Why Is The FCC Only Holding Net Neutrality Meetings In DC?
from the there's-a-big-country-out-there dept
On Friday, the FCC announced plans to host a bunch of "open internet roundtable discussions" as it continues to explore the rules that it will put in place. That's a good idea... until you realize that all of the meetings will be held in Washington DC. And, of course, by doing that, it more or less guarantees that the space will be filled by lobbyists and friends, rather than the actual public. EFF is asking the FCC to get out of Washington DC and to talk to real people, rather than just telco insiders -- pointing out that it's done so before and can easily do so again. While I'm sure the big broadband players would still seek out "friendly" seat-fillers at any location around the country, getting the debate outside the beltway would do a lot towards actually getting a more honest discussion going.Filed Under: echo chamber, fcc, inside the beltway, net neutrality, open internet, roundtables