Isn't prostitution legal in some places? Wouldn't, therefore, reviewing the, ahem, service you received also be legal?
Furthermore, if the site has reviews of prostitutes in an area where prostitution is illegal, wouldn't that help you crack down on prostitution in that area?!
Last thought: It's illegal to charge for sex but perfectly legal to give it away. How does that make sense?
Evan: What? The Record labels have been doing step number 2 forever! I mean, they haven't done any of the other steps, but they've got step number 2 down pat! You're so useless, Joe, for having a step that is widely known in your process on how to bake a cake!
I find this most likely. They were hoping to pretend it never happened, and when it got out to the general population, they had to fix it the right way.
In any event, the only thing I learned from this is that RMB is run by a bunch of douche canoes.
So, now that you're (I assume) older than 24 you stick around when people call you a whore?
Whore is (again, I assume-- never heard of her until this) probably baseless, but "hypocrite" certainly is not. Hell, she gave away (ish?) her music on myspace to get attention, the years before that she was unknown (even with Daddy's help!), even though she was in the music business. Then those now infamous mixed tapes and the Techdirt blog cut-n-paste.
Not to mention, if you're going to jump into a heated debate with the public at large you'd better damn well be ready to be called some names. It's not pretty, but it is a fact.
She didn't shut down for abuse, she shut down because the hole she dug was too deep to get out of, so she ran away. She was probably *told* to shut down, but that's just a guess based on no actual facts.
Don't feel sorry for her, she was a fool and now she gets to feel it. It's a *learning* experience.
You are aware that there is a difference between P2P and copyright infringement, right?
Or, do you call people who speed "Road Apologists?"
Also, since every creative work is instantly covered by copyrights, wouldn't copying word for word someone's written creation be the same as copying an mp3? (someone's musical creation) Can I put up a link of a song, add three sentences criticizing it and it's all legal?
If you insist on using television but do not like the options, get up off your lazy *** and create another option.
Are you suggesting that someone start up their own country? Because, ya know, the FCC is a federal thing, so if I want a channel of 24hrs/day, 7 Days/week squirrels gnawing on children's eyeballs, I'd have to leave the country to make/air it. Even more so if I wanted to use real squirrels (or less so if I wanted to use fake children eyeballs.
Furthermore, attempting to get off my lazy ass (note how I didn't self-censor myself) and starting up my own country would probably be seen as an act of treason.
Stop inciting people to commit treason, please, Ben.
Musicians don't make recordings of music, Record Labels do. (or, now, pirates, too!)[Wow, check out the commas in that statement!] Musicians make (yup) music. They spent time and effort to learn to make music, and they should (and do) get paid for making music the only scarce way they can-- live shows and selling merchandise.
Musicians will continue to make music, just as they made music (for free) before they were "discovered" [see: exploited] by a Record Label. They will have to make new music if they want to compete with the numerous other artists out there who are playing live shows. They will have a larger fan base (thus, higher chance someone will come see them live) if they distribute the [now] non-scarce recordings of their talent. Music lives on another day.
The Record Labels, on the other hand, are going to need to face the fact that, as they are currently structured, they no longer have a place in this world. Simply: Adapt or die, bitches. [PS- Holding back technology to preserve your outdated business model is not, in fact, adapting.]
On the post: UK Politician's Cross Border Attempt To Terminate Prostitute Review Site Only Bumps Up Traffic
Furthermore, if the site has reviews of prostitutes in an area where prostitution is illegal, wouldn't that help you crack down on prostitution in that area?!
Last thought: It's illegal to charge for sex but perfectly legal to give it away. How does that make sense?
On the post: What's Illegal About Using Twitter To Organize Protests?
Re: The law is the law sometimes
This is no different than if he was at the top of a building with a bull-horn and a pair of binoculars.
The police are in the wrong.
On the post: What's Illegal About Using Twitter To Organize Protests?
Re: Re: Re: Re:
We, as Americans, have a duty to fix our government if it strays too far from its intended purpose, with our votes, or, is required, a revolution.
On the post: Disney Appreciation Student Group Told They Can't Get Together To Watch Disney Movies
Re: It's a matter of time
So, you consider where we are now *not* out of control? Interesting.. :)
On the post: Four Rules For Music Business Success
Re: Re: You forgot #5
Maybe #5 should be "Understand the contract you sign and shop around."
On the post: See, The Palm Pre Can Be Offered For Free
Palm's dying brand? Palm sold the handsets to the carrier for a price (>free) and then the *carrier* can choose to subsidize the price of the phone.
