I consider using funding for interstate highways to strong arm states into lowering speed limits to be "screwing up" the system.
Then again, my initial remark was more of a joke than a serious question. Further, for clarification, I desire a small Federal Government and stronger state governments so things like interstates and FDA and defense from foreign threats are what I feel the Federal Government *should* be doing.
Re: Re: Thanks for viewing the world in Black and White
Try to be less retarded.
Murder: Are all the men and women in Iraq going to be tried for murder when they get back to the states? If I kill you in self defense, will I go to jail?
Theft: If a cop has a search warrant and takes my property against my will, can I have him arrested for theft?
Their ads generate revenue because of traffic and that traffic is generated by work like mine.
This is a half-truth, too. TPB doesn't generate ad revenue because of work like yours, it generates ad revenue because it is a one stop shop for entertainment.
For example: Looking at it the same say you do, Google is a giant today because of web pages like mine, thus, Google owes me money? No, Google is a giant because they are my go to way to find just about anything I want to find on the internet.
That is not right.
TPB is so big solely because of economics-- and "not right" has no bearing in economics anymore than, say, physics. There was a demand, and torrent sites filled it because the rights holders did not see it, or ignored it, or refused to address it. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. I understand that it sucks when your livelihood is based on the old way, but no one cried for the men who sold ice when the the freezer was brought to every home, did they? Would you cry for all the men and women whose livelihood depend on war if tomorrow we had peace? Progress doen't care who it hurts any more than gravity does. Stop complaining and adapt, compete or find a new job. (I don't mean to sound overly harsh.)
It turns out pennies are alot more than nothing.
But, are a handful of pennies worth more than thousands of eyes/ears? Do you take into account the people who download and then delete because they didn't like your art? What about the people who don't like your art, but share with those who do? The first step to adapting to this new environment is to realize that piracy has positives, and they *may* outweigh the negatives.
And Mike has been quite clear that his version of "change" involves piracy not being an illegal act.
Since you're so keen on how important words are, maybe you should be honest and say that most people are saying that non-commercial infringement should not be illegal. That means that a company can't just "hijack" your "art" and use it to make money, but I can share your "art" with my friends.
Re: Re: Re: professionals ,, using Song Lyrics a a tool of their trade.
I don't think I understand what you mean by "for profit" or "profit directly from lyrics" and I'm hoping when you explain it, it will make you look less like a greedy bastard.
Are you suggesting that (A) there are sites out there that require you to *buy* the lyrics and they aren't paying the proper fee or (B) are you suggesting that a site who throws up a few adds to cover the cost of hosting and domain fees as well as web design should pay you a cut of the ad money?
If (A), I can find a way to agree with you. That *would* be "direct profit" from lyrics. If you mean (B), then you don't understand the definition of "directly" and are, in fact, just a greedy bastard. (in my opinion, of course!) Go get a damn job.
If you wanted the lyrics -- for whatever reason -- you PAID for them, and often it was a biz expense , that you could write off on you taxes -- because you used the lyrics in your line of work.
You aren't making sense. If I wanted the lyrics (before the internet?) I would just ask people, and eventually *someone* would know. I have never *once* paid for lyrics to a song. Ever. I can't imagine that is uncommon.
Also, If a *fan* wants the lyrics and has to pay for them, he can't write them off on his taxes, because his business is not being a fan. Stop being retarded, please. Furthermore, if I were a musician and wanted lyrics to a song you wrote, then it would mostly likely be so I can cover that song. You *do* get paid when I cover that song. You are seriously suggesting that you should get paid both when I learn your song *and* when I perform it? That, my friend, is a textbook example of entitlement and greed. Come back down from your lofty perch, O great muse, and toil in the mud and dirt with us lowly mortals.
Okay, I read through all your totally (Poe's Law, indeed!) bullshit, and I *really* want to know what planet you live on. Seriously.
I'm not going to rehash all the perfectly sensible responses to your crap, but one thing seems to have been missed. Specifically, you have stated time and time again that in the old days you'd... (Which, by itself is complete retarded-- in the old days you used to pay for ice but I bet you don't feel a pang of regret for all the out of work ice sellers when you press the ice button on your fridge, do you? Of course not. ) You claim that in the "old days" if you wanted to know song lyrics you'd ask a store clerk/DJ/cashier. Well, now instead of asking those people, I ask Google. I fail to see the difference, and to fend off the insane reply, I'll show you why I think this way.
