Awesome Stuff: The Truth About Encryption
from the last-day dept
Awesome Stuff is normally about highlighting interesting crowdfunding projects from others, but this week it's time for a little shameless self-promotion, because today is the last day of our campaign to fund Techdirt's encryption reporting! The campaign ends in a few hours, just before 1pm Pacific time.
If you're a Techdirt regular, you know we've been working hard to cover the truth about a debate that is so often distorted by fear-mongering and empty rhetoric. Earlier this week, we released a new explainer video to summarize the subject and explain why it matters so much. Following the tragic attack in Brussels, the response to which is echoing what happened after the Paris attack, we've been keeping tabs on the politicians who are rushing to blame encryption even though the real issue was an intelligence community failure. And we're committed to covering each new legal development between the FBI and Apple, and (as is always Techdirt's policy) to include the full text of court filings and decisions whenever possible, so those who wish to go beyond our analysis can delve in themselves — something we're surprised still isn't the norm on most news websites.
We've had a long list of people step up to express their support for Techdirt and explain why they think our campaign can make a difference, including EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn, former CIA operative (and current novelist) Barry Eisler, Media Professor Dan Gillmor and former Senate staffer Jennifer Hoelzer — plus a whole lot of positive comments on the Beacon crowdfunding page.
With your help, we'll be able to keep doing this kind of important reporting on the encryption debate and even expand our coverage. We're also dedicating some of the funding towards spreading the word — purchasing up some of the internet's cheap ad impressions that normally go to spammy banners and replacing them with public messages about encryption and links to our most important stories. We couldn't do any of this without your help, so if you haven't yet backed our project on Beacon, please consider doing so today before it closes. Thanks!
Filed Under: awesome stuff, beacon, crowdfunding, encryption, privacy