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09:30 Trump Campaign Suing All His Media 'Enemies': Files Another Silly SLAPP Suit Over CNN Opinion Piece (31)


10:42 Rhode Island Legislators Decide To Introduce Some Random Dude's First Amendment-Threatening Legislation (27)


12:20 Donald Trump And Charles Harder Continue Their Assault On The 1st Amendment, Suing The Washington Post (68)
09:35 Court Explains 1st Amendment To Tulsi Gabbard In Dismissing Her Ridiculous Lawsuit Against Google (57)


15:49 Facebook Files Anti-SLAPP Motion Against Defunct App Developer Who Sued Over Revamp Of Facebook's App Platform (11)


10:47 Spanish Government Moves Ahead With First 'Fake News' Prosecution (20)


13:36 I Wish More Countries 'Stole' Our Movies (18)


19:39 8chan Founder, Who Has Denounced The Site, Now Facing 'Criminal Cyberlibel' Charges From Current Owner (47)
09:41 Steven Biss Loses Another Wacky SLAPP Suit; Judge Scolds, But Does Not Sanction, Him (8)


09:26 The Law Doesn't Care About Your Feelings: 9th Circuit Slams Prager University For Its Silly Lawsuit Against YouTube (35)
03:20 Trump Campaign Files Laughably Stupid SLAPP Suit Over A NY Times Opinion Piece (51)


09:33 Rep. Cicilline Wants To Remove Section 230 Protections For Platforms That Host 'Demonstrably False' Political Ads (63)


10:44 As Court Finally Dumps One Of Devin Nunes' Ridiculous Lawsuits (With A Warning About Sanctions), Nunes Promises To File Another (25)


03:44 Ron Wyden: Modifying Section 230 Will Give More Censorship Power To Trump; And Lock In Facebook's Dominance (16)


11:56 When You Set Out To Block Misinformation, You Can Wind Up Blocking A Hero Like Li Wenliang (94)


13:47 Brazilian Court Refuses To Move Forward With Bogus Charges Against Glenn Greenwald 'For Now' (5)


10:53 Federal Court Ignores Journalist Privilege For Reporting On Court Documents; Allows Bullshit Defamation Suit To Proceed (32)
09:32 Pigs Fly As Charles Harder And Donald Trump Support Anti-SLAPP Laws (When They Protect Trump, Of Course) (23)


10:46 Appeals Court Tells Serial Litigant Runescape Didn't Violate His Constitutional Rights By Muting His Account (10)


14:20 Home Owners Association Threatens Residents With Lawsuit For Online Criticism (90)
09:38 Time Magazine Explains Why Section 230 Is So Vital To Protecting Free Speech (153)


09:35 As Tulsi Gabbard's Silly Attention Seeking Lawsuit Against Google Falters, She Files Equally Silly Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton (276)


10:44 SmileDirectClub Is Trying To Silence Criticism By Tying Refunds To Non-Disparagement Agreements (15)


13:36 The Similarities Between The US's Case Against Julian Assange And Brazil's Against Glenn Greenwald Are Uncanny (38)


10:42 In A Blatant Attack On Press Freedom, Brazilian Government Charges Glenn Greenwald With 'Cybercrimes' For Reporting On Leaked Documents (58)
09:30 Rep. Lieu Tells Rep. Nunes He Looks Forward To Discovery, As More Evidence Of Nunes Connections With Parnas Emerge (46)


10:50 'King Of Bullshit News' Sees His Bullshit Libel Lawsuit Tossed For A Second Time (11)


10:50 Rep. Devin Nunes Now Threatening To Sue Fellow Congressional Reps (112)


10:48 Dear Larry Lessig: Please Don't File SLAPP Suits (93)


10:42 Anti-SLAPP Laws Work: Tennessee Doctor Suing Patient Over Negative Review Drops Lawsuit (13)
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