Scenario 1: It is the old days. I hear a snippet of a song and want to know more. Go to the den and dial the local radio station (who doesn't pay for play) and ask if the DJ knows the title of the song with the lyrics I know. Maybe he does, and he tells me. Did anyone get paid yet? Assuming the DJ was on the clock, he did. So, the DJ should send a part of the money he made while answering my question to the artist in question? Of course not.
Scenario 2: It is present fucking day. I hear a snippet of a song and want to know more. I pull out my phone and google the lyrics I know, and google returns a few results. Since someone conveniently created a web site with a searchable database of lyrics, I now know the name of the artist in question. Should the person who made $0.000002 on my page view send a cut of that to the artist? No, of course not.
Furthermore, web sites, although cheap, are not free. Would you send a check to the site's owner if no one visited his site to help pay the money the lost hosting the lyrics? No, of course not. Why do you *deserve* to get paid for work no one asked you to do, but the guy to hosts your lyrics at a loss doesn't *deserve* to get paid for his unsolicited work?
Stop being stupid, it gives all the other humans a very bad name.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Q: Is it still illegal to download music on P2P sites like LimeWire, BitTorrent and Ares?
Absolutely. We will continue to monitor these and others and send notices to ISPs upon detection of illegal file-sharing activity. Additionally, we will continue to hold file-trafficking services responsible. That is and always has been our number one preference. We are not out of the anti-piracy business and will continue to focus and invest time and resources in going after the illegal services that facilitate and encourage theft.
On the post: The Government And Silicon Valley: Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
government screws up EVERYTHING it touches
I consider using funding for interstate highways to strong arm states into lowering speed limits to be "screwing up" the system.
Then again, my initial remark was more of a joke than a serious question. Further, for clarification, I desire a small Federal Government and stronger state governments so things like interstates and FDA and defense from foreign threats are what I feel the Federal Government *should* be doing.
On the post: The Government And Silicon Valley: Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Then again, the Federal Government did threaten to pull funding unless the States lowered speed limits... that counts as messing it up, right?
On the post: The Government And Silicon Valley: Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way?
Re: Re: Re: Re:
On the post: The Government And Silicon Valley: Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way?
Re: Re:
On the post: EFF, Public Citizen And ACLU Ask Judge To Quash Mass Subpoenas From US Copyright Group
Re: Finding the illegal file sharers is trivial, and accurate.
..and who pays for that? Who takes time off work for that? Who has to pay to fly out to where the court case is held?
We don't all have jobs that keep paying us for one project for 70+ years after we die.
On the post: BP Hires Former RIAA Boss For PR Work
On the post: Court Says Border Patrol Can Take Your Laptop For Off-Site Search If They Have Reasonable Suspicion
Re: Re: Court Says Border Patrol Can Take Your Laptop For Off-Site Search If They Have Reasonable Suspicion
On the post: Court Says Border Patrol Can Take Your Laptop For Off-Site Search If They Have Reasonable Suspicion
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: Thanks for viewing the world in Black and White
Murder: Are all the men and women in Iraq going to be tried for murder when they get back to the states? If I kill you in self defense, will I go to jail?
Theft: If a cop has a search warrant and takes my property against my will, can I have him arrested for theft?
"Piracy": Fair Use.
Nothing is black and white.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
This is a half-truth, too. TPB doesn't generate ad revenue because of work like yours, it generates ad revenue because it is a one stop shop for entertainment.
For example: Looking at it the same say you do, Google is a giant today because of web pages like mine, thus, Google owes me money? No, Google is a giant because they are my go to way to find just about anything I want to find on the internet.
That is not right.
TPB is so big solely because of economics-- and "not right" has no bearing in economics anymore than, say, physics. There was a demand, and torrent sites filled it because the rights holders did not see it, or ignored it, or refused to address it. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. I understand that it sucks when your livelihood is based on the old way, but no one cried for the men who sold ice when the the freezer was brought to every home, did they? Would you cry for all the men and women whose livelihood depend on war if tomorrow we had peace? Progress doen't care who it hurts any more than gravity does. Stop complaining and adapt, compete or find a new job. (I don't mean to sound overly harsh.)
It turns out pennies are alot more than nothing.
But, are a handful of pennies worth more than thousands of eyes/ears? Do you take into account the people who download and then delete because they didn't like your art? What about the people who don't like your art, but share with those who do? The first step to adapting to this new environment is to realize that piracy has positives, and they *may* outweigh the negatives.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: MIKE :" Then you haven't been paying much attention. There is tremendous amounts of proof that monopolies limit markets in bad ways.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Since you're so keen on how important words are, maybe you should be honest and say that most people are saying that non-commercial infringement should not be illegal. That means that a company can't just "hijack" your "art" and use it to make money, but I can share your "art" with my friends.
