Energizer Introduces USB Battery Charger With Bonus Rootkit Feature [Update]
from the keeps-going-and-going-and-going dept
Update: As lots of folks are pointing out in the comments, this appears to have been included by some third party or disgruntled employee or something, rather than Energizer itself. Energizer has recalled the products and is investigating. Apologies for suggesting that this may have been intentional on Energizer's part. The original post follows: Someone, who prefers to remain anonymous, alerts us to the news that Symantec has discovered that a USB battery charger from Energizer installs a dangerous rootkit after installing the required driver. You would think that legit companies would know better than to install a secret rootkit after the Sony rootkit fiasco from a few years back. This particular rootkit constantly listens for commands that could allow a computer to secretly execute files or even send computer files to a remote computer. Not exactly the kind of stuff you want installed on your computer. The Energizer Bunny might keep going and going and going, but there are some things it's not supposed to do...Filed Under: rootkit, security, usb battery charger
Companies: energizer