Interesting theory, but I don't buy it. If shit breaks while I'm skydiving I could land on someone and kill them, but skydiving isn't illegal. It's the same as wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle, some states require them, but I can't understand under what authority. Does the government have the ability to mandate that we not take foolish risks with our own bodies? I can't imagine it does.
Where the hell is average_joe when I actually need that guy? :P
Since you brought it up-- I don't understand how any form of our government can make it illegal to put myself into danger. How does *not* wearing a seatbelt hurt someone else?
I *do* wear my seatbelt, btw, but not because I'll get a ticket if I don't.
You're not even thinking of distracting things *outside* of the car. I should probably pull over every time I see one of those LCD billboards. Oh no! If I pull over too quickly, I'll be stuck forever!!
I think we can safely assume that Google is the financial backing of this and all other ridiculous driving laws, to pave the way for their self-driving cars. (After sitting in ~2hrs/day of bumper to bumper traffic for 4 years, I'm ready for a car that drives itself!)
So what should we do? Boycott and shun technology and everything that runs on electricity and live like the Amish.
This again? Josh, buddy, you need to take a deep breath and count backwards from 10 before you start typing these things out. Combating extremists by becoming an extremist is counter-productive, and never works for long.
Besides, I really like snow cones, and that shit is a pain in the ass to make without electricity. :)
Re: These ACTA supporters may have been born at night...
I am not a supporter of pirating anything. Music, software, Movies, I download and watch. if I like it I buy it, else it gets deleted.
I am unaware of the exemption in (US?) copyright law that says it's not copyright infringement if you end up buying the product or delete the copy after using it.
So, yeah, you're a supporter of piracy. It's okay, though, everyone else is too, they just don't always admit it.
Since you asked, I have actually tried quite a few of the only streaming services (at the very least, their free trials!)
I liked Grooveshark's price ($3 month for VIP) but I listen to music 80% of the time on my Droid (hence why I paid for VIP) but was VERY upset when I realized that only some songs were available over 3G (e.g., some required wifi.) Now, I couldn't find this info anywhere on Grooveshark's site, or on the android app's page- though I did find mention of it in the user comments. I can't come up with a logical reason that some songs were 3G enabled and other weren't, but I canceled my subscription within 30 minutes of discovering it. Also, Grooveshark's selection is.. well, messy.
I eventually settled on their android app is closer to beta than I'd like, but the selection is good. The $10/mo price point is pushing it, though. ($5/mo if you don't want phone use)
I fully plan on trying Spotify when (if?) it is released in the US.
Oh, and how did change my music habits? I no longer pirate music, as there's no need to. I only ever listen to music on my phone or on my computer, both places I just use Mog.
It's an older model GPS device because now that they don't need warrants to GPS your car, they've suddenly needed *way* more GPS devices, so the dusted off all the old ones from storage, I bet.
FTA:“Just letting you know that following arrests, we have decided to take Mulve offline for good. We do not want to fight this,” Mulve told TorrentFreak.
We live in a world where citizens are afraid of law enforcement even when they are innocent, because they know that innocence is no longer a valid defense. I hope our grand children forgive us.
Isn't this in the same group as the "new" patents that seem to add "on the internet", "on a computer" or "on a phone" and call it a grand innovation? I mean, how did you find the vinyl record you wanted to listen to except to go to the boxes they were in and flip through the covers?
I think (for what it's worth!) that if there is a patent dispute an investigation should be made into if the idea was "stolen" or if it was independently arrived at simultaneously. Further, if it is the latter, the patent should be deemed obvious to experts in the field, and tossed out.
Personally, I was unaware we have terrorists on US soil with ground to air missiles. Shouldn't we be more worried, not that they can find a target, but that they might have the means to shoot it out of the sky? AFAIK, the terrorists on 9/11 knew where they planes were because they were on them. If we are worried that there is an app that will tell them where the plane they are on is while they are on it, then that functionality comes with every GPS enabled smart phone.
