?

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        • icon
          Spaceboy (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:41am

          Re: Re: Re:

          But the goal isn't to shut Google down. It's to extort massive amounts of money from them with the threat of blocking them from the Internet or whatever. The fact that there was no due process for the smaller lesser/unknown websites didn't stop them, it merely emboldened them.

          I have no doubt this will backfire on them, they just don't see that yet.

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      • identicon
        Jose_X, 8 Feb 2011 @ 3:05pm

        Re: Re:

        >> I don't think even the MPAA is stupid enough to go after google

        Wrong. There are many who would step up to fill Google's shoes with a more corporate and monopolistic bent if Google could be displaced.

        Google gives everyone similar rights, but I can see other candidates who would strike deals with the major players and largely exclude most other people from the show (eg, to be "safe") or tax them unfairly because of their small size.

        Wealth has a strong tendency to preservation of it (and more so the more wealth in concentrated in few hands). Those hands don't like anything that resembles fairness.

        In fact, without the government -- and people love to hit on the government -- there would be much greater abuse since those with the greatest levers are able to exact the most draconian/biased of contract terms so as to even more convincingly lock in their gains. Once they have you on paper to very unfair terms and locked out of most "rights" and reasonable chance to win things back, your only recourse is physical force. .. And, except in the most extreme of circumstances, wealth buys you better guns, supplies, and manpower.

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        • identicon
          Dave, 9 Feb 2011 @ 5:08am

          Re: Re: Re:

          "In fact, without the government --" there would be no monopolies. We cede the power to use force to the government, and every monopoly that exists does so only because it is promoted by the government.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 5:34am


      They could never shut down Google. The public backlash would be deafening if quit working b/c of ICE/MPAA. It would be a PR nightmare of historic proportions for them and the government.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 4:12am

    The sooner the MPAA and RIAA fall the better.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 4:48am

    That does it...

    I'm done. Got a new movie coming out? DON'T CARE! I'm not going to watch it, at the theater, Red Box, Online, NetFlix...nothing. New catchy song? DON'T CARE! I'm not going to listen to it on the raido, torrent it, iTunes it, youtube it...nothing.

    I'm past tired of the RIAA/MPAA antics. Supporting them is pretty much like giving cash to a drug addict. They refuse to change their ways, and may get you in legal trouble. So I'm doing to RIAA/MPAA media like I would a drug addict, remove them from my life.

    I got better things to spend my money on.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 4:50am

      Re: That does it...

      (note, raido may possibly be a Freudian slip for what I will do with my cash...lawl)

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    • icon
      Spaceboy (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 5:07am

      Re: That does it...

      @ Anonymous Coward - RE: That does it...

      You do have alternatives. Might I suggest for original content. I am a fan of Pioneer One myself.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 8:44am

      Re: That does it...

      Let me join you my angered comrade. Fuck all them bitches. They want to protect their stupid content beyond limits. Fine, shove your lame ass movies up your ass.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 10:29am

      Re: That does it...

      I feel the same way, but mostly because I haven't found much worth watching/listening to. I guess turning mid-thirties does that to ya. New Demographic FTW!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 5:17am

    All this piss and vinegar from a bunch of people who didn't read the story:

    "Of the 100 latest infringement notices received by Google for sharing copyright works, most of them are associated with IP-addresses used by Wi-Fi customers while a few point to Google�s headquarters. "

    Some of them are wifi, but some of them are also Google employee computers. It doesn't matter who the company is, this is truly unacceptable behavior. What you choose to do in your own home is your own legal issue, but doing it at work, well...

    It pays to read the story.

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    • icon
      Berenerd (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 5:52am


      Do you know how many State government PCs a month are removed from the network for "sharing illegal content"? When I worked in state government it was about 28%. 99.9 times out of 100 it was the machines were infected with viruses. Just because they point to IPs on the Google intranet doesn't mean they are consciously infringing.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:20am

        Re: Re:

        You would think that the brains at Google would know how to keep a computer from getting infected (don't they use linux anyway?). That should not be an issue for them.

        You are saying that 28% of state government computers were dropped offline each month for illegal file sharing (and not any other issue)?

        Are they so poorly setup, lacking basic anti-virus software that they get hacked at a rate like that? That would be major news, you better call your local TV station for coverage. That would be a very serious situation!

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    • icon
      Spaceboy (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:31am


      Maybe you should count yourself among those who didn't read the article. It says that there has been a spike in the number of infringement notices Google has been receiving. Either the number of people filesharing has suddenly spiked or the MPAA is looking at bigger targets.

      Occam's razor applies here. The MPAA has had success with smaller websites and now they are setting up for larger ones.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 8:13am

        Re: Re:

        Occam's razor doesn't mean "apply what you think is right", does it?

        Have you considered the simple alternatives, such as increases in people using wi-fi in the area to lower their risk of getting caught pirating? Perhaps Google hiring new people who are less up on corporate policy? Perhaps changes in their networks or computers that allow employees more freedom (and thus maybe more viruses)?

        Perhaps the MPAA people have started to specifically work an area that they noticed a bunch of file sharing coming from. Perhaps they know it's Google's wi-fi network and want to get the media talking about the negatives of open wifi connections.

        There are plenty of possiblities on the wi-fi side, fewer on the Google corporate office side.

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    • icon
      Josh in CharlotteNC (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:40am


      It also pays to understand the technology.

      What is the methodology of these automated 'We detected an infringement' letters? Do they actually connect to the IP and download all or part of the file?

      Many bit torrent trackers are inserting random IPs into their tables. That's how you get network printer IPs that are 'detected' or how people without computers (but cable service) are sued.