Palm already got their money, and probably has very little (if any) say in what the carrier offers it for.
Thanks for playing though.
On the post: Four Rules For Music Business Success
Re: Really?
1. Find good ingredients.
2. Mix ingredients well.
3. Bake until at desired consistency.
4. Apply Icing as desired when cool.
Evan: What? The Record labels have been doing step number 2 forever! I mean, they haven't done any of the other steps, but they've got step number 2 down pat! You're so useless, Joe, for having a step that is widely known in your process on how to bake a cake!
What a Douche Canoe.
On the post: The Rule Of Law Over The Rule Of Reason
Re: Re: Intent
Where? Show me.
On the post: Google, Rocky Mountain Bank Ask Judge To Restore Deactivated Gmail Account
Re: Maybe because of the publicity?
In any event, the only thing I learned from this is that RMB is run by a bunch of douche canoes.
On the post: Can You Copyright Movie Times?
Re: Re: Re:
Awesome. :)
On the post: Massachusetts Says Cops Need Warrant To Stick GPS Device On Your Car
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: A Teaching Moment For Lily Allen [Update: And *Poof* Goes Her Blog]
Re: that all said...
Whore is (again, I assume-- never heard of her until this) probably baseless, but "hypocrite" certainly is not. Hell, she gave away (ish?) her music on myspace to get attention, the years before that she was unknown (even with Daddy's help!), even though she was in the music business. Then those now infamous mixed tapes and the Techdirt blog cut-n-paste.
Not to mention, if you're going to jump into a heated debate with the public at large you'd better damn well be ready to be called some names. It's not pretty, but it is a fact.
She didn't shut down for abuse, she shut down because the hole she dug was too deep to get out of, so she ran away. She was probably *told* to shut down, but that's just a guess based on no actual facts.
Don't feel sorry for her, she was a fool and now she gets to feel it. It's a *learning* experience.
On the post: Lily Allen, Don't Apologize To Me, Apologize To Everyone Else
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Or, do you call people who speed "Road Apologists?"
Also, since every creative work is instantly covered by copyrights, wouldn't copying word for word someone's written creation be the same as copying an mp3? (someone's musical creation) Can I put up a link of a song, add three sentences criticizing it and it's all legal?
On the post: Pirate Bay Appeal Lay Judge Employed By Spotify?
Re: Re: Capitalism!
On the post: Nigeria Demands Apology From Sony For Mentioning Nigerian Fraud In A Commercial?
Re: Re:
You win this round, non-white people.
On the post: Nigeria Demands Apology From Sony For Mentioning Nigerian Fraud In A Commercial?
Re: Oh yeah?
Was that a Su-Fi or dual middle fingers? I'm confused!
On the post: Lily Allen: Copying Isn't Alright... Unless It's Done By Lily Allen
It works!
It's like all these things that he's been saying about Newspapers and musicians is actually true.
Go figure. :P
On the post: Lily Allen: Copying Isn't Alright... Unless It's Done By Lily Allen
Re: Wonderful comments on Lily Allen's post
I know that makes me a bad person, but I can't help it.
On the post: The FCC, PTC And Bogus Indecency Counts
Are you suggesting that someone start up their own country? Because, ya know, the FCC is a federal thing, so if I want a channel of 24hrs/day, 7 Days/week squirrels gnawing on children's eyeballs, I'd have to leave the country to make/air it. Even more so if I wanted to use real squirrels (or less so if I wanted to use fake children eyeballs.
Furthermore, attempting to get off my lazy ass (note how I didn't self-censor myself) and starting up my own country would probably be seen as an act of treason.
Stop inciting people to commit treason, please, Ben.
On the post: Bad Ideas: Trying To Make Content More Like Physical Property
Re: You still don't get it
Musicians don't make recordings of music, Record Labels do. (or, now, pirates, too!)[Wow, check out the commas in that statement!] Musicians make (yup) music. They spent time and effort to learn to make music, and they should (and do) get paid for making music the only scarce way they can-- live shows and selling merchandise.
Musicians will continue to make music, just as they made music (for free) before they were "discovered" [see: exploited] by a Record Label. They will have to make new music if they want to compete with the numerous other artists out there who are playing live shows. They will have a larger fan base (thus, higher chance someone will come see them live) if they distribute the [now] non-scarce recordings of their talent. Music lives on another day.
The Record Labels, on the other hand, are going to need to face the fact that, as they are currently structured, they no longer have a place in this world. Simply: Adapt or die, bitches. [PS- Holding back technology to preserve your outdated business model is not, in fact, adapting.]
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