While TSA Sexually Assaults Miss USA... It's Letting Other Passengers Through Without Clearance

from the feeling-safer? dept

As the TSA is busy sexually assaulting Miss USA, apparently it's not paying very close attention to everyone else. The TSA has confirmed that in the past five days alone, it has had to shut down security screenings three separate times, at Newark airport, after screeners accidentally let passengers go through without being "fully" screened. These aren't cases of people sneaking through either. Apparently, it involved people designated for further screening who were then ignored and went about their businesses of heading to their gates and boarding their flights. I wonder if those people were able to get liquid through to the gate area!
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Filed Under: failures, security, tsa

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  1. icon
    fogbugzd (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 12:44pm

    I have finally found a major advantage of being past middle age, bald, and unattractive. I rarely get molested at airport security.

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  2. icon
    Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 12:47pm

    Cut them a break!

    They can't be molesting everyone! There are only so many hours in the day!

    Between looking for fluids and running the scanner and x-raying shoes and detaining people without actually detaining them, they've stretched themselves thin.

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  3. icon
    Jon B. (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 12:49pm

    I wonder if the LAPD could do a sting operation and arrest some TSA workers... send some female cops through security in plain clothes and then arrest anyone that molests them.

    Does LAPD have jurisdiction in the airport? Is that purely FBI or US Marshall jurisdiction? I would LOVE to see state/local law enforcement do some activism here.

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  4. identicon
    ShellMG, 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:10pm

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  5. icon
    pixelpusher220 (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:11pm

    Re: Cut them a break!

    And if you fly at 6am they don't do either check likely because well it's early and they're still sleeping off last night. I've flown out of Dulles and we only went through the standard metal detector. Nothing else.

    So if you're a terrorist packing TNT in your drawers, just go early.

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  6. identicon
    AnonymousCoward, 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:19pm

    Thousands Sexually Assulted

    Just figured out what TSA stands for!

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  7. icon
    Vincent Clement (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:34pm

    Re: Re: Cut them a break!

    Or just sneak the TNT through the other dozen or so security gaps at the airport.

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  8. icon
    Vincent Clement (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:42pm


    "employee access to bypass security"

    "The bags were placed on domestic conveyer belts instead of international baggage belts to avoid detection."

    Remember that the next time you are groped or naked scanned.

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  9. identicon
    anonymous patriot, 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:43pm

    Just pack the explosive in the same suitcase as the drugs!

    Why sneak it in at all, just pack the explosives in the same suitcase as the drugs.

    Drug smuggling TSA agents have morals and wouldn't smuggle explosives even if the price was right?

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  10. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:48pm

    Maybe we should start a TSA - Hot or Not site?

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  11. icon
    Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 1:50pm

    Re: Re: Re: Cut them a break!

    Or just point and shout, "OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE TARMAC!" and walk past them when they're distracted.

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  12. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 28 Apr 2011 @ 2:06pm

    Hasn't it always been known if you were doing to do something devious, you'd just work as a baggage handler (or convince one that's already hired through some devilish method). For maximum opportunity which do YOU prefer, free access to many airplanes' cargo or accidently-secure access to one airplane's passenger area. I know criminals are typically dumb, but relying on that is dumber.

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  13. icon
    Fungo Knubb (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 2:25pm

    "... It's Letting Other Passengers Through Without Clearance"

    What the heck did anyone expect?!?! ... that TSA would continue to do their jobs while part of the crew was feeling up Miss America??? Besides, there aren't enough TSA folks to molest everyone, so they have to be picky about who they assault. Sheeesh!

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  14. icon
    Justin (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 2:29pm

    I didn't hear of any planes going down or hijacked, so I am going to assume that the TSA just let the cat out their own bag that they are not really needed.

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  15. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 28 Apr 2011 @ 2:39pm


    That is no guarantee. I'm past middle age, bald(ing) and unattractive - and still get molested by TSA.

    Of course I do have an ostomy bag that sets off the full body scanners...

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  16. identicon
    Jake, 28 Apr 2011 @ 2:39pm

    Hot women are terrorists

    So if I'm a terrorist wanting to sneak something through security I should probably stand behind the hot blonde with the bazookas...

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  17. icon
    Hugh Mann (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 2:50pm

    Re: Hot women are terrorists

    I try to do that anyway.


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  18. icon
    The eejit (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 3:09pm

    Re: Hot women are terrorists

    Are they in the bra or out? This is very important [/Powers]

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  19. icon
    crade (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 3:15pm


    Are you hot enough to have been picked for molestation by a TSA agent? y/n

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  20. icon
    Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile), 28 Apr 2011 @ 4:03pm

    Re: Hot women are terrorists

    So if I'm a terrorist wanting to sneak something through security I should probably stand behind the hot blonde with the bazookas...

    That's all well and good until someone (most likely another passenger) shouts, "Good lord! That dude is carrying not one, but TWO bazookas!"

    link to this | view in thread ]

  21. icon
    Hephaestus (profile), 29 Apr 2011 @ 6:06am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Cut them a break!

    LOL ... hey look, something shiney, something shiney ... and its filled with 3.01 oz's of liquid!!

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  22. icon
    hmm (profile), 30 Apr 2011 @ 4:37pm

    i wish you'd stop

    I just wish you'd all STOP dissing the TSA for accidentally missing several hundred passengers from all security checks, after all its VERY difficult to scan passengers AND stare at Miss USAs boobs AND hide an erection......

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  23. icon
    hmm (profile), 30 Apr 2011 @ 4:40pm

    instant worldwide press attention

    What if someday some evil terrorist brainwashes miss boobtastic or whoever and gets them to board a plane with explosive implants eh? eh? is that what you all want....airports blown sky high by a pair of deadly melons........people being taken hostage at nipple-machine-gun-point eh?

    I say we have MORE security theatre...but we go the whole hog and make it true theatre....TSA have to dress in shakespearean outfits and theres an interval for ice-cream half way through a particularly nice fondling.....

    link to this | view in thread ]

  24. identicon
    I know, 30 Apr 2011 @ 9:56pm

    I must Defend .. I have no choice

    US Vet posting... went through got selected for a pat down. Asked the TSA agent if the pat down was going to be violative of the 4th amendment & other state laws. SUPV.! was the call. SUPV comes over. I tell them that I am a vet & must defend the constitution. They say "well asking if we are going to violate the constitution sends off alarm whistles here" I told him "and that comment sends off alarm whistles here. So we are both here, both with duties to perform. You perform yours & I'll perform mine". They did not even go above my knees. I guess they are afraid of citizens actually doing the right thing and defending our constitution.

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