New Gear By Techdirt: OK, Landlord

from the well-deserved-eyeroll dept

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Yesterday, we wrote about law professor Brian Frye's deployment of the phrase "ok, landlord" and its success in riling up copyright holders who, usually, are insistent that copyrighted content should be treated just like property. We liked the idea so much that we figured it ought to be on a t-shirt — and so now it is, among other things!

OK, Landlord t-shirts, hoodies, buttons, notebooks, and many other pieces of gear are now available on Threadless, where you can also find our Copying Is Not Theft gear. All profits support Techdirt, and irritate copyright maximalists!

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Filed Under: copyright, intellectual property, ok landlord, property

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  • identicon
    Christenson, 29 Apr 2020 @ 2:06pm

    Seems a bit *too* inside

    That is, OK Landlord, by itself, really doesn't imply (C) or Patented or TM or any other form of IP. Stick a (C) on there! lol

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 29 Apr 2020 @ 3:10pm

      Re: Seems a bit *too* inside

      Use the (C) as the emoji with eyeroll added

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 29 Apr 2020 @ 4:55pm

        Re: Re: Seems a bit *too* inside

        Yeah, a rotated emoji with "C" as the mouth would be much better. As is, this is just gonna make your actual landlord think you're mocking them or planning a rent strike.

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        • icon
          Mike Masnick (profile), 29 Apr 2020 @ 5:36pm

          Re: Re: Re: Seems a bit *too* inside

          We tried a variety of designs that included the circle c. None of them "worked" very well -- certainly not as good as the final design (in our opinion, of course). But you are, of course, free to come up with your own.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 30 Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

            Re: Re: Re: Re: Seems a bit *too* inside

            I'm just chiming in. Since context is important, the context needs to be on the shirt somewhere.
            Most widespread discussion of rent and landlords right now is based on Covid related rent strikes or holidays. I would hate for a reference to an extremely insightful Techdirt article to get lost in that particular shuffle.

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