So, yes, you are confused.
On the post: The Increasing Irrelevance Of The Major Record Labels
Re: What Determines a "Hit"?
A torrent with 50,000 seeders and thrice that in leechers?
On the post: FCC Gives Hollywood The Right To Break Your TV/DVR... Just 'Cause
Re: Re: Turnabout's fair play
On the post: Publishers Still Trying To Squeeze Money Out Of Lyrics Sites
Re: Re: Re: professionals ,, using Song Lyrics a a tool of their trade.
Are you suggesting that (A) there are sites out there that require you to *buy* the lyrics and they aren't paying the proper fee or (B) are you suggesting that a site who throws up a few adds to cover the cost of hosting and domain fees as well as web design should pay you a cut of the ad money?
If (A), I can find a way to agree with you. That *would* be "direct profit" from lyrics. If you mean (B), then you don't understand the definition of "directly" and are, in fact, just a greedy bastard. (in my opinion, of course!) Go get a damn job.
If you wanted the lyrics -- for whatever reason -- you PAID for them, and often it was a biz expense , that you could write off on you taxes -- because you used the lyrics in your line of work.
You aren't making sense. If I wanted the lyrics (before the internet?) I would just ask people, and eventually *someone* would know. I have never *once* paid for lyrics to a song. Ever. I can't imagine that is uncommon.
Also, If a *fan* wants the lyrics and has to pay for them, he can't write them off on his taxes, because his business is not being a fan. Stop being retarded, please. Furthermore, if I were a musician and wanted lyrics to a song you wrote, then it would mostly likely be so I can cover that song. You *do* get paid when I cover that song. You are seriously suggesting that you should get paid both when I learn your song *and* when I perform it? That, my friend, is a textbook example of entitlement and greed. Come back down from your lofty perch, O great muse, and toil in the mud and dirt with us lowly mortals.
And get off my goddamn lawn.
On the post: Publishers Still Trying To Squeeze Money Out Of Lyrics Sites
Re: as far as Mike opening post ...
I'm not going to rehash all the perfectly sensible responses to your crap, but one thing seems to have been missed. Specifically, you have stated time and time again that in the old days you'd... (Which, by itself is complete retarded-- in the old days you used to pay for ice but I bet you don't feel a pang of regret for all the out of work ice sellers when you press the ice button on your fridge, do you? Of course not. ) You claim that in the "old days" if you wanted to know song lyrics you'd ask a store clerk/DJ/cashier. Well, now instead of asking those people, I ask Google. I fail to see the difference, and to fend off the insane reply, I'll show you why I think this way.
Scenario 1: It is the old days. I hear a snippet of a song and want to know more. Go to the den and dial the local radio station (who doesn't pay for play) and ask if the DJ knows the title of the song with the lyrics I know. Maybe he does, and he tells me. Did anyone get paid yet? Assuming the DJ was on the clock, he did. So, the DJ should send a part of the money he made while answering my question to the artist in question? Of course not.
Scenario 2: It is present fucking day. I hear a snippet of a song and want to know more. I pull out my phone and google the lyrics I know, and google returns a few results. Since someone conveniently created a web site with a searchable database of lyrics, I now know the name of the artist in question. Should the person who made $0.000002 on my page view send a cut of that to the artist? No, of course not.
Furthermore, web sites, although cheap, are not free. Would you send a check to the site's owner if no one visited his site to help pay the money the lost hosting the lyrics? No, of course not. Why do you *deserve* to get paid for work no one asked you to do, but the guy to hosts your lyrics at a loss doesn't *deserve* to get paid for his unsolicited work?
Stop being stupid, it gives all the other humans a very bad name.
On the post: FCC Gives Hollywood The Right To Break Your TV/DVR... Just 'Cause
Never again.
--Declaration of Independence
On the post: Canadian Writers Guild Wants 'You Must Be A Criminal' Tax On Both Distribution And Storage Of Content
Re: Re: Re:
Doesn't seem fair, does it?
On the post: Canadian Writers Guild Wants 'You Must Be A Criminal' Tax On Both Distribution And Storage Of Content
Re: Re:
On the post: Cop-Rating Website Is Protected By The First Amendment
Free speech != popular speech. :)
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