On the post: Sesame Street Recognizes That Advertising Is Content... On A Horse... Cow
Re: Re: Cookie Monster
On the post: Transportation Secretary Wants To Ban All Driver Talking (Except To Other Passengers)
Re: Re: Re: Mandatory seatbelt or car won't start
Where the hell is average_joe when I actually need that guy? :P
On the post: Transportation Secretary Wants To Ban All Driver Talking (Except To Other Passengers)
Re: Mandatory seatbelt or car won't start
I *do* wear my seatbelt, btw, but not because I'll get a ticket if I don't.
On the post: Transportation Secretary Wants To Ban All Driver Talking (Except To Other Passengers)
Re: Re: Still holds:
I think we can safely assume that Google is the financial backing of this and all other ridiculous driving laws, to pave the way for their self-driving cars. (After sitting in ~2hrs/day of bumper to bumper traffic for 4 years, I'm ready for a car that drives itself!)
On the post: How ACTA Turns Private, Non-Commercial File Sharing Into 'Commercial Scale' Criminal Infringement
Re: Re:
On the post: How ACTA Turns Private, Non-Commercial File Sharing Into 'Commercial Scale' Criminal Infringement
On the post: How ACTA Turns Private, Non-Commercial File Sharing Into 'Commercial Scale' Criminal Infringement
This again? Josh, buddy, you need to take a deep breath and count backwards from 10 before you start typing these things out. Combating extremists by becoming an extremist is counter-productive, and never works for long.
Besides, I really like snow cones, and that shit is a pain in the ass to make without electricity. :)
On the post: How ACTA Turns Private, Non-Commercial File Sharing Into 'Commercial Scale' Criminal Infringement
Re: These ACTA supporters may have been born at night...
I am unaware of the exemption in (US?) copyright law that says it's not copyright infringement if you end up buying the product or delete the copy after using it.
So, yeah, you're a supporter of piracy. It's okay, though, everyone else is too, they just don't always admit it.
On the post: Google Secretly Tested Autonomous Vehicles On The Road
Re: Do no evil
On the post: Apple Trash Talking Spotify As It Prepares Its Competitor
I liked Grooveshark's price ($3 month for VIP) but I listen to music 80% of the time on my Droid (hence why I paid for VIP) but was VERY upset when I realized that only some songs were available over 3G (e.g., some required wifi.) Now, I couldn't find this info anywhere on Grooveshark's site, or on the android app's page- though I did find mention of it in the user comments. I can't come up with a logical reason that some songs were 3G enabled and other weren't, but I canceled my subscription within 30 minutes of discovering it. Also, Grooveshark's selection is.. well, messy.
I eventually settled on their android app is closer to beta than I'd like, but the selection is good. The $10/mo price point is pushing it, though. ($5/mo if you don't want phone use)
I fully plan on trying Spotify when (if?) it is released in the US.
Oh, and how did change my music habits? I no longer pirate music, as there's no need to. I only ever listen to music on my phone or on my computer, both places I just use Mog.
On the post: Facebook Fails At The DMCA: Promises To Restore Counter-Noticed Content, But Doesn't [Updated]
Re: same way with YouTube
On the post: Guy Finds FBI Tracking Device On Car, Posts Pics Online... FBI Shows Up Demanding It Back
Re: It's an older model.
On the post: Guy Finds FBI Tracking Device On Car, Posts Pics Online... FBI Shows Up Demanding It Back
It's an older model.
On the post: UK Police Arrest Mulve Operators
I don't blame them.
We live in a world where citizens are afraid of law enforcement even when they are innocent, because they know that innocence is no longer a valid defense. I hope our grand children forgive us.
On the post: Facebook Patents Foursquare?
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Facebook Patents Foursquare?
Re: you do the bidding
On the post: Facebook Patents Foursquare?
Promote the progress
On the post: As Was Predicted, Libya Is Shutting Down Some .ly Domains With No Notice
My rock is better, obvi.
On the post: Apple Ordered To Pay Over $600 Million... For Patent Infringement Of Cover Flow?
I think (for what it's worth!) that if there is a patent dispute an investigation should be made into if the idea was "stolen" or if it was independently arrived at simultaneously. Further, if it is the latter, the patent should be deemed obvious to experts in the field, and tossed out.
On the post: Plane Finder Phone App Called An 'Aid To Terrorism,' Even If It's Just Using Public Data
Late to the game.
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