      What if the IP is the external address of a NAT? There could be hundreds of hosts behind that NAT and no way to tell which it was.

      Heck, it could even be a honeypot machine designed to capture malware for study in order to prevent end users from getting it.

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  • identicon
    reader, 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:24am

    I hope it end up with MPAA takeover by Google and then reduced to nothing.

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  • icon
    average_joe (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:43am

    From the torrentfreak article Mike linked to:
    Every year, the major movie studios and record labels send out tens of thousands of warnings to Internet users who are suspected of sharing their content using BitTorrent. These infringement notices are meant to inform users of their wrongdoings, and to convince the recipients to never download anything again.

    The process works as follows. The copyright holders hire companies such as BayTSP and MediaSentry to track down people who share certain titles on BitTorrent and other file-sharing networks. These companies then join the swarm and request files from others. When someone shares a piece of the file with them, they log the IP-address, look up the ISP and send out an infringement notice automatically.

    Most of the notices are sent out to the larger ISPs who are then asked to forward them to the customers in question . . . .
    Here's what I don't get... the ISPs are complaining about the IP lookups in the mass infringement cases. Time Warner, for example, told a judge they can only lookup 28 IP addresses a month total for two cases combined. Another big ISP (I can't remember which), told a judge it costs them $120 per lookup. If that's the case, how is it that the ISPs can do "tens of thousands" of lookups for these automatically-generated infringement notices, but when faced with a court order to do the same, it's too big a burden?

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    • icon
      The eejit (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 7:28am


      Part of that is to do with Dynamic IP changes. Still, I agree with you on the fact that it magically appears that the ISPs are doing these lookups for the MAFIAA pro bono, as it were.

      But if it's so expensive, then who's doing the lookups?

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    • icon
      Josh in CharlotteNC (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 7:51am


      If that's the case, how is it that the ISPs can do "tens of thousands" of lookups for these automatically-generated infringement notices, but when faced with a court order to do the same, it's too big a burden?

      Very likely because providing information as a result of a court ordered subpoena is an entirely different situation than sending an automated scary email.

      Providing incorrect information to the court - there's possibly a perjury charge there. So multiple databases need to be crosschecked by a human being to insure accuracy to the best of their ability.

      Automated infringement notice? Blast off scary email message to 1000 users based on the first hit of an IP lookup. Meh, anyone can write a script to do that. Worst that happens is you scare some people into using less of the ISP's precious bandwidth, or you generate a few calls to your outsourced customer service call center.

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  • icon
    Jimr (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:48am

    Better get MS, Apple, unix, etc off too

    It all those nasty operating systems that facility the piracy. Better stop those too.

    Hell even hardware manufactures are in on piracy facility game too. Stop them.

    Your eyes allow you to see pirated stuff better poke them out for good measure. And your ears so you can not hear with out paying the RIAA for certified hearing aid.

    I think a far better solution would be to cut the internet off to the all MPAA/RIAA offices, staffs, homes and lawyers.

    It is all well and nice to try to protect your investments but trying to hold everyone else accountable for you bad business models and expectations of profit is just unrealistic.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 8 Feb 2011 @ 7:01am

    Um, this is kind of an important bit, but Google IS an ISP. They own lines all over the world, and they only have one customer, themselves. How exactly are they going to get them to remove themselves from the internet.

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  • icon
    Josef Anvil (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 7:14am

    This is a whole lot of NOTHING

    This is just comical. The MPAA just has an automated process that targeted Google on accident. They have no intention of threatening or extorting anything from Google. Attacking Google over copyrights would basically be the same as declaring war on the net. The MPAA would then have to threaten Yahoo and Microsoft as well as any other major search engines.

    That alone would bring enough of a firestorm on the doorstep of nearly every politician in the world and certainly change A LOT of views about copyright laws. The MPAA doesn't want reductions in copyright laws or to lose any political strength it has right now.

    So take it for what it is, a comical mistake that just shows the MPAA has no real clue.

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  • identicon
    LOLs, 8 Feb 2011 @ 7:29am

    Let me get this straight:

    Google could walk in and probably buy out the entire organization with pocket cash. Following said purchase, it would then proceed to fist the rear end of every head of the MPAA.

    And the MPAA is trying to dictate to the eighty-thousand pound juggernaut in the room?

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  • icon
    Overcast (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 8:47am

    Then people will use Yahoo, Bing, or whatever.

    Doesn't matter.

    It's like someone saying that you'll stop murder if you ban guns.

    Theft has been around a lot longer than the internet.

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  • icon
    mrtraver (profile), 8 Feb 2011 @ 6:35pm

    Google has one word for the MPAA:

    Bring it.

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    joe coool (profile), 9 Feb 2011 @ 12:17pm

    Go sue the Chinese Government and the rest of the 3rd world
    see how far that MPAA can harras , or MPAA just wipe their butts and knees down and pray

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  • icon
    joe coool (profile), 9 Feb 2011 @ 12:20pm

    Anal Coward

    Anal coward , go wipe my butt !!! for your non sense !

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  • icon
    joe coool (profile), 9 Feb 2011 @ 2:19pm

    Why Google ? You are desperate ! barking at wrong tree !! you 're greedy ! why don't MPAA go to the Chinese, Russian Goverments and beg them for not copying your stuffs

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  • icon
    joe coool (profile), 9 Feb 2011 @ 2:19pm

    Why Google ? You are desperate ! barking at wrong tree !! you 're greedy ! why don't MPAA go to the Chinese, Russian Goverments and beg them for not copying your stuffs

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